-o6-Filled Emptiness

Melancholy of Love


Chanyeol's P.O.V

I was talking to Kris when I saw two figures entering the school.

I turned around to see who it was.

No way.

I rubbed my eyes.

"Yeol you okay?" Kris asked me.

"Ah ne…wait here Kris hyung. I'll be right back."

I smiled at him.

When I got nearer I realized that my mind wasn't joking me.

It really was Suho hyung.

I run up to him and hugged him tight.

He laughed a bit.

"Hey Chan."

He said smiling.

"Suho hyung I can't believe it's really you!"

He laughed again. His laugh wasn't honest though.

He looked at Baekhyun who was standing beside him and grabbed his hand.

He probably thought I didn't see it.

Baekhyun looked horrible.

His eyes were puffy as if he was crying, huge sleeping bags under it, pale and dry skin.

His school uniform didn't fit him either. It hung on him.

I knew that I was the cause of it and I felt horrible.

I thought that maybe I should break up with him.

It was the best. It wasn't my intention to make Kris-hyung jealous with Baekhyun.

It just happened and I hated myself for it.

I felt horrible for using Baekhyun but I couldn't help it.

Suho hyung squeezed Baekhyun's hand as if telling him to be strong.

I just wanted to tear his hand away and hug Baekhyun.

Even though I may don't have any feelings for him anymore, Baekhyun still was my best friend.

A precious best friend who I never intended to hurt.

"We will chat later, okay Chan? I have to go to the principal's office."

"Uh okay." I smiled hugging him once again.

I have to end this.

I have to break up with you, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun's P.O.V

It was the best thing that could happen to me.

My Suho-huyng came back.

Finally my best friend was back.

After his arrival we spend every day together.

I finally wasn't alone anymore.

We were spending the whole day at school together.

It was much easier to stay together all the time since we had the same lessons.

I was happy not be alone anymore and I was more than happy that it was Suho-hyung who filled the emptiness of my heart.

The things with Chanyeol got even worse but Suho-huyng distracted me from it.

Chanyeol was ignoring me.

When we accidently met in the corridor or in class he would just pretend to not know me.

It hurt me every time and I knew I wouldn't get used to this.

"Yah Baekie you're spacing off again!"  Hyung laughed at me.

He poked my cheek with his chopsticks.

"Where did your squishy cheeks go? You have to eat a lot Baek!"

He said pushing my tray of food to me so it was pressed against my chest.

"Eat." He demanded pointing with his index finger at the tray.

"Hyuuung~" I whined. "You know I'm not hungry."

"Yah you rascal! Look at you, there are only bones and skin left. I need a healthy Baekhyun!" He said.

"I am healthy!" I said pouting.

"Sure…who fainted last week because he got hit with a ball?"

He laughed while saying it.

"Everyone would have fainted!" I said defending myself.

"Lay got hit yesterday and he didn't faint."

"Pfsht…I'm just weak like that. I have always been." I joined him laughing.

"No seriously Baekhyun please eat more. I know you're not hungry but please…just for me, ne?" He smiled this irresistible smile and I just had to agree.

I grabbed a sandwich and started eating it.

"Bleh." I said putting the sandwich back.

"Aish…I will force you then!" I heard him saying under his nose before he grabbed my sandwich and started chasing me.


The next few days went smoothly.

Suho-huyng would visit me at my apartment and we would go out on weekends.

We visited the café almost every day which made Chen the happiest person alive.

Everything went too smooth. I knew it was only calm before the storm.

And I was proved right when Chanyeol wanted to talk to me a few days later.

"Hyung I need to talk to you."

I didn't want to talk to him.

I knew he would want to break up with me.

I wasn't ready yet.

"I'm busy right now."

I said playing with my fingers.

"Right, he's busy. Baekhyun and I will visit my grandma."

Suho-hyung said. It was true that he wanted to visit his grandmother with me.

"Ah I see…just…I'll talk to you later." He said.

I sighed a sigh of relief.

Thank you hyung

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note:  hello~ :3 I'm on my ipod in a Moscow airport right now waiting for my second plane to arrive the first flight went smoothly I prepared this chapter at home and since all of you were so cute I'm posting it now :D enjoy reading and that's it from me... bye ♥   THANK YOU!♥ Saranghae!

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I'M SOO SORRY FOR ALL THE WAITING....I'm making it up to you with a sequel...check out the last chappie and the sequel "Euphoria of Love" :D


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Chapter 10: chanyeol is a jerk ... but I love him ... so baekyeol forevah !!! ahahah okay
baek is just amazing as always , but chanyeol doesn't deserve his forgive
Chapter 10: Chanyeol still don't deserve Baekhyun tho. But at the same time, I'm still glad they ended up together. XD
This is beautiful. OTL
;A; maybe im just cruel but i really didnt want Yeol to get baek back.
I didnt think he deserved it.
Either way. Great story ^^
5a8ina #4
Chapter 10: love this!!!!!
Chapter 10: Yay! BaekYeol ended up back together! I'm sooooo happy :D This couple is so flipping sweet. And I love that Baekkie did the "first moves" this time; he held Yeol's hand then sweetly kissed him <333 Very sweet, very adorable, very squeal-worthy hehe~ (:

Thanks for finishing this story, I really, sincerely enjoyed it. I'm off to the sequel!
Chapter 10: they are back and happy togeter. the end. ;))
Chapter 10: <3333333
Loved This!
Chapter 10: sigh ;A;
you finally end this
i thought that you forget about this ;A;
im happy for the BY ;A;
Chapter 10: yes ! finally author-ssi ! my friend and I are dying for an update , well , at least you did after all these time . and i totally understand you , i'm a writer and a college student as well . so slow updates are really not out of the ordinary since school stuff now are like ten times harder than before . so yeah , best wishes , i'mma read your sequel too . thank you for not abandoning this one . :)