The Deadly Kiss

The Secret In The Mirror



This day was no different form other days. Early in the morning she woke up to get ready to the university. Washing and drying her heir, dressing nicely, putting some makeup, in hurry drinking one cup of coffee and she was ready to go. After locking her apartment she headed to the street. After rainy autumn and snowy winter finally the spring came. The strange dreams were fading away and now she would always woke up with the smile on her face. She never saw him again…

The streets were busy. Many people were trying to get to their jobs, school or university. She was glad that today she chose to wear blue jeans, long t-shirt white with Minnie mouse, her favorite blue jacket and comfortable conversers. Even in the simple attire she caught attention from by passers. Her long hair swirled in still cold spring wind. She smiled softly. It seemed that it will be good day…

It was still early to wear spring clothes but many girls started to dress in colorful dresses. The girl walking before was not different. Her bright pink dress was shining in the mass of dark color dressed people. She thought that the girl was feeling uneasy but she smiled when the girl faced her with smirk in face. You could this person loved attention. She smiled to the bright pink dress girl when she passed by but something made stop in her track.

“It couldn’t be… “

She couldn’t believe. He was standing her before her. His eyes locked on hers. They met again. He was not in the mirror, he was standing here. The man from the mirror… He looked and started walking. She was afraid to move. Now only few steps where separating them but…

He just passed her. Maybe it was just a dream. She turned back. She could clearly see his back. It was not a dream. An uneasy feeling appeared in her body. The girl didn’t know why but she started to follow him.

He was not in hurry. The man from the mirror was walking in slowly steps but it seemed like he was following someone.  She was walking not far away from him. A bright pink color caught her attention again. The girl in spring dress was also walking in the front. He was following the girl? She shook her head.

“It couldn’t be… “

Suddenly a loud sound was heard. Her heart started to beat faster. What happened? The girl started to walk faster. A crowd was forming in front. After pushing few people away she saw something that made her gaps. The pink dress girl was lying in the street. Blood was oozing from her body and he … He was standing there near the girl. People were screaming around to call the ambulance but she couldn’t move… He was looking at her with those piercing eyes and she shivered. The bright pink girl was still breathing but the blood did not stop. Now few people were sitting near her, holding her and also he was standing there… But it looked like other didn’t see him. His next moves scared her. The man from the mirror bent down near the girl lying on the street and…

He kissed her… She couldn’t believe. The man from her dreams, from the mirror was kissing the girl that was lying in the street in the pool of blood… Screams got louder. The ambulance arrived but they were late…

The bright pink dress girl left the world just after the kiss…

She died after the god of death gave her a deadly kiss…


Author's Note: 


Unnie updated!!! 

I am so happy that you are supporting me ^^

I am trying very hard to make the story intresting...

You give me lots of support and love ^^ 



I am happy that you enjoy the story ^^

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aghniahr #1
ahhh who is seduction?! and she has to kill onew :3<br />
ahhhh you need to give up writing? ;______;<br />
but you're one of my favorite author *sobs* I'm not here when you told us you're busy, and when i'm back you give writing up X3<br />
but i understand, you have your own life and problems, I hope that you can solve your problems and have a happy life :)<br />
<br />
good luck for you, unnie! :')
melanarbs #2
this is sad... T-T *sighs
melanarbs #3
ok.. i just finished the 16th chapter... and still. i'm confused. haha!!! it's sooooooooo intriguing!!!! please update more!!!! :D i'm loving it! paparapapa!!!
melanarbs #4
hi... New reader here! Im on chap 5... Its c0nfusing, but still, its entertaining, a good read...
aghniahr #5
oh gosh unnie is back!! and where am I when you told that you're busy? X3 of course I didn't forget about you~<br />
<br />
ohhh who is seduction? >.< and 'he' is...onew? jae wants the seduction to kill onew? :O
aghniahr #6
'what' is Onew? who is The Seduction? is Onew the reincarnation of the one who gives his soul to protect Hope? :O
New character? What is The Seduction to The Death? <br />
And what is Onew doing to Hope? or is she Hope, Onew was touching? Why so fast?