The letter

The Girl I Have to Find

(Jin Hee's POV) 

I gripped on my bag as I entered the large school. 

My flat black shoes tapping on the hard white floor echoed around the silent atmosphere. Students stared at me as they left me a passage way through the hall. 

"Why is she still here?" Students whispered loudly. 

Why wouldn't I be here? It's a school day, Right? 

Suddenly, A voice from the intercom boomed through the halls. 

"Ms. Park Jin Hee, Please report to the principal's office now!" 

I furrowed my eyebrows at the black speaker sitting on-top of a locker. Why would I be going to the principal's office? 

My hands turned cold so I pressed them against my warm neck. My expression was as blank as an empty peice of paper. A million reasons why I should be going to the principal's office ran through my brain. 

I walked slower once the brown mahogany door caught my eyes. I never liked the principal's office. Mr. Choi is just so... Scary. 

The seconds passed by and as soon as I knew it, I was in-front of the gold doorknob. I rested my hand on it and carefully turned it. 

I saw my aunt sitting on one of the black chairs. What is she doing here? 

"Jin!" She said as she hugged me tight. 

She wore a pink blouse with a floral design and plain brown capri's. Her short hair almost grey was pushed back by a neon colored headband which matched the flats she wore on her feet. 

"Hi Auntie! Why am I here?" I said hugging her back. 

"We just have something to talk about! No biggie!" She said with the optimistic attitude I always adored. She gave me an eye smile as the corners of her dry lipstick smothered lips moved upwards. 

I sat on the chair next to the one she was sitting on earlier, Across Mr. Choi and examined the office. 

A tall vase of flowers sat beside each chair. It was filled with tall yellow daisies. The walls were all in white and a bookshelf was pressed against a big circular window. Sunlight peeked it's way inside from the corners of the shelf, Giving the room a nice, comforting feel. Mr. Choi's desk was dark mahogany. On it's surface laid a picture of his family and a microphone used to announce events. A notepad with weird scribbles laid upon it too. A few other stacks of papers were neatly laid at the corner, Beside Mr. Choi's other big vase of flowers. 

What can I say? Mr. Choi loves flowers. 

"I understand your parents did not inform you of your transfer." Mr. Choi said, Laying his arms on his desk. 

'Transfer? Parents?' I thought as I shifted around un-comfortably in my chair. It pained me to talk about parents but my aunt quickly noticed my awkwardness and spoke up. 

"I did not inform her of her transfer." My aunt said in a straight voice. A blank expression was plastered on her face and her almost visible wrinkles were straight as a line. 

"Wait. Not to be rude but, Why am I transferring?" I asked, Moving my near the tip of the black chair. 

"Oh, Honey. I want you to move closer to my house! I missed you awfully lots." My aunt smiled weakly. 

She found the soft spot in my heart. I knew my auntie was old and it hurt me to leave her alone in a simple house. I really liked this prestigious university, Even though it was far away from my shop and my aunt. 

"-But auntie, I really like this school. It would be really nice on my future resume when the store stops selling and-" 

"Nonsense! I found you an even better school. A popular and prestigious university which your friend, Joon goes to!" 

My heart stopped for a second. Doesn't Joon go to a school full of rich, famous people? 

"The cost, Auntie. What about the cost?" I asked. I could pay any college with the money I earn. No problem! But I stay faithfull to donating it to soldiers and poor children for hospitilazation. They need it more than I do. 

"Joon got you a scholarship! Isn't that great?" She beamed. 

"So who actually goes to this school?" I asked. 

"Well, It's a high school and college. Which means alot of models and idols go there! It's near SM ent. So I guessed you'd like it there." 

My heart stopped at the word "Idol". The world around me turned silent. Idols? Like Exo? Or SHINee? 

Do you think Exo would remember me? 

Nah. Why would they remember one fan when there's a million others? 

"So Jin Hee, Would you like to go?" She asked, Snapping me put of my thoughts. 

I thought about it for awhile. It would be really nice to be close to my music store and not have to commute so far. And it would be really nice to live with my aunt when she's so alone... 

"I'll take it." I said softly yet confidently. 

I hope I didn't make the wrong choice. 

(Joon's POV) 

"Thank you! Come again!" I beamed as I gave the 16 year old girl her Exo-M Mama album in a plastic bag. Hm. Jin is into Exo too. 

Speaking of Jin, I heard the chimes ring and a tired looking Jin Hee came in and plopped her bag on the counter. 

Dark circles were under her nearly closed eyes and her lips dropped downwards. 

"Hm. You're here early." I smiled. And I knew exactly why. 

"Why did you get me a scholarship?" She asked. I rolled my eyes but kept a smile on my face. 

"Don't you want to live with your dear old auntie?" I asked, Resting my cheek on my palm. 

"I do! But... The same school as celebrities? That's too much for my little fangirl brain to take." She said.

"That didn't look like it lastnight!" I sang as I looked over at the security camera. 

"What do you mean?" She said, Innocently. Ah, Jin. You aren't the little girl anymore. You are a horrible liar. 

"I know you met Exo last night. You think I don't watch security tapes?" I smirked. 

She sighed and grinned widely. 

"I met Exo last night." She said, Her eyes slowly shaping cresent. 

"I know." I said with a smile. I was happy for her. I wasn't into kpop, But I was happy for her. 

"-But I bet they forgot all about me." She said as her smile dissapeared and her shoulders slumped downwards. 

"Nonsense! I bet they do." 

"You want to bet?" She said, Grabbing an empty peice of paper and a pen. 

"What did you have in mind?" I asked. 

"Well, I write them a letter, Concealing my secret identity-" She said as she pulled her hoodie to cover half of her face "-And let's see if they remember me." 

I thought about it, Sticking out my tounge slightly before finally saying: 


(Jin Hee's POV) 

I sat in-front of the counter, Hitting my pen against it constantly. I was always praised for my writing but right now, I was just stuck.

I had addressed the letter to Kris since he was my bias and asked Joon to help me write the letter.  

Suddenly, An idea came up as fast as lightning. I held the pen properly and wrote: 

"I'll leave a letter everyday in the trashbin at the 5th alleyway from the SMent building. All I know is, I'm a fan, And you're an idol. And right now, Letters are all I can send." 

Most people never used that trashbin and nobody throws it out. It may sound crazy but, It's all I could think of. 

"So my secrect identity is..." I said as I tapped the end of the pen on my chin. 

"The girl with brown hair, Hazel eyes and a for hoodies!" Joon suddenly shot up. 

"Okay, then." I said awkwardly as I wrote it down. 

I wrapped it in a white envelope, Making sure I put no return address. I scribbled down the address of their dorm, Provided by Joon oppa and sealed it. 

"So, You better get home an pack. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 A.M." He said as I let out a heavy sigh. 

"Okay then. Bye, Oppa." I said as I headed out. 

I spotted the blue uniform the mailman was wearing and ran to him. 

"Kwangbok Sunbae-nim! Can you please send this?" I asked, air into my lungs. 

"Yeah sure, Jin Hee! Have a good day!" He said as he put the envelope inside the backpack he carried. 

"Gumawo, Sunbae! Have a good day too!" I said with a bow and left to catch a bus. 

Oh, I hope I made the right choice. 


Wow! It's been awhile :))) You like the story so far? 

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ThoughtToLive_012 #1
Okay so I gotta comment. I won't make it too long because hell I'm not going to review it. XD (Hope that didn't sound mean.)
I found your story on accident, but so far, because I am still just a fan, I have to say I'm really intrigued by your story. Now honestly at first I thought it would be cliche but once I read that the main OC and Kris met "normally", it's not cliche anymore. Another thing I really like from your story is she might be without parents, but she has an auntie. Which is superb! because speaking of stories with a basis like this, typically the OC would be an orphan.

I'm going to enjoy reading this story.. continue to pour your heart into this story. Your doing a swell job so far.
Be sure I will look forward to your updates. <3
This sounds interesting! :) I really like it, the whole secret admirer thing is something I love :D
OwO update pleaseh.
Ievunnie #4
New fan here!
Update soon ♥♥
Excited on what going to happen o____o << D.O. face OTL
Update soooooooooon~
This looks good! I just read the foreword and could tell it would be good \(^o^)/
Wah nice chapter. Update soon please. FIGHTING!
neko12 #8
please update soon im looking foward to it fighting