
Melancholy of Love


Suho's P.O.V

After Baekhyun left the school yesterday I tried searching him.

First I went to his apartment hoping he would be there.

But he unfortunately wasn't. After searching for a few hours I went home.

I tried calling him nonstop but the only one I got to speak with was the voicemail.

I was more than happy when he called me today.

I still scolded him for being that selfless.

"I'm sorry hyung."

I wanted to say that he doesn't need to be sorry but his hoarse voice just made me forget everything.

"Baekhyun are you okay?"

"I feel a little sick."

He then started coughing and hung up.

He probably thought I didn't hear.

Without hesitating I grabbed a bag and put various medicines in it.

When I reached his home I didn't even bother to knock.

I knew he didn't lock the door.

I went inside his room and saw him curled up into a ball lying on the bed.

I quickly went up to him, then I realized that he didn't even change his clothes after yesterday.

I turned him around so that he was facing me and placed my hand on his forehead.

He was burning.

I removed his clothes and changed him into a pajama.

He didn't even wake up.

I started panicking after I measured his temperature.

40,1°C (104.2 °F)

I grabbed some antipyretic from my bag and placed it on the drawer, then went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

I also wetted a cloth and put it in a bowl with cold water.

I carefully grabbed him by his shoulders and tried sitting him up a bit, he needed the medicine.

He started mumbling something I didn't catch.

"Shh…it's okay Baekhyunnie…drink this…"

I gave him the medicine and he hastily drunk it.

Then I realized that he was thirsty.

I filled an another cup and gave it to him.

He drunk it all.

I then helped him getting into a lying position again.

When I started wiping his forehead with the wet cloth he started mumbling again.

This time I understood what he was mumbling.


My heart shattered into thousand pieces.

Why was he still calling for him even though he is the cause of this all?

I placed the cloth on his forehead and went to Baekhyun's desk.

I wrote a note in the case he would wake up and placed it on his nightstand.

"I will be back soon Baekie.

I went to school to inform that you won't go to school a few days.

Don't move.


After placing a kiss on his cheek I made my way to school.


After informing the secretary about Baekhyun's condition and that I would stay with him for a few days to take care of him I made my way to the exit.

That's when my eyes caught Chanyeol laughing with Kris.

How could he laugh after what happened yesterday?

Shouldn't he be apologizing to Baekhyun? Shouldn't be guilt eating him up?

I just couldn't take it anymore.

I run up to him, grabbed him by his collar and hit him right across the face.

He looked dumbfounded but didn't say anything. He probably knew what it was for.

Kris just remained silent.

"You're such a jerk, you bastard are laughing and having fun here while your 'best friend' is lying in his bed with a high fever. And because of who? You! But he is still calling for you. Are you happy now? Are you happy that you destroyed his life? Bravo Chanyeol bravo!"

I turned around.

"I don't want to see you near him again. You don't deserve his love."

I said without looking back. I was about to leave when he spoke up.

"Stop chasing after him. He will never love you. I'm the one he will ever love."

I lost it.

I run up to him again, ignoring the height difference I pushed him to the ground and started hitting him.

He didn't even try to break free and if Kris didn't tear me away I would have hit him until he would receive some major injuries.

I smirked walking away.

You deserve this jerk.


I spend the next days watching after Baekhyun who just couldn't get healthy.

His immune system was weaker than I thought.

But at least he slowly started eating again.

After almost two weeks I got him healthy again.

"How are you feeling Baekie?"

"Great! Better than ever! I love you hyung! Thank you!"

He smiled his cheerful smile.

How I wish you would mean it.

Why don't you see me Baekhyun?



"I'm over it."


"I will end this relationship. It's the best thing I can do. I just want him to be happy. Seems it's only possible with Kris-hyung."

His smiled a bitter smile.

"You sure?"


I knew it was very hard for him to make that step but it was the best that way.

I was happy.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

The next day.

It's the right decision Baekhyun. It's right. Everything is just the way it should be.

I sat at my table thinking whether it was a right decision.

The door bell rung.

"Come in Suho hyung, it's open!"

I cried out. When nobody entered the apartment, I got curious and walked to the door.

I never expected him to be there.

"Chanyeol what are you doing here?"

I was shocked. More than that.

"I just w-"

"Wait before you say anything. I just want to make things clear. I thought about it for a while now."

I took a deep breath before spitting out what I had on my mind for a few days.

"Chanyeol, I want to end this relationship."



Author's Note: 

straightforward: I'm not familiar with temperature in non european countries :3

anyone besides me in love with exo's 'the face shop' photos?:D

wae we don't have a face shop in germany?n.n

luckily we have the body shops :D

aaaaanyway my heart broke in this chapter TT___TT

is anoyone else soooo proud of Baekhyun?

he finally did it...:D

anyhow...I'm off watching football






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I'M SOO SORRY FOR ALL THE WAITING....I'm making it up to you with a sequel...check out the last chappie and the sequel "Euphoria of Love" :D


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Chapter 10: chanyeol is a jerk ... but I love him ... so baekyeol forevah !!! ahahah okay
baek is just amazing as always , but chanyeol doesn't deserve his forgive
Chapter 10: Chanyeol still don't deserve Baekhyun tho. But at the same time, I'm still glad they ended up together. XD
This is beautiful. OTL
;A; maybe im just cruel but i really didnt want Yeol to get baek back.
I didnt think he deserved it.
Either way. Great story ^^
5a8ina #4
Chapter 10: love this!!!!!
Chapter 10: Yay! BaekYeol ended up back together! I'm sooooo happy :D This couple is so flipping sweet. And I love that Baekkie did the "first moves" this time; he held Yeol's hand then sweetly kissed him <333 Very sweet, very adorable, very squeal-worthy hehe~ (:

Thanks for finishing this story, I really, sincerely enjoyed it. I'm off to the sequel!
Chapter 10: they are back and happy togeter. the end. ;))
Chapter 10: <3333333
Loved This!
Chapter 10: sigh ;A;
you finally end this
i thought that you forget about this ;A;
im happy for the BY ;A;
Chapter 10: yes ! finally author-ssi ! my friend and I are dying for an update , well , at least you did after all these time . and i totally understand you , i'm a writer and a college student as well . so slow updates are really not out of the ordinary since school stuff now are like ten times harder than before . so yeah , best wishes , i'mma read your sequel too . thank you for not abandoning this one . :)