
My Puppy Park Chan Yeol [DISCONTINUED]

A month had passed already since school started and many classes were assigning major assignments or having their first tests. Professor Park had assigned a short writing assignment for Korean Myth and Folklore class.

“Although it’s only a 3 page paper, I expect quality work. Be clear about your thesis and give concise and well-thought arguments. I suggest you ask Mr. Lee to review your drafts if you want to make sure you get a good score. This will be due next Tuesday. Alright, class is dismissed.”

Ri Ah wasn’t much of a humanities person. She was more left-brained and though she liked reading, writing wasn’t her favorite thing when she was in high school. She was going to start on the paper as soon as possible, but she definitely wasn’t going to ask Tae Sung Sunbae to review it. Since their “date”, she would curtly greet him when he did at the beginning of class, but wouldn’t talk to him further. Even when he tried to talk to her after class, she would always pretend not to hear him and run to her next class.

Her Biology class was also having their first test the same week that her paper was due. Ri Ah and Hye Ri had been meeting after class on Mondays and Wednesdays like they planned, helping each other understand the material. They were feeling fairly confident about the upcoming test.

It was finally “hell week” for Ri Ah as she had her test, the short paper, and another project due. Fortunately she wasn’t a procrastinator and had been keeping up with all her work, feeling good about her tests and project. She knew her short paper wasn’t very insightful, but she was confident she would get at least a B+. She didn’t like the idea of not getting an A in the class, but as long as she made a decent enough grade, her GPA wouldn’t suffer too much from one class.

She handed her paper in and the next day took her Biology test. Since the Biology test used a scantron, the results were available online the same day.

Ri Ah logged into her account a few hours after the test to check her score.

“96,” Ri Ah said with a satisfactory smile.

I got a 90 :) How did you do? Hye Ri texted her.

That’s great! I got a 96.

Wow! You’re so smart Ri Ah! I’m glad we’ve been doing our study sessions. You’ve really helped me!

“I wonder how Chan Yeol did,” Ri Ah thought to herself.

Chan Yeol came home looking depressed. He had checked his score and it was below the average.

“Chan Yeol-ssi, is something wrong?” Ri Ah asked in concern when she saw him without his usual happy grin.

Chan Yeol sighed. “I didn’t do too well on that Biology test. My parents are going to be so disappointed.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you should try studying earlier for the next test. I can help you if you want.”

“Nah, that’s okay. I don’t study well in groups.” Actually, Chan Yeol was embarrassed to ask Ri Ah for help. He didn’t want to look stupid to her if he was slow in understanding the material.

He got a stern talking to from his dad and promised him he would do better on the next test.

Ri Ah was in her Korean Myth and Folklore class the next morning.

“I don’t usually get papers back this fast, but I’ve graded your writing assignment,” Professor Park said near the end of class. “You can come and pick them up at the front before you leave. I was very impressed with some of your papers, but some of you were lacking in depth. I highly suggest you ask Mr. Lee for help on the next paper which is worth 30% of your grade.”

Ri Ah went up to the front after class and picked up her paper. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern when she saw her grade: C+.

She left class with a troubled expression on her face. She didn’t realize that Tae Sung had caught up and was walking next to her.

“Is everything okay Ri Ah-ssi?” he asked with a concerned expression, making Ri Ah jump a little in surprise.

“Huh? Oh, Tae Sung Sunbae. I’m fine,” she answered, her eyes looking lifeless as she stared at the empty space in front of her.

“Did you not do well on the paper?” he continued.

“I did just fine. I have a class to get to. Goodbye Sunbae,” she said curtly before briskly walking off.

Ri Ah came home depressed that day. The rest of the week she seemed lifeless. Chan Yeol noticed this and he tried to be his usual goofy self to lift her mood. She would give him a meek smile at his attempts, but Chan Yeol wasn’t satisfied. He wasn’t going to give up until he saw Ri Ah laugh again.

Author's Note

Hmm…what does Chan Yeol have in store for Ri Ah? You’ll find out in the next chapter!

This was a short chapter but I'm working on the next one which looks like it will be long.

So, just throwing this question out there, but how do you feel about Hye Ri having a loveline with one of Chan Yeol’s friends (Su Ho, Baek Hyun, and D.O.)? I could really go either way with it. I mean Hye Ri can either be a plot device that comes up when she’s needed or she can be a more prominent character with a small substory with one of the EXO-K guys. Leave your responses in the comments if you have a preference. This author would really appreciate it :) and your answers will influence the next chapter too (wink wink). - 6/26/12 12:56 AM00

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“My Puppy Park Chan Yeol” – Check out my latest one shot called “Miles” featuring Ri Ah X Chan Yeol! Link is at the end of Chapter 92. (10 Jan 2017, 22:30 EDT)


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abcdefghijade #1
Chapter 87: You got the Barbara Streisand thing from glee didn’t you HAHA i love it
Chapter 93: Yeahh it is disappointing that we didnt get to see romance between them but its okay. The story was great :))
I'm reading this again. Since Im having troubles, this story always makes me feel relaxed. It's like my safe haven. ㅠㅠ
majapaulinee #4
Wow I'm sad why did I do this to myself again
Anyways, I have a question that I don't think I asked before:
Did tae sung ever come back into the story? Since he was supposed to be in New Zealand for two years, he should've been able to come back right? What happened to him?
Chapter 78: this is so sad
Chapter 63: I wonder what Kai's previous ending was
Chapter 60: poor suho lol he's so useless here