The past: Part 1

Where are you now?


Normal POV:
"Someone paid you to bully me?" You asked confused.
"Yes.." He replied quietly.
"WHO WAS IT THEN?!?!" Minwoo yelled.
"It was-" just as he was about to say the name the door opened.
In stepped a man with a black suit.
"'re up next." Joon glanced nervously between you three and the man.
"'m sorry _________. I..just.."
"Joon...we don't have all day..IT'S YOUR DEBUT get on out there.."
As he went out the door,his face was full of regretfulness and pain.
You were extremely confused.
"Wait...what just happened?"
Minwoo shook his head,along with Kwangmin.
"I don't know what happening now..but what happened to you back then?"
Kwangmin asked.
"Ahh...that.." You looked down at your feet embarressed.
"It was...nothing.."
"Heck it was nothing! _______! You were bullied!! How is that nothing!" Minwoo yelled.
You flinched and stumbled backwards since you weren't use to an angry Minwoo.
You almost fell back,but luckily Kwangmin caught you.
"Minwoo calmed down!!" He said shaking Minwoo's shoulders back and forth.
He then turned to you.
"Mind explain what happened to you in America?" 
You hesitated for a moment. Not sure if you should trust them or not.
It might have been two days since you met them,but they really showed how much they cared.
"Okay...but..don't tell anyone about this..please? I never told anyone this..not even my parents...not even my Jonghyun oppa.." You looked at them hopefully.
Minwoo was about to disagree,but then he looked into your soft brown eyes and quickly agreed.
Kwangmin,on the other hand,agreed to it without further questions.
You sighed..
" goes back to when I was just 5yrs old.."
~The Past~
It was a beautiful day,the sun was shining ever so brightly.
Clouds where piled on top of each other in the bright blue sky.
And there you were.
With your mother holding onto your hand ever so tightly.
"_______. Behave okay! It's your first day of school and I don't want the teachers telling me you got in trouble arasso?" She said smiling.
You leaned in closely to her,taking in her scent of strawberries.
"But..but..umma..I want to bwe with youu~~" You whined.
"_______! You want to grow up to be like umma,ne? When umma was your age, she went to school too~" She replied your hair.
You pouted but gave in.
"Okay'll cwome bwack wright?" You said cutely.
She nodded her head.
"Yes darling..I will." She pushed you forward through the doors,only to be greeted by another lady.
"Ah you must be _________!" She said happily.
"Come on...class is about to start~" She held your hand and lead you through the door.
Updated ^-^
yeah i have no idea where this story is going...but i will make it...make sense? x)
haha i sort of got off track..but will soon make sense :DD
thank you for reading~~
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AHHH! It might take me time to update bcz i'm studying for my finals in summer school >.< I will update as soon as possible~ Thank you for your patiences (:


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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 13: who paid him???
Her step bro is so erted and her younger brother is a babe magnet lol. Im liking this story. Update soon pleaseee!!! :D
LeeMinJi #3
Kidnapped ? Andwe !! >.<
LeeMinJi #5
MYYYY GOD! *o* update soon...please.
yuxuan #6
update soon
Anime freak !
Lols ((:
Ooooooooo !!!
I cant wait for the next update ^__^
- update soon PLEASE
:o I can't believe what Youngmin just did!
Minwoo such cutie <3
Can't wait for next chap ^^
Kwangmin is the younger twin and youngmin is older twin