SUMMER BREEZE 2 - Love Was Made for Us


Its 3 am in the morning when Yoona woke from her sleep on her side was Siwon who is sleeping. What happened between them that night was something she wouldn’t forget. Covered with blanket Yoona his hair Siwon moan and slowly open his sleepy eyes.

SIWON:                you’re awake…

YOONA:               (smile) yeah..

SIWON:               are you feeling sore? (worried)

YOONA:               I’m fine, it’s still early, go to sleep..

Siwon grab Yoona and hugged her to his side and close his side, but Yoona remain awake. After she was sure that Siwon was already fallen asleep she untangles herself from him, grab her robe and tie it to her waist she looks at Siwon once again tears flowing. Yoona grab her things and put it on her bag and get dress.

YOONA:               (went to Siwon) I’m sorry to leave you like this..(tears) thank you for everything..(kiss his forehead) please don’t look for me..

Then Yoona turn and went to the door. She got to and leaves everything behind her on that beach house.

MRS. IM:             (woke up when she heard a doorbell) huh? Who could this be, it’s still early..

She grabs her robe and went to open the gate she was surprise to see Yoona.

MRS. IM:             OMO! Yoona? My God, what are you doing here? Aren’t you sick?

YOONA:               (smile) I’m fine now mom.

Mrs. Im look at Yoonas back hoping to see Siwon.

MRS. IM:             you’re alone??? Where is…

YOONA:               (sad) I have something to tell you mom..

Mrs. Im felt something big had happened; they went inside the house and made Yoona a hot drink. Yoona went to her room and change then went to the kitchen.

MRS. IM:             here, I made you a coffee, so what is it that you wanted to tell me?

YOONA:               (sat at the front of her mother in the kitchen table) I want to get away from her..

Mrs. Im couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

MRS. IM:             Yoona..what are you saying? You want to get away? Where? Why?

YOONA:               anywhere..  I want to leave everything behind and start again

MRS. IM:             but..Yoona why did you decided this??why?

YOONA:               (looked at her mom) I remember now mom..

MRS. IM:             you….you remember?

YOONA:               yes mom, I remember fact I regain my memory and even more…

Mrs. Im could only look at Yoona and saw that she already had made her decision.

MRS. IM:             (sigh) alright, do what you want to do..but will you be ok?

YOONA:               yes, I will.

MRS. IM:             very well..when do you plan to leave?

YOONA:               this morning, but I have somewhere I need to go..

MRS. IM:             ok, remember your halmoni’s house in the province?

YOONA:               yes..

MRS. IM:             I’ll call Mrs. Park and tell her that you’ll be arriving today..

Mrs. Park is the care taker of Yoonas halmoni’s house, she also took care of her and her sister whenever they were there to visit.

YOONA:               thank you mom. I must be going, I’ll be back to get my things..

MRS. IM:             alright I’ll explain things to your father..

YOONA:               I’m sorry mom.

MRS. IM:             I understand honey..

Mrs. Im hug and kiss Yoona’s forehead. Yoona left the house and head to the studio.  And to her surprise it was already open that morning. So she went in and saw Sheena and Reine at the front desk photos scattered on the floor.

YOONA:               ahhmm, hello..

REINE:                   oh?! Yoona what are you doing here??

YOONA:               ahmm I just want to talk to adjusshi is he awake?

SHEENA:              we haven’t sleep at all, come I’ll take you to him,..

YOONA:               thank you..

REINE:                   are you alone?

Yoona just smiled at Reine then followed Sheena to the next room and the back.

SHEENA:              Adjusshi..Yoonas’ here to see you..

ADJUSSHI:           Yoona?!

YOONA:               (peek on the door) morning adjusshi..

Adjusshi was surprise to see Yoona, he got up from the chair and then out of the room.

SHEENA:              ok, i’ll go ahead now.

YOONA:               thank you..

Sheena went back to Reine.

ADJUSSHI:           so are you feeling well?

YOONA:               I’m fine now..adjusshi..i remember you told me that something is lying on the secret waterfall here in the studio..

ADJUSSHI:           (look at her) so you’re here to get it back.. alright come..

Adjusshi lead Yoona to the waterfall, Yoona felt familiarity in the place, she get in into the water and then reach something underneath it her searching hands found what she was looking and grab it. It was the necklace that Siwon gave to her.

ADJUSSHI:  found what you’ve been looking, so tell me why are you here?

YOONA:               (looking at the necklace) I just came by to say Goodbye..

ADJUSSHI:           (surprise) goodbye?

Yoona got out of the water and into her sandals.

YOONA:               yes, and adjusshi..i remember everything now..

ADJUSSHI:           your memories are back.

YOONA:               (nod) and by everything..i meant everything Elder Chang-ho.

Adjusshi turn his head to Yoona, but Yoona only smiled at him then walk away. Adjusshi was left there standing and looking at her as she disappeared from his sight. Yoona returned to her house everything was ready she said goodbye to 

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Yoona-chingu #1
Chapter 46: Nice chapter!
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Lament #3
Randomshipper sure let's meet up sometime i miss you guys too,
well about the next story,well there is quit a change in it...hehhe
ItsmeJuly #4
Chapter 46: Thanks cuz you writing the amazing fanfics....
Lament #5
sorry guys to cut this story short..i was planning to have this up to 60 chapter or more but because i couldn't update as fast as i want so i decide to finished it rather than leaving it hanging.

i promise to do well on the other stories..hope you won't get tired reading my fics..can't thank you enough for reading the SB 1 & 2. Thank you...
ItsmeJuly #6
Chapter 45: End??
Not now.... I want see YoonWon to be married...!!
Pleasee 1 more chapter...
novamp #7
Chapter 45: This is the end?
Please make a wedding for them,and Yunhee go to the town
ItsmeJuly #8
Chapter 43: Author nim update again pleaseee....I'm CURIOUS...
Kyaaaaaaa...what happend??
Chapter 43: author-nim update soon please...
i'm being curious what will happen next..huhu