Left before he got there.

Such a Girly Aura.

The days past by quickly and it was already time to go back home. Jung-hwa was dropped off home first, like always her mom waited for her in the living room. "did you have fun?" Her mother asked.

"It was good, the boys kept me company." Junghwa said walking up to her room as her mom followed her.

''So none of your school friends went with you?"

"No, just jaehyo oppa, and block b."

"you need to stop hanging out with boys, don't you have any school friends for me to meet besides your cousin and his group of friends?"

"I do, but I'm not close to them like I am with oppa and block b. Mom look, they made me a jersey too. They said I was part of Block B." Junghwa said happily pulling out her jersey.

"Thats very nice of them honey, but dont you think you should start going out with girlfriends and getting dressed up instead of playing soccer with Jaehyo all the time?"

"Mom, thats not my kind of idea for a fun time though. playing soccer with Block b, thats enough to keep me occupied and entertained" Junghwa said while unpacking.

"Well honey, sometimes, having 'just enough' to keep you occupied and entertained isn't enough. Could you atleast try to wear a dress more often for me to see? You're always in your casual clothes for school and then change in to your atheletic clothes everytime you have the chance." Jung-hwa's mom said helping her unpack.

"Alright mom, I will."




 After camp, every one started school again. Jung-hwa was coming home from school and saw jaehyo's car outside of her house. "Don't Stay out too late Ahn Jaehyo!!" Jung-hwa heard her mom call out before the front door flew open.

"We'll be back before midnight, I promise." Jaehyo ran out of her house towards her and dragged her to his car.

"Where are we going?" Jung-hwa said as he pushed her into the car.

"We're going to go hang out at Kwon's house, Exo's coming over."

"Exo?" Jung-hwa asked in confusion.

"Don't you remember? The group of friends we met at camp that we played soccer with."

"Its only been a few days, and Kwon is already inviting them over?" Jung-hwa laughed at Kwon's friendlyness.

"Well yeah, it turns out Luhan and Baekhyun are very friendly like Kwon too, theyve exchanged numbers and had been hanging out since camp."

"Luhan and Baekhyun... which one are they?" Jung-hwa asked.

"The prett.. Hwa, you'll see for yourself once we get there." Jaehyo said.

When they got to Yukwons house, Exo-M and the 2 maknaes from Exo-K was already there with the rest of block b. Bbomb came over with 2 opened beers handing them over. "No thank you." Jung-hwa said after Jaehyo reached out for a beer.

"You sure?" Bbomb asked

"Someone has to be sober to drive me home, and since oppa already accepted your beer, I'll be DD tonight."

Jung-hwa sat there and occasionally her phone to play games on it as the guys drank their way through the games. suddenly some one tapped her on her shoulders, "Hello, I believe we haven't introduce ourselves to each other yet, I'm Luhan"

"Oh!, Hello, Im Jung-hwa." Jung-hwa said as she reached out her hand to shake his.

"Ah!~ you are the one doing banana kicks into the goal" Luhan said while shaking her hand and sitting down next to her.  "My team and I were watching you when you were playing 1-on-1 with Jaehyo. I remember your name from your jersey." 

They had a nice conversation about soccer until it slowly came to be about Exo. Luhan pointed out all the Exo members that were there at yukwon's house and told her their names. "So how did you guys come up with the name 'Exo'?" she asked.

Luhan laughed. "Hold on...KRIIIS, COME HERE!"

"What?" Kris said while walking over

"Kris will explain it to you. its his role to do so." Luhan said to Jung-hwa. "Kris sit, Junghwa just asked me how did we get the name Exo" Luhan laughed as Kris let out a big sigh.

"The name Exo, come from planets out of the universe called Exo Planets..." Junghwa listened closely as he began explaining. She saw Luhan laughing half embarrassed as Kris was explaining and soon understood why once Kris finished. "... to protect the tree of life ... I know its lame huh?" Kris said finishing up.

"It's not lame, just a bit ... too creative." Jung-hwa said. "Why pick such a name if you think its lame?" she asked.

"We didn't pick it, our sponsors picked and agreed to it with our coach." Luhan said.


Junghwa watched them play a series of drinking games and games that had the loser drink as a penalty if they lost.It was already past 10 when junghwa decided that it was time to go home before jaehyo lost anymore. "Alright oppa, its time to go home." Jaehyo didnt protest to stay even though he was having fun. Even though he was drunk, the wrath from his parents and his aunty would be endless if he didnt take the family's precious jung-hwa home on time as promised. He got up to leave but soon fell over as soon as he got up. "Anymore drinking then you'd be too drunk to even function." Junghwa said as she went to grab her cousin's belongings.



Since camp, Chanyeol had been tired and more exhausted than usual. "Stupid rock wall bet. Stupid tiny person who was supposed to keep me up. Stupid me for agreeing to be in on that bet."Chanyeol wispered as he did more chores than usual.

"Chanyeol, were leaving to go hang out with Block B, wanna go too?" suho asked.

"Yeah, hold up." chanyeol replied as he left to go get ready.

When they got there and pulled up into the driveway, they saw a girl pulling a guy into the car and drove off. Exo-k went inside and greeted every one. chanyeol noticed that not all 8 of the block b members werent there. "Don't you guys have 8 players in your team?" chanyeol asked.

"well, yeah, but theyre not here" pyo answered.

"Is .. Jung-hwa here?" of course chanyeol cant forget to ask about the soccer player he watched at camp.

"Jung-hwa just left before you got here." pyo said.

"He must had been the drunk guy we saw vaguely leaving with the girl earlier" he thought.


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ops ary i mean im still editing chapter 9. i saved it o aff already. i just have to reread a bit


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I like your story, it's really interesting please update again when you can :)
Doh!!! Seems she's as clumsy as I am!! I can't wait for the next update!!!
Please update soon~ :3
awww~ poor Chanyeollie~. I'll help you unpack!!!! :3
heehee~ sounds fun~ I can't wait for the next update~ :3