Umma and Appa?

Where are you now?

I hope you like this chapter..~
Tell me whatcha think,yes?(:
Those who read this actually makes me happy !~
Thank you reading this really not amazing story >.<



 Kwangmin's POV:
I saw _________ slowly push away from Minwoo's hug and 
I knew it was my chance.
I ran and attack her with a bear hug.
"YAHHHH!!! ____________!!" I said with happiness.
She looked up and smiled.
"'s me." She said.
I hugged her tighter.
I was so happy she wasn't sad anymore.
Stupid hyung!! 
*Note to self...Kill Youngmin hyung later..
I looked down and saw _________ looking at me..
"Are you feeling better?" I asked.
She nodded yes and smiled.
Her eyes all light up and her smile...
I never seen a killer smile,
Haha...fanboy moment?
I think yes!
I think...I like her...Do you think so too?
I just look at her until my moment was interrupted by 
"Kwangmin...i think that's enough hugging..." Minwoo 
I look at ________ then I let go slowly.
She's like a bunnyy!
Oh er-hmm...
Kwangmin wouldn't stop hugging you..
You looked up at Kwangmin,and after a few seconds,he 
looks down and noticed you looking at him.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked with a smile.
You nodded yes and smiled.
He was lost in thought until Minwoo said something.
"Kwangmin...I think that's enough hugging." Minwoo 
You laughed in your head,and Kwangmin slowly let go of 
"These guys are so nice to me!
I haven't been around a group of people since forever.
Last time...Oh yeah...that's why I don't really interact with 
people anymore...horrible experience..."
You frown at the thought of the past.
~1st POV:
I slowly walk into the store where we were going to have a 
As I walked in, I heard some of the people talk about me.
"Oh_______? Ha she acts soo innocent like she doesn't 
know? PShh...what a *beep*..." Said a girl.
"YEAH I KNOW! I hate her guts...Always flirting with the 
guys...what a *beep* *beep*.." Another girl said.
"Haha...when she comes let's show her whats up.." A girl 
said laughing.
One of the girls looked up and noticed me.
I stood there shocked.
She smirked,grabbed her drink and threw it at me.
"That's what you get for stealing my boyfriend you *beep* 
*beep*...." She said laughing.
Another girl came and grabbed my hair.
"YOU DIRTY *BEEP*!!!!!!!!! GO DIE." 
Another girl came and started kicking me.
As I lost hope in everything,as in surviving..
A girl came.
She took them all on, and kicked them away.
After a while,she went over to me and picked me up.
I looked up at her.
She looked down and smiled.
"Don't worryy! Everything is going to be eh'okay!!" She 
said smiling.
Her smiling face made me smile,and her words...made me 
feel secured.
Wanna guess who it was? was Soo Mii..Who ever thought I would meet my 
best friend while getting beat up in the street.
But because of her,I ended up meeting Seok and going to 
this school.
"Hey are you okay?" Said someones putting their hand 
infront of you.
You turned around and noticed it was Seok.
"SEOOOKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You said as you hugged 
"I...I...I were...sob" You start to say while 
starting to cry again.
"Hey...bunny...don't cry..." Seok said hugging you tighter..
(YES...haha he calls you bunny..~)
"But..but...I were..going to be...suspended.." 
You said slowly.
"Nahhh...Soo Mii helped me out.." He said winking at Soo 
Mii,then put his attention to you.
You look at Soo Mii and notice her blushing.
"Haha..."You said while slowly starting to smile again.
He kissed your forehead and said,
"Appa Seok and Umma Soo Mii have to take care of you or 
you might get bullied again...! And we don't want that!" 
You laugh at the fact he actually said Umma Soo Mii.
"Ne...appa." You said smiling.
"COME HERE MY ANAE." Seok yelled to Soo Mii.
She came and you all got into a big hug.
The rest of the boyfriend members just looked at you like if 
you were a happy family.
~After school~
Just as Seok,Soo Mii,and you were about to leave the 
practice room along with Boyfriend 
(Minwoo,Kwangmin,Jeongmin,and Hyungseong),
the director came in with Donghyun and Youngmin.You 
stopped in your tracks as you saw Youngmin.
Quickly, Seok and Soo Mii goes infront of you.
"What's up Appa?" Soo Mii asked the director.
"'ll be working with Boyfriend more as your 
punishment." He said sighing.
"WHAT!?" Seok said annoyed.
"It's better than what I have..." Youngmin added in.
"WELL YOU DESERVE IT!" Seok yelled to Youngmin.
You just stood there and then slowly walked to Kwangmin 
and Minwoo.
"It's okay,don't worry..." Minwoo reassured you.
"Wait...What is his punishment?" Soo Mii asked.
"I have to practically be...HER butler.." Youngmin said 
You frown.
"I don't need a butler nor anything..If you wanted to give 
me a butler,then make Aiyko my butler." You added in.
"WHAT? I'm too good to be a butler..." Said a voice from 
behind the director.
"Mrs _________! Please respect your older brother in my 
presence.." The director said.
You rolled your eyes.
"Anyways,...Come here early tomorrow, and we'll discuss 
the punishment and everything..." The director said coldly.
"And _______...Please be prepared to bring a song to the 
Fall Festival...After all, you are going to preform as your 
debute,correct?" The director said smiling.
"Woahh..weird...a minute ago he was cold,now he's nice? 
Soo is he your father?" You thought in your 
"YOU CAN SING?" Youngmin said doubtfully.
"SHUT UP WILL YOU!" Seok replied angerly.
"Wahh! AMAZING! Are you going to practice with us?" 
The rest of the Boyfriend members asked.
"No no..she's going to practice at a different time,right?" 
Mr.Park said. (Got tired of calling him Director xD)
You smiled shyly and nodded yes.
"C-correct...It's a surprise and everything.." You replied.
"Well then..see you all tomorrow! And Mrs.________, 
please don't forget to ask your brother.." He said.
"AH...YES SIR." You quickly reply.
"YAHH!! Come on,sis! I'm driving us home you know." 
Aiyko said.
You looked at him annoyed and said,
"I'm walking home..with Seok and Soo Mii...I don't know 
what kind of things are running in your not-so-clear 
"Yahh...harsh to me,aren't cha!" He replied chuckling.
"__________!" Said Soo Mii and Seok as they grab your 
"LET'S GET ICE CREEAMM!" Seok said happily.
You turn around and smile to Boyfriend( even to 
Youngmin), and yell,
After that,you leave running with your crew (;
~~Later at the ice cream shop~~
"Appa...Umma..I want that ice cream!" You say childishly 
as you point to the cotton candy ice cream (bawmest ice 
cream everr~)
"Ne sweety.."Seok said trying hard not to laugh.
"Nampyon...I want the chocolate ice cream.." Soo Mii said giggling.
"Alright my lil monkey.." Seok said laughing.
"Yah! It's your fault Appa...Your the one who had to group us as a family.." You say smiling.
"'s get our ice cream and go home!!" Seok said cheerfully.
"Kamsamnida...Nampyon.." Soo Mii said as she gave Seok a kiss on the cheek.
Appa...Umma..I want that ice cream!" _____ says childishly 
as she point to the cotton candy ice cream.
"Ne sweety.."I said trying hard not to laugh.
"Nampyon...I want the chocolate ice cream.." Soo Mii said giggling.
"Alright my lil monkey.." I said laughing.
"Yah! It's your fault Appa...Your the one who had to group us as a family.." _____ say smiling.
"'s get our ice cream and go home!!" I replied cheerfully.
"Kamsamnida...Nampyon.." Soo Mii said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I think my face just exploded!
It feels all warm...
I think....I'M BLUSHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You turn to Seok and notice his face turning red.
In a low whisper you tell him,
"Appa...your face is red..."
"SHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don't tell Umma this! NE?" He replied quickly.
"NE APPA!" You say giggling.
"Today...was a good day with umma and appa! KAMSAMNIDA!!" You say waving back and forth to Seok and Soo Mii..
"NE MY CUTE _________! Take care...see you on Monday!" Soo Mii replied with a big smile.
"YAHH! Don't worry about umma...I'ma take her home,right MY anae?" Seok said kissing her cheek.
Her face turned compeletly pink.
"OF course my Nampyon.." Soo Mii replied kissing his cheek too..
"Those two people...they SHOULD JUST GO OUT ALREADY..mmhmm.." You thought.
"YAHH! JUST GO OUT ALREADY!" You yell as they begin to walk away.
"SHHHH!! Be quiet _____!" Seok yelled back.
"Aish!....Well time to go inside.."You whisper to yourself.
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AHHH! It might take me time to update bcz i'm studying for my finals in summer school >.< I will update as soon as possible~ Thank you for your patiences (:


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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 13: who paid him???
Her step bro is so erted and her younger brother is a babe magnet lol. Im liking this story. Update soon pleaseee!!! :D
LeeMinJi #3
Kidnapped ? Andwe !! >.<
LeeMinJi #5
MYYYY GOD! *o* update soon...please.
yuxuan #6
update soon
Anime freak !
Lols ((:
Ooooooooo !!!
I cant wait for the next update ^__^
- update soon PLEASE
:o I can't believe what Youngmin just did!
Minwoo such cutie <3
Can't wait for next chap ^^
Kwangmin is the younger twin and youngmin is older twin