If Only

Mischief on Valentine's

“Gui, why are your hands over Rainie’s mouth.” Aaron cocked up his right brow and gave me an odd stare. Ignore the fact that he’s looking at me like a freak right now but OMG! Did you hear what Aaron just called me? GUI!!! This the first time he actually just said “Gui” by itself! It makes me feel so much closer to him! It’s usually ‘Gui Gui’ but never ‘Gui’. Nobody, I mean nobody have ever said it as good as he did.

I gave out a soft chuckle. “We were just seeing how long Rainie could stand having my hand over " And finally Rainie was able to get out of my grasp. "And I was right she couldn't last long. We were just doing a test kind of thing you know."

"Right..." He nodded but I don't think he bought it, God why do I feel like such an idiot right now...

"You were trying to murder your dearest best friend" I heard her mutter under her breath and glared at me. I elbowed her gentle and brought out my best smile to Aaron.

"So why did you two call me?"

I was just about to answer but no, Rainie just had to cut me. Sometimes this girl can really get on my nerves.

"Oh we were wondering if you-"

"She meant she, she was wondering-" I was never wondering about anything about Aaron...God am I kidding myself or what...

"If you..." Rainie kept glaring at me with the 'you better not interrupt me again or you won't be able to talk' look as she started to talk to Aaron. And let me tell you when she gives me or anyone that look, never ever go against her because she becomes like a mad woman...okay maybe I did exaggerate a little but it's really not a good picture. I mean the last time when I did that...she cutted off everything I said, it was horrifyingly annoying. "...had anything special planned for the date? You know for Genie and such?"

Anything special planned for his date with Genie? Weren't you suppose to asked if he liked her, Rainie? Do I really want to know...you know this .

"Anything special? Uhhh...I don't think I really can you know since we’re going a double date with Calvin and Gui Gui, you know." Does that mean if he was on a date with only Genie, he would do something really special for her? Man this . Wait, he just called me ‘Gui’, why is he now calling me ‘Gui Gui’...well I guess he should since we aren't close anyways, God this . "So that's it?"

"Oh no, I was also wondering when's our monologue for English due but I was also curious about what you're going to do with Rainie on Valentine's so yeah. I going to have the perfect date with Jiro this Valentine's." There she goes again about her date with Jiro...every time she gets to have a chance to talk about it she will. You know despite the fact they been together for about two weeks or so, they never really had a "perfect" date where in Rainie’s terms is 'having a peaceful dinner and watching a movie peacefully at the least with no disruption'. It's quite interesting how every time they go on a date something just have to happen. I remember on their first date, Jiro's car broke down on their way to the movie theatres, so they ended up missing it. Another time, was where there was a big storm in our area and the majority of the city suffered from power outage and you can guess that the power outage started when Jiro and Rainie was eating their dinner on their date. Yeah it made Rainie depressed for a little while and she wanted to make sure that her Valentine's Day date with Jiro has to be perfect.

Oh how much I wish I could have a perfect date for Valentine's but the possibility is zip, zero, nada, especially with Aaron...


"Gui, you'll be fine."

"Hey Rainie can you be fine if Jiro dates-"

"He doesn't like her in that kind of way," she cutted me and continued to surf the net, "so get over it."

Huh? Who doesn't like who? Aaron and Genie? Really?!

"Really?!" God please tell me it's true. Wait, let’s see how reliable this source of mine is... "How are you so sure?'

"What kind of guy would he be if he doesn't do anything special for his date on Valentine's Day despite it being a double date." What if he is that kind of guy...no Aaron is definitely not that kind of guy, he's too sweet to be. "And HEY! You shouldn't curse me and Jiro. I never talked about him..." You always talk about him. "You always talk about Aaron." She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Do not." At least not that much...

"Do too!"

"Nah uh!"

"Uh huh!" She nodded her head.

"Nah uh! Why would I?"

"Because you like...no, you are obsessed with him, you dork."

"I am not, I'm just infatuated..."

"Exactly Gui Gui, same difference." I groaned, why did she have to be right... "So yeah...you know Calvin isn't bad, he's pretty cute...and he's a great guy..." But I don't like him in that kind of way. "But I know you don't like him in that kind of way...but still I bet it'll be fun to have a Valentine's day date with him so cheer up! At the least try..." Rainie gave me a small hug with arm and smiled. Awwww. This is one of the reasons I love this girl to bits.

"Awww...thanks Rainie. Do you really think should've said 'no' to Calvin and wait until what Aaron had to say?" Because man, do I regret it right now...

"Gosh Gui Gui, what's done is done, like you can really turn back time and change it." You know how with everyone there are times where we would wish that some amazing scientist would invent this awesome time machine where we can travel through time...well this is one of those times..."Get over it." Rainie flicked my forehead with her index finger. Ouch...

"Hey!" And all she did was smile and shrugged innocently. Hmph, that Rainie...

I heard ruffles downstairs and decided to check what was up. Maybe daddy's home? Nope, it was Aaron leaving and you know what he said to me.

"Bye Gui Gui! I'll see you and Calvin on Friday night!" With that he gave me his gorgeous grin and left.

God, how much I wish it was 'I'll see you on Friday night' instead of 'I'll see you and Calvin on Friday night'. Doesn't he know that I also have class with him tomorrow and Friday?

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Chapter 6: Still wait for your update though
Chapter 6:
In case you need your original poster: https://photo.asianfanfics.com/user/1406/da3cf8.jpg
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Chapter 6: OH MY GOD
Loving the story so far
new reader btw
Please update sooon!
Loved the story
Why there is no update T__T