The Mark
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Sungyeol's eyes shot open and he quickly sat up from his bed wide awake as his ears perked up hearing movement from the other side of the room.

'He's moving!'

He quickly grabbed his baseball bat that he unpacked the night before that was lying close to him on his bed and held it out towards the bed that was across from him ready to defend himself f any unwanted attacks were to occur. Sungyeol squinted his eyes making sure if he saw it right but the other boy in the room he shared was still lying down and soft snores started to fill the room again.

Sungyeol then let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the other boy was sleeping and was only shifting to his other side. He set his bat down next to him as he rubbed his face with his palms tiredly. It had been about the 1000th time Sungyeol had jerked awake that night because he was afraid Myungsoo was hop on top of him like earlier that night and search his body for his stupid mark again. Sungyeol decided that the guy was nuts and decided not to think too much of the mark and whatever that's been going on because he just really wanted to have a NORMAL experience at his new school away from his strict and weird family who kept on talking about abnormal things.

'This guy really needs to stop moving around so much in his sleep,' Sungyeol thought slightly irritated. He then glanced at the clock next to him and groaned as he got off his bed deciding that it's about time he got ready for school. Sungyeol changed into his uniform after doing his morning routine in the bathroom and grabbed his school bag that was all ready packed and left the dorm room quietly not waking up Myungsoo. Sungyeol then walked out the dorm building, across the large campus and entered the official school building. His walk was brisky and cool, it was still really early that morning and only a few students were walking to school or doing morning sports club activities.

Sungyeol had memorized his schedule and walked straight to his class hoping he could get at least an hour of peaceful sleep before school actually started but to his surprise he opened the classroom door to find Himchan in the room cleaning the blackboard.

"Woah! You're in my class?" Himchan said surprised as he set down the black board eraser and clapped his hands to get rid of the chalky residue.

"If you're talking about this class then yeah!" Sungyeol chuckled happy to know that he actually knew someone in the class. Himchan smiled at Sungyeol who was still standing in the doorway and jerked towards the blackboard a little when he felt a strong arm thrown over his shoulder.

"Well if it isn't Sunggyu's partner in crime," Yongguk smiled a gummy smile as he stared at Sungyeol and had his arm loosly around Himchan.

"Yah! You're heavy!" Himchan whined as he ducked down to get free from Yongguk's grasp.

"I'm not heavy... you're just weak," Yongguk chuckled and Himchan glared at his best friend.

"What! I am so strong, what are you talking about!" Himchan protested and Yongguk just chuckled more. Sungyeol stood there staring at the two who were starting to playfully argue with each other. Himchan looked serious while Yongguk was just smiling away and something about Yongguk was really familiar to Sungyeol.

"Oh! You're that one guy in the student council!" Sungyeol announced his thought outloud when he remembered where he saw Yongguk from. Yongguk and Himchan stopped arguing and turned to stare at Sungyeol.  Sungyeol put on a tense nervous smile not sure if the stares were a good thing or not but then quickly relaxed his body when he heard Himchan's laughter fill the room.

"This guy isn't in the student council. He's not smart enough. He's just their lacky," Himchan said still laughing but quickly stopped when Yongguk punched his arm.

"I am not their lacky! I just do some of their errands for fun sometimes!" Yongguk defended and pouted slightly, "But anyways, I'm Yongguk. Nice to meet ya." Yongguk walked up to Sungyeol and held out a firm hand. Sungyeol smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm Sungyeol, let's be good friends," Sungyeol said and Yongguk smiled back.

"So, you do any sports?" Yongguk asked and just as quickly as Yongguk asked that a groan left Himchans lips and Himchan turned around with his hands in the air in disbelief,

"Oh god, not again," Himchan said exasperated. His best friend always had this thing of wanting to recruit more members for his kendo team.

"What! I'm just asking!" Yongguk turned around and shouted to Himchan who was busying himself with the papers the teacher left for them. Himchan was class room representative so he always comes in early. Yongguk always comes with Himchan early too so that Himchan won't be lonely and because he would always finish his morning practice early for Kendo.

"Uhhh, I used to do baseball and martial arts but not ever kendo," Sungyeol said and Yongguk smiled.

"Wanna join? I think you'd love it!" Yongguk said excited hearing Sungyeol's answer and patted the other boy's shoulders.

Sungyeol smiled back and pondered a bit not sure if he should do it or not. He wanted to get a job before joining anything though because now that they were away from home, he wanted to make his own money. Sungyeol shrugged,

"Can I think about it?" Sungyeol asked and Yongguk nodded his head,

"Of course!" Yongguk said and was about to continue on when Sungyeol went tumbling towards him with a small yelp. Yongguk caught the boy holding him upright by the shoulders and looked up to see that Sehun had pushed Sungyeol aside.

"Move!" Sehun shouted and pushed Sungyeol aside and entered the classroom. Luhan following quickly behind.

"Sorry!" Luhan apologized quickly to the Sungyeol and Yongguk who were very surprised and quickly ran to Sehun's side, "Sehun, you can't be pushing people like that..." Luhan said in a soft voice but Sehun had all ready sat down on his assigned seat and took out his work.

"He was blocking the doorway and wouldn't move, I had to do what I had to do. I am a busy man," Sehun said uninterested as he took out paperwork from the student security commitee and began looking through them. Luhan sighed as he looked up to see Himchan's unpleased stare at Sehun who was completely obliviously to the stare.

"Oh Sehun, that was rude," Himchan called out to Sehun as Yongguk and Sungyeol arrived by his side. Sungyeol grabbed onto Himchan's sleeve and urged quietly that he was all right and not to start anything so early in the morning but Himchan just brushed the boy aside. Yongguk just stood there supporting his best friend knowing that Sehun could be a complete uptight sometimes.

"Well it was rude for him to block the doorway also," Sehun replied not looking up from his papers and Himchan was about to lunge forward and rip the papers out of Sehun's hands when Yongguk held him back and a voice was heard.

"What's going on here?" Sungyeol looked over to find the same boy that he saw in the student council room standing in the doorway with a very tall boy with curly hair.

"Hoya, you better teach that Sehun a lesson before I teach it for you." Himchan growled as Yongguk held onto Himchan tighter. Sungyeol then recognized the boy's name and nodded slightly as he familiarised the faces to the names.

"Uh oh, is our Sehunnie acting rude again?" The tall boy with curly hair said as he pranced over to Sehun and sat in the desk next to the boy.

"Shut up, Chanyeol," Sehun said as he didn't look up once from his papers and Chanyeol let out a laugh while turning back to Himchan who was still being held by Yongguk.

"Just ignore Sehun, Himchan. If Sehun did something wrong I'm pretty sure our Luhan here all ready apologized for him," Chanyeol said as he nodded towards Luhan who was sitting behind Sehun now, "Isn't that right Luhan?"

"A-ah, yes," Luhan said in a quiet voice and Himchan just sighed.

"Luhan shouldn't be apologizing for everything Sehun does though! It's not right!" Himchan said almost shouting.

"Himchan, calm down. Sehun will never change and it's only the second day of school. Let's get along shall we? Students are arriving to school now so lets sit down and peacefully begin our day," Hoya said as he sat down and took out his book. Himchan just stared at the injustice in front of him but turned around when he felt a pat on his back and relaxed when he saw Sungyeol and Yongguk's co

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Sorry guise~ I told you all a fat lie. I'm not updating until Friday or Saturday, Don't kill me. LOL.


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 7: Where r u
omooo... This is soooo much the opposite of the real Dongwoo! >_< mattaku~! Gakui sugi na ottoko da!

I can't stop laughing my head off when I read someone's comment about what should Gyu's guardian be. Haha!

I was going to comment this morning but I had to go somewhere. So yeah,

Bearwithagasmask #3
Yeollie has a kickass guardian >.<
can't wait to find out all their elements~
and omg baekyun and chanyeol are so cute
IAmMeMyself #4
I. Love. This. Seriously. Its sooooo freaking awesome!!!
shedding-dream #5
weee~ dongwoo and sungyeol become friends now xDD

sunggyu will be awaken soon :3
i can't wait for the next update~

Idk why, but I'm really hoping that Sunggyu's guardian is a HAMSTER!!!!!!
...oh my god.
Gyu is next!!!!! I'm so friggin' excited!!!!! XD
Sheeshush, this story is like...intense!!!!!

I can't wait till the next update!! :) Hwaiting!!!
Oh goodness....BaekYeol *dies*
amatsukishi #8
waaahhhhh i love this story very much!!!
Yeollie has a cool guardian woot xd
i wanna see Myunggie with his guardian in action xd
and Gyu Gyu too :D
i cant wait for the next chapter
update soon xd