The Deal: Part 2 of 2

Where are you now?


*Normal POV*
Kwangmin and Minwoo left the room leaving you alone to change clothings.
You smile at the thought of how thoughtful Minwoo was to have chosen the dress in your 
He was right..
IT was...perfect~
After changing into the dress,you walk over to the mirrior and look at yourself.
" actually looks good on me.." You smirk at the thought of Youngmin drooling 
over you.
"Let's see how far your jaw drops.." You say to yourself.
As you open the door all eyes turn toward it.
You walk out confidently with a smile.
Your dress was a pink color,just below your knee. And it was tied back with a bow.
"Wow..I was right! It does look perfect on you.." Minwoo said with a huge grin on his face.
You lightly smack his arm and giggle.
"YAH? That dress does look good on you...It covers your s and makes it less 
noticable of their small siz-" Youngmin says,but you smack his head.
"WILL YOU SHUT UP?" You glare at him.
He smirked and smacked your .
"Nice thing you got there..but not big enough." 
You screamed in your head and walk toward him.
Kwangmin had to stop you before you killed his blonde twin.( xD)
"~~~~~ Stop please? We still got to teach you the choreography!" Kwangmin said as he 
stood infront of you
You pouted and wanting to complain but Kwangmin gave you the "puppy" eyes...
And of course you couldn't resist.
"F-fine.." You studdered out.
After that,Donghyun lead everyone to a practice room.
"Woah..this place is huge!?" You exclaimed.
They all(well of course not Youngmin) smiled at you nodded yes.
"No duh birdbrain...." Youngmin remarked.
You glared at him and wished that looks could kill.
After 30 minutes or so,you realized it wasn't actually dancing but more like being a model 
For were the girl that the guys tried to go after,but you rejected them.
The idea of being fought over made you feel slightly happy.
After all,it meant that Youngmin had to "love you" in the song.
"Wow...this isn' hard!" You said with a smile.
"It's probably because you're dance instructor is really great...haha I'm joking.." Minwoo 
said with full confidence at first,but then it turned into shyness.
"Haha...I think that's why I am doing great..Kamsamnida~" You replied.
He blushed and then looked away.
Soon it was 3pm.
Everyone,including you,were sent to the dressing room to put on make up and do your 
"She's going to have to get her hair done in the next room.." The hair stylist said to the 
Boyfriend members.
"Eh? Waee?" Kwangmin and Minwoo said pouting.
"Probably because her ugly hair is going to take so long to do.." Youngmin snorted.
You just sighed and threw your empty water bottle at him.
"OUCH!!" He yelled.
You stuck out your tongue and walked along to the next room.
You took a deep breath and walked in with your eyes pasted to the floor.
As soon as you walked in someone gasped.
"~~~~~~~?" He studdered.
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AHHH! It might take me time to update bcz i'm studying for my finals in summer school >.< I will update as soon as possible~ Thank you for your patiences (:


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LeeMinJi #1
Chapter 13: who paid him???
Her step bro is so erted and her younger brother is a babe magnet lol. Im liking this story. Update soon pleaseee!!! :D
LeeMinJi #3
Kidnapped ? Andwe !! >.<
LeeMinJi #5
MYYYY GOD! *o* update soon...please.
yuxuan #6
update soon
Anime freak !
Lols ((:
Ooooooooo !!!
I cant wait for the next update ^__^
- update soon PLEASE
:o I can't believe what Youngmin just did!
Minwoo such cutie <3
Can't wait for next chap ^^
Kwangmin is the younger twin and youngmin is older twin