Part of the Team.

Such a Girly Aura.

P.O, Taeil, and Jaehyo were playing their way west back into camp. "Oh look Hyung, its a girl! Look at her silhouette, I bet shes y." Pyo said pointing up to a girl standing on a staircase all the way on the other side of the field. Taeil, and Jaehyo turned to look at the direction P.O was pointing to. "I thought Hwa noona was the only girl here at this side of camp." P,O said.

"She reminds me of Jung-Hwa" Taeil said as they all continued to squint their eyes.

"Thats because it is Jung-Hwa" Jaehyo said. Jaehyo ran to the smaller staircase where the zip line ended to wait for her with P.O and Taeil.

They all watched as Jung-Hwa lifted her feet and speed up on the graded zip line. "Wha~ noona is so brave" P.O thought as she sped towards them.

She finally reached the stair case they were waiting for her on and came down the stairs."oh Taeil oppa, you're here? Oh, Jaehyo and Pyobaby your both here too!" she said happily greeting them.

"Noona you were so cool, I couldn't stop watching you." P.O said as she walked down the last few steps.

"Hwa were you scared while you were up there?" Jaehyo asked in amazement.

"No, just a bit nervous. It was fun and exciting." Jung-Hwa answered.

"Now, that you've come down, Lets go eat lunch" Taeil said.

"Wait Zico still needs to come down the zip line." Jung-Hwa said. They all waited for Zico to reach the other side and walked back towards the center of camp to go eat lunch.

The 5 of them were sitting down, eating already when Kyung, Ukwon, and Bbomb finally came. "Your finally here, what did you do all morning?" Taeil asked.

"We were at the soccer fields and we made some new friends" Ukwon said.

"Yeah, we saw a pretty looking boy and dared Kyung to go talk to him. It turns out he was pretty cool. We ended up hanging out with them all morning." Bbomb added.

"Whats his name?" Hwa asked at the same time Jaehyo said "Them?"

"His name was Luhan, he and his group of friends have a group name too, like us. They're called Exo!" Kyung said sharing info on his new friends to Block B.

"Are they a soccer team too?" Jaehyo asked.

"They play soccer too, we asked them earlier if they would like to play with us. We're going to kick a few balls after dinner." Ukwon said.

Zico turned to look at Jung-Hwa. "Want to play soccer later?" Jung-Hwa nodded with a smile. All of Block B and Jung-Hwa enjoyed playing soccer and were soccer players. Thats how Block B met too.




The whole day has nearly passed and the temperatures dropped drastically. Exo had come back to the cabin after dinner. "Who wants to play soccer! Lets get ready to meet Kyung." Luhan said.

"Whose Kyung?" Suho said.

"We meet some soccer players this morning and hung out a bit. We planned to meet up to play soccer after dinner, come." Luhan explained. With that, most of the Exo members got ready and changed into some shorts and laced on their shoes.

"Where are we meeting them at?" D.O asked curiously.

"At the west side of camp where the soccer fields are" Kris said answering D.O.

"Near the ballet camp!" Kai quickly added.



Mean while, in the Block B cabin, every one has begun to shuffle around to get ready to go play soccer. Jung-Hwa tied all her hair up in a bun and came out of her room to put on her Cleats. Like this morning she came to sit on the sofa to put on her shoes. Jung-Hwa loosened her shoes, and slipped both her shoes on. She placed her foot over her left knee to tie her shoe when she heard some one greasyly say, "Hey sseexy lady". Jung-Hwa turned her head to face the direction where the voice came from. Kyung walked around the sofa. "Need help getting dressed?" Kyung said as he walked over wearing Block B's soccer uniform. Kyung squatted down and began to tie the shoe on her feet that wasn't tied yet.

"Kyung what are you doing?" Jung-Hwa asked in astonishment seeing that he was imitating what Ukwon did to here this morning. Jung-Hwa wanted to laughed at the mixed feelings she felt at Kyung's sudden actions,

"I'm tying your shoe laces, Ukwon looked so cool doing it this morning" Kyung said while he was tying Jung-Hwa's shoe. "How was it? I was more y than Ukwon right?" he asked after finishing.

"It was greasy and disgusting" Bbomb said walking out into the living room with Zico, both wearing their Block B soccer uniform.

"Good, I'd be scared if you told me I was charming and breath-taking, besides I wasn't even asking you." Kyung said before turning back to you, still waiting for your answer.

"It was a bit ... cheesy. but thank you for tying my shoe." Jung-Hwa said thankfully.

"Told ya" Bbomb ended up saying after.

"Why is it that Ukwon is so y and cool when he does these things to girls but Jung-Hwa just find it cheesy when I do it to her?" Kyung complained aloud. Jung-Hwa watched in amusement as Bbomb bugged Kyung on the reasons why he cant flirt with girls correctly.

"All of you packed your soccer uniform?" Jung-Hwa asked Zico as they was watched the 2 bicker at each other.

"Yeah, we knew we were going to end up playing soccer here so we all packed our soccer uniform." Zico said. Instantly Jung-Hwa saw someone hand over some red and black clothes to her on the corner of her eye. she looked up the person holding to clothes to her.

"Hwa, we made you a soccer uniform." Jaehyo said holding her a set of uniform.

"Oh, why?" Jung-Hwa asked.

"Because your part of the team." Jaehyo said. Jung-Hwa was touched. She opened up the set of clothes. They got her the same black Adidas sweat pants and shorts along with the red Block B jersey and hoodie. "A few months ago, we all wondered why you don't have a Block B jersey when your always hanging out with us and practicing with us. You're basically part of the team although you don't join in on the games with us." Jaehyo said to his Jung-Hwa.

"Thank you" Jung-Hwa was grateful that they all thought of her with such importance. Her friendship with Block B meant a lot to her although she was introduced to the other 6 of them through Jaehyo only. To her, all of them agreeing to get her a uniform meant that they didn't see her as "Jaehyo's younger cousin" only and as a real friend. "Oppa, I'm going to go change into this" Jung-Hwa said.

"Ok, go ahead, we're going to head out first." Jaehyo said as he and everyone left the cabin.

Jung-Hwa went into her room and took off her clothes. She took of her cleats and grabbed her jersey she got from Jaehyo. It had the teams iconic 'thumbs up' logo on it with "Block B" written on the bottom of it. Exactly like the others uniform. She put on the jersey then she put on her hoodie for which it was very cold tonight. Jung-Hwa then put on the Adidas pants and quickly laced on her cleats.

Jung-Hwa ran out the door and walked on the path that lead to the soccer field. It was a but foggy out tonight. She saw someone in the distance in red and black. "Is someone waiting for me? I must hurry." Jung-Hwa thought to herself and began to run towards him. As she got closer, her cleats suddenly untied. "Oh, its Jiho" She thought to herself before one of the points of her shoe stepped on top of one of her laces. Jung-Hwa fell forward. "AHK!" Jung-Hwa let out a scream. She felt her heart drop. Everything to her slowed down as she did not look forward for her body to painfully meet the pavement.



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ops ary i mean im still editing chapter 9. i saved it o aff already. i just have to reread a bit


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I like your story, it's really interesting please update again when you can :)
Doh!!! Seems she's as clumsy as I am!! I can't wait for the next update!!!
Please update soon~ :3
awww~ poor Chanyeollie~. I'll help you unpack!!!! :3
heehee~ sounds fun~ I can't wait for the next update~ :3