The Puppets and The Cupids

The Puppets and The Cupids HIATUS FOR NOW


The Slap

“YA!!!!! Just wait till I see you again you witch!!!”



After failing seducing Yuri he slowly her neck and run his finger down her hair while winking at her, Yuri try and keep her cool and smile not wanting to scream but as soon as his hand started to lower down the back of her body her patient was running out. Rage boiled throughout her body knowing that this E is going to soon touch the area where no guys are allowed to, the only thing that was coming up in her mind was to get this guy hand off of her and fast but how?

Yuri purses her lips and raises her hand back. Without any hesitation she flung her hand toward Taecyeon’s face until her hand came in contact with his cheeks, the bullwhipping sound was so loud people who was in the next room can hear. The painful vibration speeded across her palm and her entire hand while he step back in shock and the stinging painful sensation started to spread across his cheeks. How can anyone slap so hard with such a tiny skinny hand.

“What the hell!!!” Taecyeon cupped his face using his hand to hoping reducing the pain but it seems to get worse and worse as every second passes.

Many eyes were on the two, somewhere so shock they didn’t even blink. Even though he know that people are watching he doesn’t pay attention to them.

Yuri let out her evil smirk like a boss and went closer to his ears “The only girl you can get is some e off the street. I’m not wasting my time with a piece of trash like you”  With that she left him in rage. “YA!!!!! Just wait till I see you again you witch!!!” Taecyeon shouted watching Yuri walking out the door like she didn’t hear him when really she wanted to block her ears. “AISH!” Taecyeon shouted like a maniac not paying attention to anyone that was looking at him, they step back since they all know what he’s like when he’s angry, you either got punched if you talk to him or kick in the balls if you even try to. He stormed off the building and went to his car and drove off in the fast pace of speed. The people in the event were gossiping knowing that this would make big headline on celebrity gossip news.



The next day later after the incident. The princess who is peacefully sleeping shot her eyes open as she heard a loud knock on the door and her mother shouting, demanding her to unlock the door and let her in “Yuri, open the door now!”. She uses the pillow to block her ears but the sound was so loud it manage to escape and went to her ears, she threw the pillow away and lazily get up from her bed and walk like a zombie toward the door.

“What.” She said peeking her head out the door, one of her eye were shut while the other one was half open. But she did notice that her mum was having that angry look on her face “Come down stair now. Your father is waiting. Don’t bother about sorting yourself out” With that her mother left and went down stairs, Yuri was left clutter wondering what this non sense is in the morning. She went over to grab her knitted cardigan and went down stair.

“What do you guys want now” Yuri said standing in the middle of the living room, folded her arms. Her parents give her the glare which make her super uncomfortable so she take a sit on the opposite chair and the same chair where she usually sit when her parent is complaining about her. “We want you to move out that’s what we want” Without a word Yuri rolled her eyes and looked the other way instead of looking at her parents. “I guess you haven’t seen the news this morning” Mrs Kwon spoke and picked up the remote that was on top of the magazine and click on red button to switch the TV on.

Yuri looked at the screen while laying her back against the chair like she doesn’t care.

In the TV she can see the MC was holding her microphone and talking about what have happened last night between her and the guy at the bar, she doesn’t know who he is till the MC said “Ok Taecyeon” The word sank in her head since she might have a clue who he is. After that MC finished with her speech the TV was immediately shut off.  Her parent looked at her with serious yet scary face expressions.

“That’s guy who you slap last night was Mr and Mrs Ok’s son. How could you do that!? And in front of ALL the paparazzi and the other celebrities!”

“I don’t care who he is. He was the one who started this whole thing. If he didn’t think of touching me up I wouldn’t have done anything to him. So if you don’t mind mum and dad PLEASE listen to both side of the story first before you start shouting and losing your mind and start having a go at me when I’m trying to safe my dignity, do you think I would just stand there let him touch my ?! And about that whole moving out thing if you actually even THINK about sending me over to some slum then you might just have a brain transplant so that idea would just be gone and out of your head” Yuri stood up from sofa and walked off even though her parents was shouting at her telling her to sit down she just continue like she didn’t hear their orders. She knows that she was being extremely rude to her parents but she was so angry that she couldn’t help it. She wanted to go back in there and said that she’s sorry but is just too late now and it would be extremely embarrassing.

As soon as she’s in her room she start taken her clothes off the hanger and get her suitcase and just threw all her clothes in there, but it would take her for hours to pack since she got so many stuff with her but mostly her clothes, bags, shoes, and make up.

She pretty much threw everything in the suitcase since she just wanted to go as soon as possible and back to US because right now Seoul is like a hell to her.

As Yuri is still packing she heard a knock on a door but she didn’t bother to say anything. The door knob clicked and the door moved inward, Mrs Kwon walked toward Yuri in confusion, she saw a lot of clothes flying about and her suitcase was open wide with her packing. “Where are you going?” Mrs Kwon asks. Yuri who still focuses on her packing didn’t bother to look at her mum since she’s too mad to talk to anyone but since she might be going soon she should at least explain what she’s doing “I’m going. And no not to that stupid apartment” Said Yuri throwing her denim short in the suitcase. Mr and Mrs Kwon both discuss that if Yuri refuses to agree to this then there’s only one way to do it, and that’s when the plan B was invented.

 “If you think of going back to US then at least think about how you’re going to get there. We don’t have any private jet” Mrs Kwon spoke which seems to confused Yuri a little since she can just BUY the ticket. She puts everything down and swing her head to Mrs Kwon “I didn’t say I need a jet. I’ll just buy a tickets end off” With that she went back to packing her stuff, Mrs Kwon let out a faint laugh “How are you going to buy a first class ticket when you don’t even have any money?” Yuri immediately drops all the clothes that were on her hands. She was shocked. “What?” Yuri said wanting her mum to repeat her words “Good luck finding your own money and by the time you manage to get a job and learning how to live on your own THEN you can talk about going back to America because let’s face it, you don’t even have your own bank account but even if you do there is nothing in there”

“You’re joking me” Yuri folder her arms looking at her mum with a surprise look on her face.

Mrs Kwon nodded “Since you so stubborn and not wanting to go then this is the only way”

“Making me starves to death that’s the only way!!??”Yuri could no longer hold in her temper. “Look you leave us with no choice. You either go live in the street or in that apartment. So what’s it gonna be?”

“WHAT?! So you’re just going to cut me off your life?! How could you even do that! And to your only child!!!!”

“We’re not going to cut you off! We’re going to get you a job so you can started from there and little bit of money to give you a head start” Mrs Kwon said trying to calm Yuri down but that doesn’t seems to work in fact she seems to be getting even more furious.

She grabbed her hair and start walking around in circle “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this to me”

“We look after you too much already Yuri. You know what we really do regretting given you the opportunity for you to turn like this and you know what have enough, we want to make things right!”

The only thing Yuri could reply is her rolling her eyes and grunt “You know what. FINE. But ONLY for 8 months after that I’m done, and by the way good luck on whoever is going to mentor me because it will never work. I’m just telling you, is just a waste of money on doing all of this. Basically I’m saying that is stupid” With that Yuri started to take all her stuff from her luggage and just threw it in her wardrobe ignoring that fact that there are hangers.

Mrs Kwon takes a minute to understand, did her daughter really just agree to do it? “Are you serious?” Mrs Kwon asks just to make sure she heard her right. Yuri folded her arms “Yeah. Whatever” After that she went back to throwing her clothes in the wardrobe aggressively.

Mrs Kwon quietly making her way out the room while, smiling happily.


“HYUNG!!” The voice of a teenage boy shouted thought out the house looking for his older brother. He sprinted toward the office where his brother usually spend nearly most of his day in there working.

“Oh! There you are!” The boy spotted his brother sitting on his office chair while typing on his keyboard, staring at the screen.

“Hyung!” He shouted again, wanting to get some attention from his older brother.

“Yeah?” The older brother said coldly. He usually not this cold but when someone interrupted his working time making him more furious than anything.

He glared at his little brother who was smiling like he just won the lottery “Are you mental or something?... Stop smiling at me like that” The older one looked away.

“Sorry but did you know Yuri noona is back from US?!” The little one said excitedly.

“Kai. Calm down would you”

“How can I!? Is YURI noona!” Minho rolled his eye due to his little brother obsession over his little crush. “You seems pretty calm about this?” Kai said looking at Minho with little suspicion.

“I saw her at the airport the other day, so this really doesn’t surprise me” Minho said with a little laugh. Kai looked at him as if he was about to strangled Minho at any minute “And WHY didn’t you tell me!?.... Oh yeah I forgot that you like my Yuri noona too” Kai folded his arms while smirking, teasing his brother. “Ya! -.- Just get outta here. You starting to get on my nerves already….” Minho makes a little sign using his finger, telling Kai to get out.

Kai rolled his eyes and making his way to the door, but then he suddenly stopped and looked at his hyung “Just because you like her doesn’t mean I can’t too”

Before Minho could react to what Kai was saying he already sprinted away “I DON’T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!’’ Minho shouted since Kai was already elsewhere making sure he can hear his words.


Back at the Ok’s mansion. Mr and Mrs Ok both sitting on the sofa looking at the television with Taecyeon and Yuri’s picture on the side while the MC announced the hot celebrity news about the two.

Mrs Ok turned off the TV, letting out a huge sigh afterward.

“What are we going to do now? How are these two going to live together in the same room?” Mrs Ok said with worried and trying to find some other plan in her head while Mr Ok who seems to be quite calm about this whole thing.

“Lets go for plan B” Mr Ok said proudly. His wife looked at him with confusion then finally realised what he meant all along. She nodded her head while given the evil smirk “Lets do it” 

Sorry for the late update you guys, got another exam -.-

anyway hope you like the chapter and enjoy reading the story so far.

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*Once again* Don't forget to sucbribe and PLEASE x3 leave a comment!!! XDD


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Chapter 6: yeah. they deserve that.
i hate their guts and personality here. hahaha.
when will they change. cant wait.
Chapter 6: its an amazing story and funny and light too :D i would love to see what will happen..i am pretty curious about how taecyeon and yuri will change. :D :D
update soon <3
Baybeeboo #3
OMG ! TaecYul finally met !! Yay ! :D I love it ^^
Sweet_Dessert #4
update soon ^^
Baybeeboo #5
Aha this story is pretty enjoyable and funny , too ! TaecYul ! :D
SMTownCouples #6
Interesting story..

Update soon..
EMT0304 #7
Hahaha, last pic in foreword for TaeNy?
So cute
look interesting keep update ok^^
ImYoonAndNichkhun #9
KhunA Too!!!
merna8 #10
Seems interesting update soon :D