oo4: Fanletter? It's more than that.

The Girl I Have to Find

(Jin Hee's POV)

I was shook awake by the sudden stop of the black veichle. 

"Jin Hee! We're here!" Joon cooed. 

I groaned and stretched my eyes open. I wiped crud out of my irritated eyes.

I looked out and saw the modern house that my auntie owned. Being a well vet in a zoo, (I know. Sounds crazy right?) She's got cash to spend on herself. 

He got out of the car and I followed to be greeted by a very giddy auntie. She looked great as usual. She had beige pants that went up to the waist and a fluffy floral like shirt. It was as if she had walked out of an 80's movie. 

I looked less presentable myself. I wore a gray hoodie and ripped jeans. My hair was as messy as my thoughts on the future. And knowing me, That's pretty messed up. 

"You still have "Kitty" Auntie?" I asked with a smile as I went in the grey metal door. 

"Yup! And she's missed you." She said with a grin. 

Suddenly, Out of the kitchen door, Comes out a baby felidae. 

"Kitty!"  I laugh as is jumps on me, Meowing ever so softly. 

I touched her black stripes and smiled, Remembring the good times with her mother, The original diva. 

That's right. My aunt's pet is a tiger. She rescued Diva, Kitty's mother, when she was just a young baby. She just didn't get along well with other tigers, So my aunt just stole her away. Nobody noticed, Really. But soon enough, Diva had to go back when she was older. And she gave birth to kitty there, Who had the same fate as her mother. 

MY aunt and I always had a way with animals. No matter how dangerous, We always get along with them. 

"Your fangs are growing healthy, Kitty!"  I laughed as the cub as she gave me a tiny growl. 


"You must be tired, Sweetie. Why don't you go rest in your room." Auntie said as she carried Kitty away from me. 

"And for you, Missy. You need milk." My aunt chuckled as she grabbed a small milk bottle from the coffee table. 

I laughed and slowly got up. 

"So where's the room?" I asked politely. 

"By the way, You start school tomorrow." She said with a smile. 

"Hooray." I said in a low, dissapointed voice. 

 "It's not that bad, Jin" She smiled. 

"Yeah. I'll try to believe that. For you, Auntie." 

"And for your appa!" 

"Yes... For my appa." I said with a sigh. 

(Kris' POV) 

I threw my black backpack against the mirror in the practice room as I gulped down a bottle of fresh water. 

I sat flat on my and laid my head back on the sky patterned curtain. Try out running hundreds of fangirls at school and tell me that you aren't tired.

"Guess what I've got?" Our manager sang as he carried in a white burlap sack. 

"Fan mail!" Sehun cheered and ran over to the gigantic sack. 

Ah, Fanmail. Millions of fangirls tell us they want to marry us, Others say they plain love us and others just wish us good luck. . 

He poured all the envelopes on the shiny waxed floor and it flooded like a sea of fanmail. 

Chen grabbed one and smiled. 

"This one's for you, Diu Zhang!" He said as he handed me the pink envelope plastered in stickers. 

I chuckled at the cheesy designs of rainbows and unicorns. Suddenly, D.O snapped it out of my fingertips. 

"Dear Kris oppa! I love you! You are so asdfghjkl material! You are so hot omg! I can't take this. YOUR LAST NAME. I WANT IT. keke just kidding! Love you, Gege! P.S. Taoris is real, Isn't it? Love, DeeDee" He read in a girly voice. 

We fell down on the floor, Laughing. They can be so funny sometimes. 

We fished through the envelopes, Securing each with a rubber band, Categorized to who it's to. 

One envelope was left. It was plain white with nothing but our dorm address written on it. It wasn't normal for fans not to leave a return address because they were hoping their "oppas" would come and see them. 

I picked it up gently with the letter cutter and opened it right through. I picked up the wrinkled piece of paper that was not-so-neatly folded inside and opened it, Being careful not to rip any of it's edges. 

"Dear Kris ssi or oppa or Diu Zhang or Gege or whichever you like best, 

Hi. That's honestly all I can say right now. I've never really have written a letter before and made it so sincere probably unlike most of the letters you receive. I know I'm nothing special so I won't make any ridiculous remarks on how you should "marry me" or "date me". That's probably every other  fangirls' dream, Right? Well, That's the thing. I'm just a fan girl. I'm not even sure you read letters, Let alone mine. 

I loved Exo since the beggining. All though I was painfully slow in learning all your member's names, I got all of them right in the end. My best guy friend happened to help me though he isn't very much into k-pop, I owe him one for tolerating my non-sense blabbering about how I should know all your names so i could appreaciate you all the same.

Now look at me. Writing to an idol when so many other fans are too. Know I truly feel like an  idiot. But that's okay. Because I'm your idiotic  fan. Even though you never notice me, I'll still be standing strong right here, Supporting you until you have gray hair (unless you dye it. That'd be cool too). And that is a pledge I made. 

I'm not very good at letters. I'm not like those girls in those movies who write the perfect letter to a guy. But I'm human, You're human and though I'm not a perfect human, I still have the guts to write you this unperfect letter. 

But incase you actually read this, I just want you to know: 

I'll leave a letter everyday in the trashbin at the 5th alleyway from the SMent building. All I know is, I'm a fan, And you're an idol. And right now, Letters are all I can send.

I'll promise to be that strong, faithful fan you want me to be. I'll be sending you my support and all my love, Not expecting for any in return. Now, You take care, Okay? Eat well and practice well. All your fans love you! (I'm somewhere in that large sea of fans that love you. So It would be best if  I said that.)

                                                  All my loving, 

                                                         The girl with brown hair, Hazel eyes and a for hoodies

That letter... Was fairly short yet so heart warming. My hands shook and my heart was beating faster than a car engine. 

"Gege, You okay? You look pale." Tao said in a worried tone.

 My throat was dry. It had felt as if I've been running at 120 kph. When I finally gathered the strength to speak, All that came out was: 

"This girl. I have to find her." 


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ThoughtToLive_012 #1
Okay so I gotta comment. I won't make it too long because hell I'm not going to review it. XD (Hope that didn't sound mean.)
I found your story on accident, but so far, because I am still just a fan, I have to say I'm really intrigued by your story. Now honestly at first I thought it would be cliche but once I read that the main OC and Kris met "normally", it's not cliche anymore. Another thing I really like from your story is she might be without parents, but she has an auntie. Which is superb! because speaking of stories with a basis like this, typically the OC would be an orphan.

I'm going to enjoy reading this story.. continue to pour your heart into this story. Your doing a swell job so far.
Be sure I will look forward to your updates. <3
This sounds interesting! :) I really like it, the whole secret admirer thing is something I love :D
OwO update pleaseh.
Ievunnie #4
New fan here!
Update soon ♥♥
Excited on what going to happen o____o << D.O. face OTL
Update soooooooooon~
This looks good! I just read the foreword and could tell it would be good \(^o^)/
Wah nice chapter. Update soon please. FIGHTING!
neko12 #8
please update soon im looking foward to it fighting