
Letting Go

"Sehun... Let's go out to watch a movie tonight." I smiled.

"No. Why go out and leave the comfort of our place? Let's just watch a movie here." Sehun responded.

"But it's so lonely here... So... Empty... We should go out and have some fun !" I said.

"Lonely? Am I invisible to you? Am I not enough to satisfy you?" Sehun's voice started getting rough.

"No. It's just... I wanted to get out... And spend some time outside... With you..." I sighed. My smile turned to a frown... This alway happens between us... Just because of some minor thing that I wanna do... It causes this huge problem to Sehun.

"Fine... We'll stay... But you promise to bring me out next time okay?" I stated.

"Araso, Araso, Araso.." Sehun flashed his smile back out again. Then he leaned close to me and kissed my forehead.

And then everything was back to normal again. We were like that happy couple people always talk about. Sometimes I wonder if there was a time where Sehun and I agreed on at least one thing.
The next day, I arrived at school and decided to look for Sehun. Of course he'd be with his group of friends like a popular boy he is. So I walked over to greet him and his friends.
"Sehunnie !" I called out to him.
He was facing away from me but his friends weren't. Once I called his name his friends quickly glanced at me and it wasn't until then he turned around and saw me. I knew he heard me call his name... He just decided not to react to it. His face was indifferent until I walked up closer to him.
"Hey babe." Sehun said and kissed my forehead. Then he placed an arm around me and continues facing his friends.
"Okay don't do that in front of us dongsaeng." Chanyeol said covering his eyes.
I giggled and then noticed that someone was looking at me. I turned to my right and saw a pair of bulging eyes right next to me.
He stared at me for the next few seconds, then smiled and waved to me.
"Annyeong !" D.O. said.
"Annyeong D.O.-oppa." I responded with a slight smile.
Then suddenly the atmosphere was silence. They were having fun before I stepped into the picture. Soon enough, it became awkward. Luckily I saw my best friend walk by so this awkwardness won’t last.
“Hey Sehunnie… I’m gonna go first… My best friend is like right there. See you later okay?” I smiled and said.
“Okay, see you later today aiight?” Sehun said.
“Mmm… bye.” I tiptoed and wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a peck on the cheek. Then I ran off and tried to catch up with my best friend wherever he went.
A tap on the shoulder shocked me. I turned around and it was him.
“Holy crap, Baekhyun, geez.” I said.
“Haha. Nice to see you my adorable best chingu-ah.” He said. He grabbed me in for a hug. Everything seemed to be all happy again. The atmosphere was cheerful and even my mood became happier. Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if Baekhyun was my boyfriend instead of Sehun. Would our relationship be the same or would it be different?
“Hey, let’s get to class now okay? Don’t wanna be late.” He smiled. He took my arm and dragged me to class. I smiled at his cautiousness. I looked back at Sehun once more before I left with Baekhyun. He was having the time of his life with his friends. The smile on his face and laughter that he didn’t show me that often… He was better without me.
He’s not the one for you, ~~~… You can do better without him… Dump him already… You two were not meant to be… He doesn’t truly love you… Wake up from dreamland and into reality… you BABO !
A voice woke me up. I was supposed to be sound asleep in Sehun’s arms. But my sudden jolt woke him up too.
“Mmm… ~~~ are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?” he asked me.
“Oh… no… just something weird... just happened… like… I heard something…” I stuttered after every word.
"Mmm... Well okay then babe. Go back to sleep, mmm?" Sehun said as he hugged me closer to give me a kiss on the forehead.
"Mmm..." I responded and closed my eyes, but wasn't asleep yet.
*What did that all mean…?* I thought. *Of course we were meant to be. He makes me the happiest person on the planet and I love him and he loves me.* I tried to disregard all of that and fell back asleep.
Sehun’s POV
She was sound asleep in my arms. This was the right time. I quietly lifted her up and laid her down on the couch. Then I quietly left the apartment.
I was walking down the streets hoping to see him walking by. He was going to get it. Just then what I thought happened. He was walking right there. I speed walked and grabbed his shirt by the collar and pinned him on the wall in an alley.
“What are you doing huh?” I said roughly.
“What are you talking about?” the boy said.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Stop acting stupid. ~~~. Stop getting near her… Or you’re gonna get it.” I threatened him so that he would back off.
“She and I are just friends. Give her a break won’t ya?” he talked back.
I pinned him down harder. “Are you teaching me how to treat my girlfriend? Who are you to talk back huh?” My voice got rougher.
“And you think she’s happy with you? Bastard… She’s always the one giving in to you. Have you ever thought of giving in to her?” he stated.
“She’s good to me…” I said lowly.
“Do you know how much she has to give up for you? She can’t do most of the things she wants to do because of you.” The boy stated.
“A guy’s got to have freedom too you know.” I said lowly.
“And a girl needs to be loved. I don’t even understand how you two managed to stay together all this time… She must have loved you just that much to stay together with you.” He smirked and chucked.
“Get out of here, Byun Baekhyun ! And stay out of our relationship !” I shouted at him.
“I’m not the one ruining your relationship… you are…” He smirked once more and walked away.
I quickly grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face me. Once he did, I threw my hardest punch at him. Yeah, he deserved that. My relationship with ~~~ has nothing to do with him. He should just stay out of it. He fell to the ground, holding on to his lower left cheek, near his chin. There was blood coming from his mouth. It felt like anger was boiling. If only that boy would shut his damn mouth… I looked at him one last time then headed out of the alley. I put on my hood and shoved my hands in my pockets. I walked slowly as some things came into mind.
“Do you know how much she’s given up for you?” Those words scarred me. What does he know…? He’s just a kid…
“A girl needs to be loved. I don’t even understand how you two managed to stay together all this time… She must have loved you just that much to stay together with you.”
Am I being unfair towards her? She can’t have done those things… She’s good to me. She treats me well and so I do. Nothing’s wrong. Our relationship is fine… I don’t know what that little douche was talking about. What does he know…?
No One’s POV
Too busy thinking about the stuff, Sehun was doing some deep thinking. Not watching where he was going, he crossed the crosswalk and…
There lie the boy and the blood that stained his hoodie and leaked down his arms. He yelped in pain and tried to move, but the pain just grew on him. He knew what was happening to him, but he was too weak to fight it. Soon images of the times he's spent wif ~~~ flashed in his head.
"Sehunnie, let's go out for a movie tonight !" she smiled.
"No. Why go out and leave the comfort of our place? Let's just watch a movie here." Sehun responded.
"But it's so lonely here... So... Empty... We should go out and have some fun !" I said.
"Lonely? Am I invisible to you? Am I not enough to satisfy you?" Sehun's voice started getting rough.
"No. It's just... I wanted to get out... And spend some time outside... With you..." I sighed. My smile turned to a frown... This alway happens between us... Just because of some minor thing that I wanna do... It causes this huge problem to Sehun.
"Fine... We'll stay... But you promise to bring me out next time okay?" I stated.
"Araso, Araso, Araso.." Sehun flashed his smile back out again. Then he leaned close to me and kissed my forehead.
Lights flashed, people crowded and sirens rang. He began to grumble in pain. Every part of him was in pain. 
“~~~… I’m sorry… For not treating you right… Forgive me…”
Your POV
I woke up suddenly and gasped. It was like I had a nightmare. I had a bad feeling, like my heart was stabbed in deeply. It hurt… Real bad… I ran to the kitchen to get some water to see if it'll cool down. It helped a little but my heart was beating fast. *What's happening?* I thought. *Why am feeling this way? And where is Sehun?* You sighed at the fact that he might have left to go out with his friends again. You the TV to see what was on, or maybe to even fall asleep to.
"Breaking News: 17 year old boy, Oh Se Hoon, involved in a car accident. Severely injured and being sent to the hospital now." The reporter stated.
*Oh Se Hoon? Not... MY Sehun right?* I thought. I looked at the picture shown and it was... My Sehunnie... The one who laid beside me when I was asleep... The one who disappeared and ended up getting hurt for who knows what reason. I rushed to the hospital, heart beating fast, and anxiously searching for him.
"Miss, he's in the surgical room right now. Please wait outside until the operation is done." the nurse explained.
I waited and sat down on a nearby chair. *What happened? How did he get into an accident? Why did he go out?* Questions like these flooded my mind. I buried my face in my hands. Tears started flowing out my eyes. *He can't go...* I said to myself *He just can't...*
Hours passed by and the light for the operation room flipped off. The doctors and surgeons stepped out. They looked at me and I looked at them, anxiously waiting for their response.
"Are you a relative of Oh Se Hoon?" he asked.
"I'm his girlfriend." I stated lowly.
"He's unconscious at the moment. It is uncertain when he'll wake up because the impact of the crash caused him to be severely injured. Please be prepared though. Any sudden changes in his current state may make it unlikely for him to survive, but we will try our best to fix the problem if it were to happen."
My heart dropped, but at the same time I was relieved.
I walked to his room. Room 407. I stared into the room through the windows. His body lay there. All I could here was the beeping noise from the heart beat machine. The feeling an the urge of running in, kneeling beside his bed and sobbing my tears out, yelling at him to wake up. But I couldnt do it. It hurt too much on the inside that I just couldn't make it happen on the outside.
My phone rang. I was reluctant, slow and weak to pick it up. I didn't bother checking the caller and answered the call.
"Yeoboseyo?" I said lowly.
"Yeoboseyo? ~~~? Where are you right now? Let's go watch a movie !" the called exclaimed.
"Who is this?" I sighed.
"~~? It's me. Byun Baekhyun. Are you okay? Where are you right now I'll come pick you up." he said
I didn't want to talk anymore. I didn't wanna remind myself of what happened to Sehun. It was too much to handle.
"I'm... I'm...-" I hesitated. Suddenly tears began to develop again and I had to sniff it up.
"Wait wait wait no. ~~~ dont cry. Just tell me where you are and I'll be there. Don't cry yet !" he rushed.
"I'm... At the hospital." I said.
" Don't move ! ~~ Ill be there in a few minutes." he said.
Five minutes passed and no one came by. Nurses rushing here and there. Doctors walking to every patient to check on their status. And I was just there... Looking at my almost dying boyfriend.
"~~~~~ !!" a voice called out.
I looked to the side and saw someone waving and coming my way. Baekhyun. He started walking my way when he almost bumped into an old man in a wheelchair... Then he almost stampeded over a slow walking old lady. Clumsy he was. Somehow, even through this sad moment, he always seemed to lighten up the atmosphere a bit. I gave him a slight smile as he walked up to me, slowly and carefully.
"Hey are you okay? Were you crying? What happened!" he kept throwing questions at me.
Then reality came back and my slight smile became a full sad frown. Tears started developing again, thinking about what's going to happen with Sehun. I started walking up to him and he knew exactly how to react. He opened his arms and I fell right into them.
"Baekhyun.... I-I-I don't know what to do anymore." I mumbled into his chest.
He released me from his grip and looked at me.
"Hey hey hey. Don't cry. Your tears make you look ugly." He said.
I raised my head to look at him, half crying and pouting.
"Good. No crying. Now show me that adorbs face of yours..." He begged.
I didn't want to.  Especially after he said that. I continued pouting and turned my face away from him.
"Come on. At this rate no guy would want to date you." He teased.
I continued to pout, but his sudden gesture surprised me. He made me turn to him and used both his hands to turn my frown upside down to make a smiley face on my face.
"Come on. Smile for me. This smile isn't bright enough." He said to me. He made weird faces while looking at me, but it soon got amusing and I couldn't help but to smile a bit at his silliness.
"There we go." He said. "Now keep that smile up. I know Sehun would feel better to see that you're fine."
The next few days I've been coming in and out of the hospital very often, so often that some of the nurses have seen me so much they know my name. I come to visit Sehun, see how the flowers I put in his room are, and maybe talk to him about what's happening at school and stuff if he can hear me.
"Sehunnie... I'm back again. It's me. Your girlfriend ~~~~. You know, it's been 2 months since you've been in the hospital? You've been missing so much at school. Such a bad boy." I said, tears starting to develop every time I look at him in his state.
"Remember the time you first confessed to me?" I asked him. I started reminiscing all the times we were together and reciting them to him. But the more I kept saying, the more tears kept falling.
"Oh Sehun... I love you. That's why you can't go. You just can't, okay? Are you listening to me? You can't go. I don't care how many times we disagree and fight, you just can't leave me." I cried the whole 5 minutes when suddenly, I felt a sudden movement from his fingers. I rose my head from his arm, and looked at him, at his hand. It was twitching. I rubbed my eyes to make sure it wasn't some dream, and it wasn't. I immediately called for the doctor to check on his state and they came. I stepped aside for them to do their work and examinations. I waited outside by a nearby chair worrying about Sehun and remembering how the doctor said that if there were any sudden configurations/changes it may affect his survival status. The door swung open and the doctor came out.
"The boy is fine and is at a stable state. He is currently awake. You may go in and see him. But do be careful of his body because it is still in healing.” The doctor instructed.
I rushed inside the room and saw him lying on the bed. I slowly walked up beside him and saw him looking up at me from below. I couldn’t believe it. He was still alive. Tears began to develop again. I fell to my knees, kneeling beside him, crying.
“Babo…” I said. “Did you know how much I worried about you this whole time? I didn’t know if you would ever wake up… You babo… why were you so stupid to get yourself in an accident?”
I felt his hand my head and pat it gently.
I’ve visited Sehun for 3 months already and he didn’t really seem to talk much during that period. After the 3 months passed, Sehun was finally discharged. We decided to take a taxi back home. The ride was silent, just complete silence. The ride was longer than expected, so I decided to take a nap to evade the awkward atmosphere. I woke up to feeling of my phone vibrating. It was Baekhyun.
From: Baekhyun
Yah ! Where are you? I rang the doorbell at your house but no one answered. Gwenchana?
*Not at home* I thought. *But I thought Sehun and I were heading home. If we're not at home, then where are we?*
I looked around. I was still in the taxi and the driver was still in the front, but Sehun... He wasn't there...
"Excuse me, but do you know where the boy I was with went?" I asked him.
"Oh he left the taxi and headed outside." The man explained. "Oh look he's right there. I think he just didn't want to wake you up so he went out for some fresh air. The day is pretty nice today; too bad it's almost ended."
I looked outside and saw Sehun staring out at the sunset in the horizon. He was sitting on a bench that faced towards the most beautiful view. The taxi driver was right. It was indeed a pretty nice day.
"Thank you, sir. Uhmm I'll be heading out for a while." I told him. He nodded and I nodded back.
I stepped out of the taxi and walked towards where Sehun was. There was some space next to him on the bench so I decided to sit there. We both looked at the sunset for a while. It was just soothing silence, the slow crashing of waves and the gentle wind that surrounded us.
"Do you remember this place?" He finally spoke up.
I decided not to say anything. He took a deep breath and continued.
"This was the place I first confessed to you...."
Everything he said came out slowly. I waited patiently to try to understand what point he's trying to get at.
"At that time... I thought you would be the perfect girl for me... But you've noticed it... And I've noticed it... We've always disagreed and fought about so many things... But somehow... We end up all better again."
He chuckled. "Even everyone at school can't believe how we were able to stay together all this time... I've had so many great moments of myself, always happy and having the best mood..."
He took another deep breath and continued.
"... But I've finally come to realize something. And it was all thanks to the accident I was just involved in and the duration of my hospitalization... ~~~~ ... You've been the kindest and most considerate girlfriend. But I haven't been the best boyfriend. I haven't been considerate of your actions and words... You never got to do the things you've wanted to do because of me... You try to act happy and joyful to me, just to please me, but in reality... You're not happy.."
"That time I was hit... I've gotta tell you... It really hit me." he chuckled again.
His expression became serious again. "I was selfish, unaware, uncaring, inconsiderate... I know, I have caused much pain to you. So that's why... I'm..."
:o Gonna break up with you? Asking for another chance?
 i will update ! soon... ahah.. THIS IS A THREE PART STORY AFTER ALL :D
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of course she must answer YES ! yuhuuuuu ><
Ohhh~ Very nice! ehehehe
HALLO~ Hehehe I like the Bacon gif at the end of the second chapter. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Aaaanyways, can't wait for the third (final) chapter! WHOOP WHOOP!
update soon TT.TT
i wanna cry when she and Sehun broke up ;A;
so sad T.T