SUMMER BREEZE 2 - Love Was Made for Us



 “Mom, yes I’m fine you have nothing to worry the café is doing great! And besides we are preparing for the festival right now.”Yoona was talking to her mother over the phone,.

This is the time of the year where they get really busy because the festival is just around the corner and surely the café will be filled with patrons from different places. Ever since she decided to left everything behind, she put up a café to make herself busy and forget all about the things she left. And when Yun-hee came to her life it became her strength to stand for her own and move on.


“oh? Yes Sir! Really I got to take photos of the Festival?” Jaejoong can’t hide the excitement on his voice. “yes I’ll take the project, thanks a lot, bye bye.” Jaejoong ended the call.

“so who’d it go?” Yuri ask.

“ I got the project! I’m going to cover one festival, would you like to come?” Jaejoong ask.

“I would like too but..” Yuri look at her round tummy. “but I can’t you know that it’s not good for me to go on trips right now”

Jaejoong smile.” Ow right! Sorry” then caress Yuri’s tummy.

Yuri is now 6 months pregnant of their third child.

“why not ask the know they’re always free on everything especially trips” Yuri suggested.

“yeah! You’re right! Wait I’m going to give them a ring.”he grab his phone and dialed.

“ Honey, don’t forget to ask Siwon” Yuri reminder him softly, what happened 5 Years ago really gave its impact on Siwon that change him. He became so workaholic that he forgets about his social life.

Jaejoong look at his wife then smiled “of course, that guy needs a breather from his work”

Then Jaejoong talk with the Singles they all agreed to join him then finally calling Siwon.

“yoboseyo? Siwon it’s Jaejoong, I just want to ask you something” he said carefully.

“ask about?”Siwon said.

“well I got a chance to cover a festival, I ask the guys to come so I just want to know if your free tomorrow?” He said while his fingers are crossed, and Yuri was in his side waiting.

“tomorrow? Let me see..” Siwon looked at his schedule.” Sorry but I have an appointment tomorrow.” He said firmly like his decision is final.

“I see, ok then thanks” Jaejoong said hopeless.

“thanks for asking, I’m hanging up now.”Siwon remind him.

“alright!” Jaejoong let out a breath that he was keeping the whole time.

“so what did he said?” Yuri asks anxious about what turned out.

“he said he has an appointment. I guess I’ll be packing now” Jaejoong said to Yuri unable to hide his disappointment.

Yuri signed and sat on the sofa chair. “I hope that a miracle will happen that will change his mind.”

Jaejoong sat next to Yuri. “ I hope so, so I’ll go upstairs now.”

Yuri nod and Jaejoong kiss her forehead before heading to their room to pack his things for tomorrow.

 Siwon  went to the kitchen and drink one glass of water, he said to Jaejoong that he have an appointment but apparently he doesn’t have.

“I heard what you said” Mrs. Choi came in. “why did you say that you have an appointment?”

Siwon just look at him mom and then walk away.

“Siwon-ah!’ Mrs. Choi used her tone that made Siwon stop walking. “look I know you were hurt about what happened 5 years ago, but it doesn’t mean that you have to shut your friends out of your life. Didn’t you think that even they are hurting about what happened? They just want to be together with you…again because they care a lot for you, well if you’re just going to treat them like this, then you don’t deserve their care at all.“

Mrs. Choi said before leaving Siwon. Then halmeoni came.

“My child..don’t misunderstand your mother, she’s just worried about you.. if you didn’t notice you’ve been distancing yourself with everyone..” she said calmly.

“but I’m not halmeoni” Siwon finally said.” It’s just..”

“it’s just? know if what you said was true then you better go..” halmeoni said finally.

Siwon looked at his halmeoni and then nod. Halmeonni smiled in satisfaction and then left Siwon alone. Siwon grab his phone and then dialed Jaejoong’s number to tell him he will be coming along.


Mean while Yoona is busy with the café.

Alright! That looks good” Yoona said after being satisfied with the outcome of their decoration.

Yoona took a final look if everything was in order when she notice that Yun-hee was nowhere in sight.

“Yun-hee? Does anyone saw my daughter?” she ask still looking around.

“ahm, no Miss we didn’t notice, sorry” One of her staff said apologetic.

“ow, no it’s ok don’t worry” she said just to assure the staff that it wasn’t their fault. “I’ll take a look outside, just continue with the decorating if there is anything you need just let me know ok?.”

“yes Miss.” Said the staff then Yoona vaulted out of the front door and then saw what she was looking for.

The little girls was playing with the flowers planted in front of the café.

“Yun-hee-ah! There you are” she went closer to the child “what are you doing here?”

“Mommy!” the little angel smiled at her when she saw her. “look I made this..”

The little girl showed her a crown made from the flowers she was picking.

“wow! Is that for me?” Yoona said looking pleased and surprise.

“uh-huh? look I have one too.” then point the one that was sitting in her straight black hair.

“you look pretty” Yoona said while touching Yun-hee’s cheek.

“here mommy!” Yun-hee puts the crown on Yoona’s head “ there! Mommy you look pretty too!”

“really? We both are!” Yoona lower her face so she could nose to nose with her daughter.

“ wow! You two look like pricesses!” a man suddenly appear.

“DADA!” Yun-hee runs to the newcomer.

“whoaaa!slow down we don’t want you to get hurt.” Then the man carried Yun-Hee.

Yoona look at her daughter and greet the newcomer. “ Annyeong! Min-ho what brings you here?”

“I just want to see you guys before I went off to America” Min-ho said.

Lee Min-ho was they’re childhood friend when her sister is still living, but when her family decided to live permanently in Seoul they lost contact with him the last thing they heard about him was he decided to study aboard with his grandparents and 3 years ago they meet again and became a godfather to Yun-hee.

“dada you’re leaving again?” Yun-hee said making a said face.

Min-ho turned to him and made a sad face too. “yes princess, but I will be back soon you wouldn’t even miss me!”then smiled.

“really?”The little girl said with a brighten face.

“yes! So are you ready for the festival?” Min-ho ask without putting Yun-hee down.

The girls smiled sweetly. “ Yes! As a matter of fact! Mommy bought a hanbok for me”

“why wouldn’t I? You keep on telling me you want to wear Hanbok at the festival.” Yoona said.

“sorry mom!” the girl said giggling and showing her aegyo.

“aigoo! Look at this child, You sure know how to use that cuteness of yours.” Then pinch the little girl’s nose.

Yoona laugh. “alright!alright! you better stop that, come inside!”.

The three of them went inside and  Min-ho is still carrying Yun-hee.


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Yoona-chingu #1
Chapter 46: Nice chapter!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Lament #3
Randomshipper sure let's meet up sometime i miss you guys too,
well about the next story,well there is quit a change in it...hehhe
ItsmeJuly #4
Chapter 46: Thanks cuz you writing the amazing fanfics....
Lament #5
sorry guys to cut this story short..i was planning to have this up to 60 chapter or more but because i couldn't update as fast as i want so i decide to finished it rather than leaving it hanging.

i promise to do well on the other stories..hope you won't get tired reading my fics..can't thank you enough for reading the SB 1 & 2. Thank you...
ItsmeJuly #6
Chapter 45: End??
Not now.... I want see YoonWon to be married...!!
Pleasee 1 more chapter...
novamp #7
Chapter 45: This is the end?
Please make a wedding for them,and Yunhee go to the town
ItsmeJuly #8
Chapter 43: Author nim update again pleaseee....I'm CURIOUS...
Kyaaaaaaa...what happend??
Chapter 43: author-nim update soon please...
i'm being curious what will happen next..huhu