®ules and ®egulations;

—tous les jours; ♦ { aff-based roleplay is still closed but hello! ; ♦ }

®ules and ®egulations;
if you don't follow this... juniel is going to kick your face.
<--- serious shiz guise.

[ one ] --JUST ONE account per person. 
[ two ] --subscribe with both accounts~ (rp & real account)
[three] --once you pick your selected idol, wait for the admins' confirmation.
[ four ] --tell the admins if you have to go on a hiatus or if you're leaving. ;~;
[ five ] --? no public please. /innocenteu mind/ 
[ six ] --Be active. come on people i wouldn't want a dead rp. ._.

[ seven ] -- hurrdurr. add der crazy admins.  » juniel ¦ bacon
[eight] -- and yuri are allowed but please, think of the straight people. coughlikemecough
[ nine ] --no comprendo ze rules? gtfo.

[ eleven ] --do remember to put this in your about me so we know you actually belong in the roleplay( change the color or anything juz put it okai?):

▬ tous les jours; ♦ aff roleplay
roleplaying as→ {entercharacternamehere}

[ twelve ] -- once you have your awesome account, please check-in here by commenting. eg. Baekhyun is here. 

[ thirteen ] --do not add anyone outside this roleplay 

[ fourteen ] -- use [[ ]] ; ( ) or { } when talking in OOC

[ fifteen ] Reservations are automatically cancelled after three days prior to notice. We won't give any warning and just give it away after the reservation time is over. This is how your sense of responsibility kicks in okei? ._.  

[ sixteen ] --have fuuuuuuuuun~! \o/



juniel shall wait for you~ c: /waves/

I know you would follow c: 
/throws bacon everywhere because I know you love me
too much that you wouldn't dare to break a rule if I'm wrong then... ;
le uses awesome light powers to help you get out of here/ o u o ♥
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--xbaeksumin #1
guys i rlly miss you all. you are forever in my heart. this rp totally made my junior high school year highlights. love love love, sumin aka maria (i cant remember my chatango log in details and im rlly sad)
Chapter 3: Can I come as apink's chorong?
Hello, hello, hello! Can i be the actor Lee Hyunwoo? :DD
-Jennyy #5
Chapter 3: Hello!
Can I Be Alice from Hello Venus please?
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