Chapter 8 - She is in Danger

The Cases of the Missing Lemon Candy!

Chapter 8 - She is in Danger

Sunggyu let out a sigh, "Are you saying Hana is in danger?" Sunggyu said sitting next to Dongwoo on the couch in Tablo's office.

"Yes, her uncle is a bad man who is trying to get her arrested for being the Lemon Candy Thief." Tablo explained.

" Why does her uncle want her to get caught?" Dongwoo asked.

"If she gets arrested or is charged with any crime he will get the company in her place. I tried to adopt her after her parents died, but there was some difficulty in doing that!"

"Why is that?" Sunggyu asked.

"You two like asking a lot of questions." Tablo said. He leaned back in his chair. "Her uncle said that I wasn't blood related and should not take care of his niece. His niece should be with someone who was family not a family friend. He is a horrible person that only cares about money and not the well being of his family."

"That is terrible." Dongwoo said, "Who would put such a cute, sweet girl thought that."

"Hana's uncle would Dongwoo. I want you two to gather the boys, and make sure Sungjong and Hana get back here safely. He is going to put his plan into works soon. We cannot let him take over the Lemon Candy company and use it to pay off his gambling debts." Tablo said. "Do you boys understand." He watched as the two nodded. "Good, you two are dismissed."


Sungjong and Hana were walking around the grounds of Seoul Tower. They were taken pictures of the scenery and happy couples.

Sungjong noticed that it was getting dark. "Hana would you like to get something to eat before we head down?"

"Sure! I would..." Hana paused for a moment when she saw a familiar person approach them. It was Hana's uncle.

"Hana...what is my beautiful niece doing here?" He smiled at her, "and who is your handsome friend?"

"I am Lee Sungjong and I am a classmate of Hana's. It is very nice to meet you sir." Sungjong bowed, and sense Hana's uncomfort.

"Uncle what are you doing here?" Hana asked. She gripped onto her camera.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that Hana?" Her uncle asked as he crossed his arms. He looked from Hana to Sungjong, "Are you two on a date?"

"We aren't sir!" Sungjong answered the mans question. "We were working on our photography project. Hana and I were partnered together. We decided to come to Seoul Tower to take some pictures."

"Ah I seen..." Her uncle smiled, "I have a business dinner. You two are welcome to join us!"

"No thank you uncle. We ate all ready. Sungjong and I were heading back to the cable car. How about another time." Hana grabbed onto Sungjong's hand and ran off.


"Why do we need to protect that girl. She is a liar!" Hoya yelled.

"We are protecting her because she is Tablo's godchild." Sunggyu answered.

"WHAT!" The five boys yelled at the same time. They were shocked and never expected this.

"Sungyeol, I war you to track Sungjong's phone!" Sunggyu said in a demanding voice.

"Nehh!" Sungyeol smirked.

"Hoya, Woohyun, and L you are going to take this section of Seoul, and Dongwoo and I will take the other. Sungyeol will be at central command."

an - here is my update. I hope you like it. Three more to go. ENJOY!

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Lemon Candy: 9/27/12 - I am putting this on temporary hiatus


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MyKpopAdicted #1
Chapter 10: The font is so hard to read >.< can u change it???
sakinaa #2
the title is so cute. and the story is pretty interesting :D this story just make my day
Rianne2580 #3
Chapter 12: I didn't realize this fic was over... I don't remember commenting or reading it.. :O
It was lovely unni :) hehe :3
Super cute :) and don't worry! For my sons I write short too.
I think one son is only gonna have like 15 chapters... :O

But anyway. This was adorable :) I loved it :) everyone had such an important role but most of all Hoya :) lol HoJong :) hehe :3
So protective it was great really:)
shinyoung97 #4
Chapter 11: She has been forced to stole lemon candy by her uncle???
But i'm glad it's over now and happy with sung jong and it's so cute to see sung jong fall in love ^_^
Rianne2580 #5
Chapter 7: 11 chapters!?! what... :O
it's okay though :)

and she is Tablo's goddaughter :) hehe :3 yayyy! <3 that's good..

and sungjong and her are so cuteee..
adibah #6
Rianne2580 #7
Chapter 6: Oh gosh.. :o Tablo is here too..

And Sungjong.. ;O you should have answered your phone... >.>

15 chapters!! WOOT :) heheh :3