Chapter 2

Be With Me.
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“I’m home!” Soomin announced as she stepped into the front door.

“Welcome home,” her brother, Suho greeted with a smile plastered on his face.

Ever since her mother died because of cancer, she’s been living with her protective older brother and caring father. Her mother suffered from chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It's rare for more than one person in a family to have leukemia. The thing is, chronic lymphocytic leukemia can make it possible to happen and to conclude this, Soomin had the potential in getting the disease. However, she’s not in a life-threatened stage but she’s surely under the doctor’s care. This explained why she didn’t get too fond with people except the ones she’s actually close to.

“Oppa! I miss you,” she ran and wrapped her arms around her beloved brother. When it comes to her brother, she’s that cheerful and loveable.

“Aigoo~ miss me that much,” Suho pinched her cheeks, leaving two red spots on her fair cheeks.

“Have you eaten?” she asked, looking up at her good looking brother.

“Not yet. I was waiting for you,” Suho answered.

“Yay! Lets eat, I’m starving,” Soomin didn’t waste any time and dragged her brother to the kitchen but half way, she was stopped by him.

He spun her around, “What happened to your knee?”

Again, wearing a skirt didn’t help her at all at that time. She couldn’t simply tell him she’s almost became a snatch victim or he’ll be all paranoid but she didn’t want to lie too. She hated lying. Suho saw her uneasy face.

“Someone pushed me,” she replied, more like a whisper.

“Why would that someone do that to you?” Suho frowned.

There’s a long pause. “Because they tried to snatch my handbag,” she grinned, hoping he wouldn’t start with his nagging again.

She’s hoping too much.

“What?! How many times do I have to tell you not to walk alone especially at night?”

“But I’m fine. The guys who passed by helped me,” she tried to calm him.

“What do you mean you’re fine? You have a bruised knee!” He’s gone mad, she knew it.

“It’s just a small cut. Rinrin unnie already put some ointment. Will you please calm down?”

Suho was about to open his mouth to continue with his blabbering when Soomin covered her ears and dashed off to the kitchen.

“I’m hungry and your nagging is not helping at all,” she yelled from the kitchen table.

“Aish~ this kid,” he hissed. “Fine! I’ll get the food ready.”

While preparing the food, he reminded his baby sister, “Don’t forget, you have an appointment with Doctor Lee tomorrow.”

“Neh, I remember that,” she grinned.

Although she had no symptoms or signs showing she’s having the disease, she still needed to get check-up once or twice in a month. Her doctor insisted, as a precaution step.


The next morning, after she had her check-up with the doctor, she decided to stroll around some shops on the way back. She’s always been grateful to the university for making her Fridays as her day off, meaning no classes and her day off from work was also Fridays. Fridays were days for her to relax and had free time for herself.

As she’s busying herself looking for pretty things since she loved collecting pretty things, she got a call. 

She picked up, “Hello?”

“Soomin-ah,” a girl from the other line called out her name.

“Seri? Wae?” Soomin asked.

Yoon Seri was another Soomin’s best friend. Just like Rinrin, Seri was one of the closest friends Soomin had. She’s in the same class as Soomin, taking up the same course which was arts. Even though she’s majoring in arts, she’s good at everything even with subjects that were not related to her course. She’s awarded as the best student for nothing.

“Can you replace me for today?” Seri arranged her words carefully. She work

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Xena_ngaihte #1
Chapter 2: that's a goood story...please update soon! :)
mrsb5220 #2
Chapter 2: Yay! Can't wait for the update <3 I like it ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
*i'm going for lunch. lol XD
done reading.
but im so hungry im going to go for lunch first.
i'll come n comment later neh!
roo_rein #5
my first comment ever coz I made this acc for you <3 kekeke.

Suho oppa !! xD when you said she lives with 2 boys, does that include her father? coz you only introduced Suho xD

and Seri's appearance ! kekeke. I wonder how's Oh Hanna, a bubbly obedient girl or naughty? :o

and I'll just let my imagination run & mouth shut about the disease X) and hello new handsome neighbour ! xD

Awesome plot :) can't wait for update ^^ I wanna know who are the two boys she's living with xD
me is here! -waves-
sorry for being late, i just reached home at 8pm and fell asleep..

baekhyun and hapkido, babay!
hotness lol.
sehun and kai in the house! -dances to twinkle- XD

did soomin has something to hide, there she rejected baekhyun's offer?
no? maybe she's just being secured? lol idk XD
and lol the cafe's name is so fluffy, cute and sweet.
do we wear cat ears?
lol that would be too moe, no no.

living with two boys who?
did u mentioned their names already, or i missed that ._. ?
OwO, rinrin is loveable me <3 !
and and and.. update soon XD
sorry if my comment is boring. i am mentally tired lol.
all the best in writing this neh!
Oooohhhh I sense Baekhyun has a crush on Soomin!!! Update plz!