Elevator Love ♥


One more minute until 11:00.

Gosh… Baekhyun thought to himself. Things couldn't get worse than this...

Until he met Park Chanyeol.


One more minute until 11:00.

Gosh… Baekhyun thought to himself. Things couldn't get worse than this...

It was that time of year again where everyone at the office was piled with paper-work, filing, and not to mention all the blabber-mouth clients who never seemed to shut up.

Baekhyun had lost count of how many times he'd stayed behind at the office to finish up his work, almost always being the last person out of the office.

He’s been sitting at his desk for over 15 hours already, and was on his last report for the day.

Eyes beginning to droop, Baekhyun finished his last few sentences and hit save on his computer. His whole body ached and his eyes threatened to give out if he didn’t stop then. He made a mental note to hand it in first thing in the morning.

He quickly packed his things, half asleep and headed on his way out.

Usually, he’d take the stairs for the exercise, saving energy, all that ecofriendly blab. But yes..those were not his real reasons...the thing is, he didn’t like elevators. No. He hates elevators. Byun Baekhyun has a elevator phobia… He’s been scared ever since the scaring incident during his childhood where we was trapped in the elevator of his father’s office building for almost a whole day in the pitch black darkness.

If taking 20 flights of stairs meant another day of living, he would gladly do it. And that’s what he did everyday………………

………Except tonight.

Baekhyun’s legs were like jelly and refused to take another step. Sighing, he eyed the elevators.
It’s only 20 floors…could something really happen? I’ve worked here for almost a year and a half now…and nothing has ever happened to anyone else. Maybe just this once.......?

In no time Baekhyun found himself standing in front of the shiny elevator doors, down button encircled with a gleaming light, waiting patiently (and a bit nervously—he had to admit) for the elevator to come.

The elevator arrived.
Baekhyun looked up a peered into the elevator cautiously.
He took a quick breath in and stepped into the elevator with his eyes squeezed tightly together.

Nothing happened.
He opened one eye and looked around. His fears of the elevator suddenly plummeting down 20 floors and him getting crushed to death didn’t seem to be happening.
A quick smirk of relief tinged Baekhyun’s tired but cute face.

As the door started closing, out of nowhere a deep, manly voice screamed out.
Baekhyun jumped and almost swallowed his tongue from his huge gasp.


Snapping out of his shocked state, Baekhyun, quickly pushed the button and the elevator doors opened again.

He saw a very tall boy, around Baekhyun’s age, with big eyes, a blinding smile and a head full of fuzziness sprinting towards the elevator. Papers flying everywhere from the messy pile clutched in his grasp.

“Woooo! Thanks man” the fuzzy tall boy sighed as he stood next to Baekhyun. The boy was unnaturally smily for this hour of the day…

Baekhyun just stared at him.
Who the heck is this guy?! Baekhyun thought to himself. He didn’t expect..No, no - he didn’t know that there was anyone else in the office who ever stayed as late as he did.

Grinning, the boy turned to a dumbfound Baekhyun. “I’m Chanyeol! I started work here like a month ago. You’re Byun Baekhyun right? You work so hard— hahaha always staying so late working working working!! Makes me kinds scared to appraoch you, you're always so concentrated! But everytime you leave the office you always turn the light off on me and lock me in so that I have to pick the locks and get out heh heh heh”

Baekhyun’s dumbfounded face stared at Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol…?” Baekhyun started. “You mean you’ve been here, working overtime…all the times I’ve been here?”

“Yeah! Ive actually been working over night shifts for a while… everyone seems to like to pick on the new kid! Everyone’s given me their stuff to do for training… But it’s all good. I don’t mind the work.”

“ermmmm, sorry about the lights…..and… locking you in…. I didn’t know you were there …” Baekhyun muttered. “Ummmmmmmmmmmm….I presume you’re going to the first floor as well?”

"Yup!” Chanyeol chirped

“What did you say your name was again?”

“Park Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol… Park Chanyeol… I’ve heard that name somewhere before…The name is familiar to him, but he couldn’t exactly pin point where he’s heard that name before.

Oh. My . ing. God.


Omg.. seriously this is the freaking 200th time I’ve had to fix the god damn photocopier” Kyungsoo, Baekyung’s co-worker who seemed to be able to fix just about anything, complained during their coffee break. “Is it really that ing hard to use?!” His eyes seemed more bulgy than ever.

“Don’t forget about the stapler incident” Minseok added “he went to the stock room to get more staples and dropped the whole box on the floor, spilt like more than ten thousands of staples everywhere and locked himself into the storage room accidently…”

“hahaha! Are you talking about the New Kid?” a sleepy Jongin said from his chair

“YEAH. Gosh. Yes. Park… Park.. Chan--- something” Kyungsoo said with annoyance just thinking about the jammed photocopier…

Jongin smirked. “Park Chanyeol? Yeah….. he just broke the staff fridge.. something about trying to stuff his extremely large size pizza box in and the whole door falling off.”

“NOOO MY BAOZIIIIII!!!!!!!!’ Minseok screamed as he ran as fast as his stubby legs could carry him to the kitchen.

“Park Chanyeol…” Baekhyun recited to himself.

“Yeah. Park ing Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo retorted and put his coffee cup down. He sighed knowing that there’s now another thing for him to fix because of that kid.

“That tard breaks anything within 2 meters radius of him!” Kyungsoo shook his head and headed towards the photocopier room.



“OMG YOU’RE PARK CHANYEOL????!!” Baekhyun shriked.

He was in the ing elevator with Park ing Chanyeol.

The new kid that breaks everything he touches.


“YUP! That’s me” Chanyeol greeted with a twitch, while continuously poking the main floor button.


The door to the elevator closes with a cheery Chanyeol (still poking at the main floor button) and a half paralyzed…and whimpering Baekhyun inside.

Omgosh! My first fic everrrrrrrr!!!!
It's not that good... I'm a horrible writer!! T^T
Please give me support & I'm open to all comments!!!! Tell me what you think :)

Second part is coming soooon!! (planning for it to be a two shot~~~~)

Please look forward to it!!! Kam saaaaa!!!


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Chocolatemushrooms #1
This is interesting :)
I really liked it ^^
"The new kid that breaks everything he touches." LOLOLOLOL reminds me of myself. OTL. OTL
anyway, nice story, it's fun to read. xD
i love hyper chanyeol. :3
keke thank you thank you thank you!!
you guys are so nice! ^__^ made my day kyakya ^^
i'm going to write more!
please look forward t it!
bbuing bbuingg~~ kkkkk :D
keygakeun #4
Kyaaa :'3 I really liked it ^^
SkeeOnMars #5
LOL cute! I love your style of writing and i love this fic!! :3
kekeke~~ thank you guys!
@IshidaMichaelis ~~ not sure about a sequel.. keke i don't have any ideas for a sequel >_< BUT!! i have lots of ideas for more fics ^^
please stay tuned? hehe

kamsa kamsa!!kyaa kya~
ReaderX #7
kyaa~~ sweat !!
You know? This is so sweet.. X)

I hope you don't mind if I ask for a sequel...

Pweaaaassseee...?? X3