The Puppets and The Cupids

The Puppets and The Cupids HIATUS FOR NOW



"We need..... a mentors"



“Oh my god!!! D:<”  The voice of a 40 years old women echoed throughout the house. The maid came running towards the living room to see what was going on since that’s where Mrs Kwon was at. Mr Kwon rushes down stair to see what was going on since he can hear his wife shouting all the way to the second floor.

“What on earth is going on!?” Mr Kwon shouted in shocked.

“Look!” Mrs Kwon slams a thick folder on the coffee table which created a loud noise as a thunder. Mr Kwon looked at her with a scared looked on his face.

“If I don’t look at this, you’ll probably murder me or something… Just calm down”  He pat her on the back, while she takes a deep breath. Then he open the folder that has the bank information in them, his eyes immediately open wide, with an angry look on his face.

“Oh my lord… I’ve never seen such an amount of money spent in a month in my life!”  He flips through the paper and found more disturbing news. “This is madness! All of this money is spent on clothes, shoes and bags!” 

After that they both sit on the sofa taken deep breath.

“I told you. Sending Yuri away to U.S.A would make her behaviour even worst. Do you know how many clothing industry there are over there!?” Mr Kwon said in an angry tone of voice.

Mrs Kwon shakes her head in disappointment. “I thought she will realise that the only way to be able to buys things is to work for it.”

“Well she sure works hard on spending the money on our accounts didn’t she, if there were such thing as a job called spending money she’ll be an employee of the month!!”

Mrs Kwon let out a huge sigh

“We need to stop this, now!!”


Meanwhile, the Ok family also have to face the same situation.

“Honey come down here now!” Mrs Ok shouted from her office calling for her husband who is rushing down to the room.

“What!?.... Honey you’re given me a heart attack! Please just calm down a little or you’ll give other a heart attack as well!” Mr Ok hold on to his chest.

“How can I be calm with this?!” After that she slams a bunch of newspapers on the table, with that she grabs her hair and walk around the room while breathing heavily.

Mr Ok picked up one of the newspaper and read it through the heading, then let out a huge sigh.

“Not again…” The he put the newspaper down.

“I know that I should get use of these news about Taecyeon but this time is getting out of hand. A leaked picture of him making out with a bar striper!!?? This is the worst one yet!”  Mrs Ok is getting more and more furious.

“This is too far.” Mr Ok put his palm on his face and rest like that for a while, and then he looks up.

“This news can ruin my social life and career!” Said Mrs Ok

“We need to do something about this, now!!”


At the cute little apartment the two girls is helping each other cleaning the dishes one is washing it and other one is was drying it and put it away.

“Sigh*” The girl wearing a pink apron, while the other one looked at her with concern.

“What’s wrong Tiff?” The girl with a blue apron asks.

“Nothing Tae…………………. Actually it is something…” Tiffany put down the cloth.

“What is it?” Taeyeon also stop washing the dishes.

“I just feel like, we don’t do much, you know?”  Tiffany looked down the floor and pout.

Taeyeon tilted her head “What do you mean we don’t do much?”

“Is just that we hardly do anything together like going out for jog, having heart to heart conversation, eating dinner together… You know all those best friend stuff….all those stuff disappear when we’re both start working and doing different things. You get what I mean?” Said Tiffany with sadden voice.

“Oh… Well maybe we can go and do something today? I’m not doing anything….” Taeyeon said patting Tiffany on the back.

“Are you sure you’re free?” Tiffany looked at Taeyeon suspiciously.

“Y-Yeah..” Taeyeon nervously said looking the other way.

“Don’t lie to me….” With that Tiffany flicked Taeyeon on her forehead.

“Ouch!! W-Why did you do that for?!” Taeyeon shouted in pain while rubbing her forehead hoping the pain will go away.

“Come on… if you think about lying to me then at least make it less obvious Tae -.-’’

“Sorry….” Taeyeon said with a puppy eyes.

“Do you want me to flick you again?... Cause I’m not afraid to do it -.-’’

Taeyeon looked scared then sprinted to her room “Ahhh!! Don’t flick me!!”

Tiffany burst out laughing till their house phone rang.

She picked up the phone “Hello?” Said Tiffany with a sweet voice.

“Hello Tiffany, this is auntie Kwon do you have any free time today?” Mrs Kwon said on the phone.

“Hello Auntie Kwon! ^___^ and Yes I’m free today, is there anything you want?” Said Tiffany.

“Well, yes… I was wondering if you and Taeyeon could do me and Mrs Ok a one big favour, but I need to discuss this face to face, so I was wondering if you and Taeyeon can come and talk to us.”

Tiffany raised her eyebrows, wondering what this is about since it also involved Mrs Ok “Well I am free today so I can go and talk to you auntie, but I’m not quite sure about Taeyeon..”

“Okay… well let me know if you two can make it,  but if Taeyeon can’t come today then is okay you don’t have to, I need you two to be here together”

“Will do auntie ^^”

“Bye sweetheart~”

“Bye ^^”

Then she hang up the phone. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon who is walking towards her.

“Who was that?” Taeyeon ask.

“Is auntie Kwon, she want us to go and meet her.”

“Really?.... Today?” Taeyeon said.

Tiffany nodded “Yeah, today, I know you’re busy and all but is there any way you can come? Pleaseeee!” Tiffanny said with a cute little puppy eyes.

Taeyeon immediately looked away “Ya! Don’t make that face! It always work!”


“*sigh*… Fine… -.-’’ After that Tiffany jumped in joy “Yay! Okay you might want to go and get change because we need to go now.” Said Tiffany with a sweet voice.

“Okay, Okay..” With that Taeyeon went to her room and start getting change.

While Taeyeon is getting change Tiffany was dusting the furniture, when she spotted the picture frame of her, Taeyeon and the girl called Yuri.

She picked up the photo while smiling warmly.




At the Kwons house.

Mrs Kwon and Mrs Ok both sitting on the posh looking sofa while having a sip of their tea, but both of their face expression seems to be down sue to what happened to their daughter and son, they’re both good friend since college, that’s why they are so close and telling each other everything.

The sounds of a car pull over the front drive way and the maid rushing to welcome the visitor. Both Taeyeon and tiffany walked into the house with an amaze look, they still couldn’t get over hoe huge the house is even though they are here quite often.

‘Wow…. I bet that sofa cost as much as my bloody house -.-‘ Taeyeon said in her head while looking around the house.

“Hello girls! ^^” Mrs Kwon welcome them with a warm hug.

“Hi girls ^^” Mrs Ok also went for a hug from both of them.

“Hi aunties!” Both Taeyeon and Tiffany said while bowing.

“Please take a seat girls, make yourself comfortable” Said Mrs Kwon with a friendly voice.

Both the girls nodded and sat down on the expensive sofa.

Mrs Ok and Mrs Kwon both looked at each other , then nod. “Okay girls. You probably wondering why we ask to meet you so urgently, but we really need your help.” Said Mrs Ok with a serious face.

Taeyeon tilted her head. “Help? From us?... Are you sure?”

“Yes, both of you.” Mrs Kwon nodded.

“Well this is about Yuri and Taecyeon, we know that you two are really close with them, and im not sure if you heard but their behaviour is getting out of hand and we need…… a mentors” Said Mrs Ok

Both the girls said in shocked….


“A mentors!?


Hey guys! I'm back! ^^

I know that i havent finished my other fanfic yet, but i just

want to write about this soo muchh because i have such 

a good idea about this story and i cant wait any longer! 


So anyway Hope you like the first chapter^^

Please leave a comment and dont forget to subcribe ;D



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Chapter 6: yeah. they deserve that.
i hate their guts and personality here. hahaha.
when will they change. cant wait.
Chapter 6: its an amazing story and funny and light too :D i would love to see what will happen..i am pretty curious about how taecyeon and yuri will change. :D :D
update soon <3
Baybeeboo #3
OMG ! TaecYul finally met !! Yay ! :D I love it ^^
Sweet_Dessert #4
update soon ^^
Baybeeboo #5
Aha this story is pretty enjoyable and funny , too ! TaecYul ! :D
SMTownCouples #6
Interesting story..

Update soon..
EMT0304 #7
Hahaha, last pic in foreword for TaeNy?
So cute
look interesting keep update ok^^
ImYoonAndNichkhun #9
KhunA Too!!!
merna8 #10
Seems interesting update soon :D