
Letting Go


Your POV
It was getting dark outside and so you closed the curtains from inside the house. I sat back down on the couch and continued watching TV. You flipped through the channels, but all they were showing were dramas… Love dramas… A girl and a boy who didn’t know each other ended up together and they lived happily ever after. They were basically all showing the same movie. I turned off the TV to prevent myself from having a mental breakdown. Just then, my doorbell rang and many knocks were hitting against my door. 
“~~~~! Open the door ! I know you’re in there ! It’s me ! Baekhyun !” the voice shouted. 
“GO AWAY !” I responded.
“~~~~! Open the door for me! It’s okay I’m here ! You read my texts right?! I said I would protect you and care for you ! Open the door, ~~~~!” he shouted again.
Care for me… Protect me… Treat me right… All of those words… Made me remember the last confrontation with Sehun. Why did he leave me? Because he cares? He cares me. He treats me right and he protects me. He does all the things he said he didn’t do for me. Then those voices came back in my head again.
He’s not the one for you, ~~~… You can do better without him… 
No ! He and I are the best couple…. What do you mean I can do better? I WON’T ! HE’S THE ONLY GUY FOR ME !
Dump him already… You two were not meant to be… He doesn’t truly love you… 
I WON’T dump him ! Sehun and I are meant to be… We CAN’T separate ! He loves me and I love him. We’re perfect for each other !
Wake up from dreamland and come into reality… you BABO !
My head… was spinning around. The voices got louder. Sehun… Treat me right… Protect me… Love me… Care for me… It was all Sehun… Sehun… Don’t… Let me go… 
Suddenly a loud bang rang through the house. 
“~~~~!” a voice shouted. The person tried to grab a hold of me.
“Get away from me !” I scolded back and threw his arms away.
“~~~~! It’s me ! Baekhyun ! Get a hold of yourself !” He yelled at me. I tried calming myself down, but that same phrase kept going.
Wake up from dreamland and come into reality… you BABO !
No…. No…. Sehun is reality… Sehun and me… We are reality… Stop… Stop… STOP ! I grabbed a vase that was on the table and threw at against the wall. I wanted the voices to stop. I wanted everything to stop.
Baekhyun’s POV
I couldn’t understand why… Why she was in some mental breakdown… But I knew what was in her head… Sehun… I couldn’t see her in such pain… It made me feel her pain… So I pulled her in for a hug. I held on to her tightly so she wouldn’t try to break off. But at this point, she wasn’t trying. She just let me hug her… There was no effort to break away from my hug. I was surprised, but I also wanted to hold on to her as the moment lasted.
Your POV
I was in his arms… I could feel his grip tighten around my body. I cried… I cried all my tears. 
“Sehun… Sehun… Sehun….” I cried. “Come back…”
I felt a hand rest on the back of my head. It started to slowly my hair. I felt him slowly pull my body back to face me.
“~~~~-ah, it’s okay. Shhh… Shh…” He tried to calm me down. He even used a thumb to wipe away the tears I’ve been crying out on both cheeks. His actions did calm me down a bit, but I was still sniffing…
“Come on, now… What happened to the fun-loving, cheerful and smiley girl ~~~~?” He said. 
I didn’t give a response. There’s no way he could make everything all better again. 
“~~~~-ah… You can’t let him break you down like this. You’re better than that. What happened to the girl I teased and joked around with? Or the pretty girl I hang out with? What happened to her?” He continued trying to comfort me.
His words didn’t really comfort me, but it did make me think about them. Then suddenly he got up and… started dancing. He was doing the Jjanggu dance. (The dance CNBLUE’s Jonghyun did on SOUNDPLEX)
Seeing how dorky he was, made me smile and laugh a bit.
“There we go ! That’s the ~~~~ I know.” He smiled.
However, I faced reality again, but I wasn’t that sad anymore. After all, Baekhyun did try his best and eventually did make me laugh and smile.
“Sehun…” I sighed.
“~~~~… I think… It may be the time to let him go… I mean that’s probably what you’ve been trying to do these past few days you were gone…” He made a point. During my rehab, I was trying to clear everything out of my head, and that included Sehun. I wanted to forget all that happened and start a new again. “But I love him… and he loved me…” I said softly.
“He’s not the only one that loves you…” Baekhyun quickly said.
I looked at him in confusion and waited for his statement of what he meant.
“I love you…” Baekhyun confessed. “I love you, ~~~~ and I will treat you right, protect you, and care for you.” 
“~~~~~-ah, you must go. You can’t keep that boy waiting. He’s a good guy, ~~~… I’ve finally realized it. He will treat you well…”
That saying that Sehun told me… That guy that Sehun was referring to… Was Baekhyun... He would care for me… Protect me… and treat me right. It was Baekhyun all along… He was always there for me whenever I was down and made me happy whenever I frown. He always worried about me and was considerate of my opinions. Byun Baekhyun… I looked at him and he looked right back at me. 
“~~~~… Promise me you’ll let go of him… of Sehun. I don’t want to see you suffer like this anymore.” He said to me.
I gave him a nod. But before I could say anything else, he spoke up again.
“And promise me one more thing…” He said.
“Mmmm…” I responded and nodded sincerely.
“I, Byun Baekhyun, will promise to love you dearly, trust in you, eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, get to know the girl you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.” He vowed.
I laughed at his silliness. But he continued.
“So ~~~~…” He said.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
or.... in my case... how i would continue writing.... is that...
so you know what the answer would be :)
i hope you enjoyed reading this threeshot ! i know the ending sorta ... i thought so too d: Also... there is a possiblity where i COULD write an alternate ending so STAY TUNED !!! :DDD
please comment !! i wish for some FEEDBACK ! and what not... 
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of course she must answer YES ! yuhuuuuu ><
Ohhh~ Very nice! ehehehe
HALLO~ Hehehe I like the Bacon gif at the end of the second chapter. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Aaaanyways, can't wait for the third (final) chapter! WHOOP WHOOP!
update soon TT.TT
i wanna cry when she and Sehun broke up ;A;
so sad T.T