Chapter VIII

Promises and Desires

To be honest, I am not hundred percent satisfied with this and the previous chapter.. He's one of the "temptations" but I feel like it's too early? Well, it is how it is and I hope you're not disappointed :)



Burying your face in your hands, you began shaking. Wow. You never had felt that guilty before in your life and although you were aware of the fact that you hadn't really betrayed Kai, you had the feeling that you were one of the worst persons in the world.

*How can I do that to the person I love so much? What am I? I love Kai. I do. So what was I thinking?*


The voice of the reason for your misery got you back on earth and not willing to look at him, you continued starring at the ground but removed your hands from your burning face.

“Who sent you?“ he repeated and you answered his question as short as possible, trying to not let shine through your embarassment and anger.

“My brother. Lee Joon.“


Kiseop laughed and as you looked up, you were able to see him in a completely new light. He looked – cute. Nothing left of the iness, just some handsome guy looking like a sweet little boy. However, it didn't help a bit in the progress of erasing the memory of his y self in your mind and you frowned, disappointed in yourself.

“How nice that he remembered my little request“ he happily said, kind of changing his behaviour towards you and you nodded almost invisible.

“Well, anyways. So, you need a job? I would love to hire you. What do you want to do?“

“I don't know“ you responded honestly and he tilted his head.


“Alright.. well, I guess you can be a waitress. Attractive waitresses are always good for a business.“ You blushed in excitement and hated yourself for that. This was supposed to be of no interest to you, the only compliments that mattered were ones that Kai made.


“Ok. So. When do you want to start?“ *Never* you thought but of course you couldn't answer like that so instead of speaking out the truth, you thought of some reasonable time.

“Next monday?“ you asked and he nodded smiling.

“Yeah, that's good. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm sure we'll have fun, especially when you're Joon's sister!“ He was so nice. Why did he have to be that nice? It wasn't fair. y and cute and nice.

*Think of Kai. Think of Kai. Think of Kai.* you repeated in your mind and cursed yourself for being like that.


Since Kiseop was still waiting for any kind of answer, it got silent for a second and you uncomfortably avoided his eyes that were looking at you questionning.

“Seems like you don't like talking that much.. Euh. Well. Honestly, I'm kind of busy right now so if you wouldn't mind I'll see you then on Monday?“ It was obvious that he thought you were kind of weird but since you were Joon's sister he hadn't really any other option than hiring you. With a nod, you turned around and after saying goodbye you rushed out of the room, ashamed and with an overwhelming feeling of guilt.


You didn't even said goodbye to the boy at the counter and he watched you dumbfounded when you ran out of the café, burning red and continously slapping yourself.

“She seems kind of weird. What a pity she is such a beautiful girl! I wonder why she had to talk to Mr Lee?“ There was no one to answer that question so he just shrugged and returned to his former work of cleaning the tables.




Ok, girls (I guess there are no boys around so it would be weird if I kept on calling you "guys") this is REALLY important for me and of course for the story!! I beg you to participate in this poll, it's only a mouse click but you can change the whole storyline if you want. SO PLEASE. Just choose who you want to be the second temptation, that would be great.

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I don't want to annoy anybody but would you mind commenting much more often? I'm longing for some sweet comments :) uh that was creepy. Whatever, thank you ♡


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Chapter 18: Kai don't do it T-T
Chapter 19: please update!
Chapter 18: Update please.. love the story..
ParkYeonmi #4
Chapter 18: OMG! POOR KAI!! DD: :(((( i hope they clear up the misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 18: I DID WAD !? No ....
hitsugaya115 #6
Chapter 18: awesome chapter i am loving it but poor kai
Chapter 18: You're baack! Thanks for updating?
Shisuuss dont tell me kai agreed. Urrggh cmon suho n fix ur goddammit phone!
SarinaMarina #8
Chapter 17: I love it!! Poor Kai :'( <3 your doing à great job :D update sooon ~ ^^'
Chapter 1: aw this is so sweet [about chapter 01 just starting to read x3] n.n
Chapter 17: nnawww kai is probs worrying his ___ off! :(