Chapter VII

Promises and Desires

So appearantly that's no outfit but since it's the same day, I hope you can forgive me. Instead it's something wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better: Kiseop ♡♡♡♡ Oh my god. Trust me, I almost had a heart attack when I saw that gif. This, my dear readers, is HOT. I definitely have too many biases and too many gifs/pictures of them that I somehow want to include! Shame on me. Anyways, thank you for reading, commenting or subscribing and the biggest thank you to those who do all three things. I love you!



You  were on your way to the café, every single second looking at the note on which Joon had written the address on.

*I feel like dying. Why is it so warm here? And where is this stupid café? Argh!*


Your mood wasn't the best and you were close to giving up when you finally found it. It looked good, kind of cute and very neat, surprising since you knew that Joon's friends usually weren't the type of guys that liked cute and neat things.

Carefully and busy looking around you walked in only to be greeted by a pretty boy behind the counter.

“Hello, customer~~“ he sing-sanged and you bowed smiling. *He surely is handsome but what is there to warn about? He seems to be really cute and innocent!*

“Actually, I'm no customer.. Are you the owner?“ He lightly shook his head and pointed at a door in a corner of the room. *Ah, well that explains it.*

“Mr Lee is in the office. Do you have any special reason why you want to see him?“ he asked and raised his eyebrows while he looked at you warily.

“I'm looking for a job.“ As soon as you had said that his expression turned all sweet again and he beamed.

“Good. I thought you would be one of his girls! They come by here too often.“ Your jaw opened a bit and you blinked.


“They do?“

“Oh, yeah. Poor Mr Lee.. he really can't get rid of them. Whatever, should I show you the way?“ A little bit you began feeling uncomfortable at the thought of 'poor Mr Lee' and for a moment you regretted coming here but you pushed the thought away.


“Ani. I'll find the way myself. Thank you!“ you smiled and turned to the door. Even from far away you could hear some voice talking to somebody on the phone and you gulped. *. His voice sounds really, really attractive. Oh hell, Hye Su! Get yourself together.*


You took one determined step forward but stopped when you heard the voice yelling something. Unsure what to do, you turned to the guy at the counter but he just shrugged.

“It's his mom. He'll be hanging up in a second. Knock then!“ You nodded and continued you walk to the door. Exactly when you reached it, you heard a harsh “bye“ and after that a cracking sound.


You stopped shocked and lost your balance for a moment but after reminding yourself that the guy was here and would see it when you ran out of the café now, you decided against that plan and carefully knocked at the door.

“Come in“ the attractive voice said and with a last deep breath and a beg to heaven that he was ugly you opened the door.


Unfortunately, he wasn't ugly at all. Not even close to be ugly exact and the longer you starred at him, the hotter he got. Because as pretty features as his features were, you wouldn't have described him any different than simply hot. He was y, so y that you felt shivers run down your spine and immediately you could feel arousal rushing through your venes. You suddenly had the urgent need to feel him inside you and your jaw dropped open while your hands made their way to your face.


The sound of him clearing his throat brough you back to reality and you turned as red as his hair.

*What am I doing? OH MY GOD. What was I thinking???*


“I'm Lee Kiseop“ he simply said with a smirk on his flawless face and you nodded speechless.

“Hello“ you managed to say and the smirk got even wider.

“So, what brings you here?“ He stood up and came closer to you and you all of a sudden had the feeling that you had forgotten something very important. Very, very important but you just couldn't remember it, you were too captured by his iness.


“I need a job“ you whispered and he nodded lightly.

“What kind of job?“ Did he really have to sound that seducing? You couldn't think straight.

“Euh.. here. In the café.“

“And who sent you?“ You weakly smiled and then it hit you hard.


'Well.. to kind of warn you. Even Jane was attracted to him! Although she really hates red hair. He has that – attitude.' Joon's voice replayed in your head and you turned pale.


Right, Kai. Your boyfriend. That was what you had forgotten.

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I don't want to annoy anybody but would you mind commenting much more often? I'm longing for some sweet comments :) uh that was creepy. Whatever, thank you ♡


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Chapter 18: Kai don't do it T-T
Chapter 19: please update!
Chapter 18: Update please.. love the story..
ParkYeonmi #4
Chapter 18: OMG! POOR KAI!! DD: :(((( i hope they clear up the misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 18: I DID WAD !? No ....
hitsugaya115 #6
Chapter 18: awesome chapter i am loving it but poor kai
Chapter 18: You're baack! Thanks for updating?
Shisuuss dont tell me kai agreed. Urrggh cmon suho n fix ur goddammit phone!
SarinaMarina #8
Chapter 17: I love it!! Poor Kai :'( <3 your doing à great job :D update sooon ~ ^^'
Chapter 1: aw this is so sweet [about chapter 01 just starting to read x3] n.n
Chapter 17: nnawww kai is probs worrying his ___ off! :(