SUMMER BREEZE 2 - Love Was Made for Us


Yoona and Siwon looked at each other for a long time then Yunhee broke in.

“mommy do you know oppa?” Yunhee grabing Yoona’s hand.

Yoona as if broken from a sleep turn to Yunhee “ what is that honey? O..oppa?” she ask.

Yunhee nod, then run towards Siwons’ “ them! I call them oppa, since they’re too young to be adjusshi’s” she smile.

Leeteuk and the others couldn’t say a word, when Minho speaks.

“looks like Yunhee likes all of you” He smiled “ who about you guys stay here for dinner tonight? We want to thank you for bringing Yunhee here”.

“ahmmm” Leeteuk look at Siwon as if asking his permission “ we don’t know”

Yunhee turned to Siwon “appa please, stay here for a little bit”

Yoona looked at her child “ appa?”  she thought to herself.

“Yunhee-ah they’re not your appa” Minho said

“ow, sorry dada, they are my daddies for today” She smile.

Minho turned to them “ I’m sorry” he said apologetically.

“no it’s alright we don’t mind at all.” Shindong said. “ ahmm is the offer still available? Well I’m kinda hungry” he said then shyly smile.

“hyung!” Kyuhyun said.

“what? I’m really hungry and beside Yunhee want’s me to stay” Bend down to Yunhee.

Yoona finally speak “ it’s alright” everyone turn to her “stay here for a while, I’ll prepare dinner”

“ahh Yoona-ssi it’s ok you don’t have to bother” Yesung stop her.

“kwenchana, beside I haven’t seen you guys for a while..” she said with sad tone.

“you guys stay, I need to return to Seoul tomorrow, thank you” he said to Minho, then he bend down to Yunhee “ sorry little princess but I need to go now”

“appa..” she said totally sad “do you really have to leave?”

“yes, I have well see each other again sometime” he said to her.

Yunhee hug him, Siwon untangle himself from Yunhee and then turn to have one last look at Yoona before leaving. Yunhee followed him through the door.

“ appa!!take care! Bye  bye!” she wave at him but Siwon didn’t turn his head back. The pain that he keep forgetting for the past 5 years was back with just one look at her. 

Yunhee came back  “ I think he didn’t hear  me”

Eunhyuk came closer “ don’t worry we are still here”

“right, come on let’s have dinner together” Ryeawook said.

Minho leads them to the table near the window and then went to the kitchen where Yoona is cooking dinner.

“need any help?”  Minho said.

Yoona’s mind where off to somewhere so she was startled when she head Minho’s voice.

“no I’m fine” she forced a smile.

Minho came closer “ are you sure, you’re mind is off to somewhere”

Yoona turn to him “ yes, I’m fine.. you need to rest now you have a flight tomorrow” she reminded him.

Minho sigh “ you’re right, ok I’ll be going now”

“ Hmm, I’ll walk you to your car” Yoona said. “ Ahmm, Ms. Lee please prepare some food for our guest” Yoona said to her cook.

“alright leave everything to me” Ms. Lee said.

Then Yoona and Minho went out of the kitchen. Siwon was just standing under the tree not far from the café seeing Yoona brings back everything he tried to forget and now she has a child. Siwon shot his eyes harder wishing that this is only a dream, that tomorrow it will just disappear, all of it and then he heard the café door open and saw Yoona and Minho came out.

“are you sure you’re really ok?” Minho was making sure.

“ of course, they won’t harm me, beside they’re my…..” Yoona said her voice fading as if it’s hard to say the word ,“ FRIENDS”. She able to say it.

Minho smiled and hold her shoulder  “ alright, if you say so. And beside they look nice, they took care of Yunhee so I guess I have nothing to worry about” he said and Yoona just smiled at him. “ wosh! I guess I’ll be leaving two take care ok?” then Minho kissed Yoona in the forehead. Siwon saw it all and felt an urge to walk to them and take Yoona away from that man, but he stop himself from making a total fool of himself so he just stayed there his teeth grinding.

“ You too, take care” Yoona said and then step back. Minho start the engine of the car wave to Yoona and then off to the road,  Yoona wave until the care was gone in the dark. She was about to turn towards the door when she felt like someone was watching her so she turn and look around and saw a figure standing under the tree the moon gives enough light to notice him standing there.

“ who’s there?” Yoona was trying to see the face of the man

“it’s just me” Siwon said.

 Yoona stop on her track and wide eyes looked at the shadow, hearing his voice after all of those years always make her heart jump a beat. Just his voice..she want to run to his arms and hug him tight feel his warmth so close to her and tell him all the word she could think of just to let him know how she truly feel. But when Siwon step out of the tree’s shadow his eyes where…as if it was emotionless.

Yoona stop her foot from stepping closer to him and remain where she is until he came closer to her to see him clearly.

“so, it’s nice to see you again, Yoona” he said it so casual that it gives Yoona a chill all over her body, she could feel it, his anger. What she did 5 years ago and she can’t blame him, running away like that but it was the right thing to do…or if that what she think it was right.

Yoona looked at Siwon  with an eyes that’s like tears are going to burst anytime “ ni..nice to see you too” she manage to say.

Siwon looked her from head to toe “ you’ve change a lot”

“you too” Yoona awkwardly replied.

“really? Well I guess I have to thank you of what I become” Siwon said as if making her feel that it was all her fault that he became the man he is now.

Yoona couldn’t meet Siwon’s eyes. “I thought you leave..”

“ I would love to leave now,but Jaejoong has the keys to our room” Siwon said still looking at Yoona.

“ ahmm, I see, how about join us for dinner” Yoona said.

“ Join YOU for dinner?”  Siwon’s voice has sarcasm in it.

Yoona was fighting the pain in her heart and the tears that was forcing its way out. “ don’t worry I won’t be joining” he assured him.

“if you said so” then Siwon turn his back to her and walk to the door, as Siwon walk away from her, her tears fall from her eyes. She covered to stop the scream from come out but Siwon could hear her crying even if she covers , hearing her cry feels like a million of needles pinning his heart, he fight the urge to cry and every step he make was heavy but he make to get to the door. Yoona heard the door close, then she let go all the emotion she’s been keeping from the moment he saw him again , she cried  and cried in the as if is the only way to ease the pain she was feeling right now.

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Yoona-chingu #1
Chapter 46: Nice chapter!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Lament #3
Randomshipper sure let's meet up sometime i miss you guys too,
well about the next story,well there is quit a change in it...hehhe
ItsmeJuly #4
Chapter 46: Thanks cuz you writing the amazing fanfics....
Lament #5
sorry guys to cut this story short..i was planning to have this up to 60 chapter or more but because i couldn't update as fast as i want so i decide to finished it rather than leaving it hanging.

i promise to do well on the other stories..hope you won't get tired reading my fics..can't thank you enough for reading the SB 1 & 2. Thank you...
ItsmeJuly #6
Chapter 45: End??
Not now.... I want see YoonWon to be married...!!
Pleasee 1 more chapter...
novamp #7
Chapter 45: This is the end?
Please make a wedding for them,and Yunhee go to the town
ItsmeJuly #8
Chapter 43: Author nim update again pleaseee....I'm CURIOUS...
Kyaaaaaaa...what happend??
Chapter 43: author-nim update soon please...
i'm being curious what will happen next..huhu