Chapter 3

Running with time travel


“Kai..” Lucy said as Kai fell down, she barely caught his shoulder and tried to hold him up. His skin was moist, he was sweating and she didn’t know why he could barely keep his eyes open. It didn’t seem like he was bleeding or anything was broken, but now that Kai came into the cave. He left a trail and those men were probably following him, so she yelled for Jaehwa and let him down carefully, she looked at him one more time before leaving the cave completely. Hiding behind the back but not exposing herself, waiting for their arrival. 
Jaehwa heard Lucy and rushed out, the second she got to Kai there was an explosion, mainly consisting fire, so she guessed Lucy was already starting to attack, even when Jaehwa said not to hurt anyone. She hoped that it was just a distraction, because Lucy wasn’t the type to follow orders, she did what she thought was best for her friends. Kai tried to get up and Jaehwa helped him, but he could barely stand, she got him far enough into the cave and laid him down on the ground.
Kyong scooted over to them and her eye’s widened, “Kai!” She said as her eyes started to water. She wasn’t very close to him, but she cried whenever she saw anyone in pain. So she hid her face in her hands and cried even more, “Kyong, it’s okay.” Kai mumbled while looking up at her, he lifted his hand to pull her hands away, and felt a stabbing sensation in his shoulder, but dealt with it. She gulped and let him take her hands away, but once he did, she refused to look at him and scrambled further into the corner. 
Jaehwa knelt by him and tried to see what was making him feel so much pain, but couldn’t find anything. It must be internal and it killed her inside knowing that she couldn’t do anything about it. “What hurts the most?” Jaehwa asked and to her surprise, he answered, “My chest.” She bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying to eliminate of the thoughts that were wandering in her mind. Her mind was her weapon, no it couldn’t cause much physical pain, but it could do an array of things. She knew there was only one option now, she couldn’t deal with seeing him in pain so she would try to take it away. 
Kai looked up at her and noticed what she was doing, he knew that trying to push her or distract her wasn’t going to do much, so he did that only thing that would keep her from doing it. He screamed, in a voice that volunteered that there was so much pain, that he needed to be cared for, and reassured that someone was there to take care of him. Her eye’s opened and she saw Kai, he was on his side, hunched over in what looked like terrible pain. “Kai-” She said then something loud interrupted her, and before she knew it, they were in complete darkness, she was barely conscious, and couldn’t move.
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Woah whats going on im kinda confused :( but i like it :)
Bayerjr #2
Could u at some point make a
Character page? All the names make me confused! Sorry:/
Ohh interesting :) cant wait :)