Valentine's Day and Red Roses

Mischief on Valentine's

Meaning of Roses

Red * Says "I love you"
Yellow * Friendship & Joy
Purple * Love at first sight
Orange * Desire
Peach * Sympathy, Admiration, or Gratitude
Pink * Appreciation


Today's the day. The special day for couples to express their love for one another. The oh so wonderful day for singles to dread about. The beautiful day where relationships may bloom into something more. The supposedly most romanticist day of the year. Can you guess what it is?

Yes, the day where Cupid and his arrow is round and about: Valentine's Day.

The day of my date with Calvin and our double date with Aaron and Genie. When a girl has a date with a guy on Valentine's Day, what is she suppose to feel?

Happy? I'm happy that I have a date on Valentine's at the least and my date isn't some random stranger.

Butterflies in the stomach? I guess so...

Excited yet nervous? Nervous is indefinitely, excited not so much.

Right now, it's 5:30 pm. Another hour until Calvin comes to pick me up and I'm home all alone. My parents already left not long ago to not only celebrate Valentine's Day but also their 20th anniversary. I don't know if I should call me Dad smart for choosing a romantic day to get married 20 years ago or cheap for doing so. He only needs to buy one present for my mom to cover two occasions - their anniversary and Valentine's Day. My brother, Tian Hua, knowing that it's Valentine's day, he believes it would be a very good day for money making by selling roses to couples and helping them take pictures in Downtown. I'll say good luck to him, I seriously doubt anyone would buy one rose from him for $5.00 or let him take their picture for $5.00 with his instant camera. God that boy is trying to rob people's wallets...

Oh yeah, did I tell you some random person sent me a V-card this year and with a rose? Wait, you don't know what a V-card is right? Let me tell you, it's a small thing our school does every year during Valentine’s Day for fund raising. It's where students can buy "V-cards" a couple days before Valentine’s. And they write messages to their friends, a crush, boyfriend/girlfriend, or basically anyone they want to and the school will deliver it to the person during 6th period on Valentine’s. The V-card also comes with a couple of Hershey kisses for $3.00 and if you want to add a red rose with it, it would be plus $3.00 more, add a yellow, purple, orange, peach, or a pink rose - $2.00 more. I mean does the school really thinks that everyone would know what the meaning of the rose is based on the color? And yes I know, our school is trying to rob students’ money too...

Anyways, continuing on, I got some V-cards from my friends, I got a few yellow roses, one pink rose, one peach rose and surprisingly two red roses. However both red roses were from two anonymous people. However both red roses were from two anonymous people. Does that mean I have two secret admirers? Omo! Hmmm...I wonder who they are. The first one was kind of creepy...

"Dear Gui Gui <3

Meet me @ Lincolns Park after your date with Calvin tonight!

Your Secret Admirer XOXO

PS. You know who I am <3”

Do I really know who this person is? And how does this guy know I have a date with Calvin? Oh dear God, please don’t tell me I have a stalker too and he’s some weirdo from one of my classes. Freaky. And seriously do guys really use “XOXO”? I thought only girls did…weird.

The second one wasn’t as bad, the guy seemed pretty sweet. But you know, his handwriting seems really familiar for some reason…

"Hey Gui Gui!

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day! You have a beautiful smile!
So remember to smile more everyday!

Admirer from afar ;D”

Calvin send me the one with the pink rose…

“Gui Gui =D

I’ll see you tonight on our date ^________^

Calvin xP”

And guess what? Guess who sent me the peach rose. He’s the one that I thought I would never receive a rose from. The total handsome boy. Aaron Yan. Can you believe it? He didn’t only send me a card but also a rose!!! OMG! Even though I wish it was a red one but you know, I’m still ecstatic! But yes, it was very simple, not too special. But dear, receiving a rose from your crush will always be special no matter what, am I right? So you want to know what he wrote to me? Well it went like this…

“Gui Gui!

Have an awesome V-day! Feel special ‘cuz you’re the only one
I’m sending a v-card to since you send me one last year LOL

Aaron xD

P.S. You know how stupid I think this is -__-”

Oh did I say ‘not too special’? Cross that out because it really did make me feel special! He wrote that I was the only one who he sent a v-card too! OMG! I hope he’s not lying though. But yeah, I sent him v-cards every year since 9th grade, with no rose though and yeah, he thinks v-cards are stupid. Like me, he says they’re only to rob our money. Haha.


I am now finally done getting ready. A dark pair of a really cute mini jean skirt over black leggings and a diagonally stripped - red, light brown, and dark gray (though it doesn't seem like a good combo color, but it does come out very nice) - poncho over a white long sleeve shirt. I'm also wearing a pair of go-go boots my mommy got me not long ago, never wore them before so might as well try them on, the actually look pretty good with this outfit. Wearing light make-up with my hair down - it's a little wavy in the back. I'm all set. Oops, forgot to grab my bag. Now I just have to sit back, relax and wait until Calvin arrives, which should be soon.

Dang, why am I not relax? You know what I just realize? I'm going to see Aaron soon, with Genie. Man, I really need to get over it. Can I? I should call Rainie...

Door Bell Rings. Or not. I went out to check who it is. And yes, it was Calvin Chen. And guess who I saw inside his car...

Aaron and Genie?

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Chapter 6: Still wait for your update though
Chapter 6:
In case you need your original poster:
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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD
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Why there is no update T__T