Chapter 1

Running with time travel


 “Run!” She screamed, it was miles away, but she heard the sirens, they were police cars, many of them. She wondered why there were so many, why they were so loud, the city doesn’t care much for foolish children. All of them heard her, and didn’t hesitate to run their fastest. A boy with dark brown hair looked around and stayed behind them as his group jumped over the train tracks. He could feel that something was up and the further they ran, the more strong it was, it got to the point to where once he jumped over the tracks, his heart was pounding so fast it hurt. They were in an abandoned place, filled with tall grass and deserted passageways. No one knew about them going there, and by “there” I mean a place where they do something secret, something no one needs to know of. But their secrecy was on the verge of being discovered. 
He watched as a girl’s foot got caught on a weed and she fell into the grass, some of the other’s went to go help her but she told them to run, and they did, except one. A tall boy with light brown hair, the one who stayed behind dropped to the ground and helped unwrap the foliage from her ankle, but at points she squealed and flinched. “Are you okay Kyong?” The boy with light hair asked as he knelt down next to her and she shook her head, biting her lip, trying not to cry. 
“Taehyun, grab her, come on.” The dark haired boy, who seemed like the leader said while getting up. Taehyun got up, holding the girl in both of his arms, he looked down at her and bit his lip, then started running, it was so quick, that in seconds the dark haired boy was running alone, far behind them. With every step he felt his body getting weaker, his head pounding worse and his vision getting blurry, but he knew he needed to catch up with them. 
Kai, please, run fast, they’re coming. It’s not the police.. It’s..
Just run!
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Woah whats going on im kinda confused :( but i like it :)
Bayerjr #2
Could u at some point make a
Character page? All the names make me confused! Sorry:/
Ohh interesting :) cant wait :)