Chapter 78: Big Bang Arch: ASAP

Seoul Academy for Boys and 1 Girl


Chapter 78
“Pipsqueak wake up wake up!” Someone kept nudging me. “We have to get going.”
“Eh?” I looked at the clock. “It’s isn’t for another 4 hours.” I replied.
“You’re not going to school..” The person replied.
“Who are you?” I mumbled. “Why are you in my room?” I was still half asleep.
“We don’t have time for this.” Someone ripped the covers off me.
My eyes shot open.
“EH?” I looked at GD and T.O.P 
“Let’s go.” GD said and put his hat on my head again. 
I was just packing my back pack full of some supplies until the door shot open. Daesung and TaeYang came flying through panting.
“They found us… A lot sooner then we thought.” TaeYang said between breathes. “We’ll hold them off.. But it won’t be long until they find out Minzy isn’t her.” 
T.O.P nodded then grabbed my arm and pulled me out the back door.
“GD I need you to stay close to Pipsqueak. I don’t trust anyone else. Don‘t let her out of your sight. We‘ll meet you at the airport” He said. GD yanked on my arm and we started running through the busy city streets. “CL and Dara you need to stay behind us and be a detour for them and catch up with us later.”
“No the quicker all five of us get there… the quicker all five of us can fly.” Dara interjected.
“No Dara.” T.O.P said. “The quicker GD, Minyoung, and I get in that plane the quicker we can leave. It is not a must for you two to come along.”
“We saved you!” Dara said.
“We don’t need you people screwing this up.” T.O.P argued. “MinYoung has to get back to Korea safely, we don’t need you to do it.” 
“He’s right Dara.” CL said. “We’re here to help them get MinYoung back home, we don’t need to be in that plane. If anything it could slow them down.. We should help try and distract K.A.O.S here.” 
Dara hesitated for a moment. “We’ll fallow and make sure we all get on the plane as planned.”
T.O.P growled for a moment. “I’m leaving with or without you.”
I didn’t hear much after that because GD pushed me onto a motorcycle and we sped off.
I was told that the airplane waiting for us was about a half hour away. T.O.P caught up with us and soon we saw a bunch of K.A.O.S agents fallowing along with CL and Dara shooting at them as a distraction. I felt lucky that GD and I were so far ahead of everyone else.
Thanks to the distraction of Dara and CL, GD skidded onto tiny air port and went speeding down the runway. 
When we stopped in a hanger I saw a tiny little plane that could fit just about 5 people.
“Whose flying that thing?” I asked my arm getting yanked onto the plane.
“I am… or T.O.P is… or whoever… Can’t be too difficult.” He said and pushed me into the plane. “Keep your head down.. There could be snipers around waiting to shoot you in the head…”
“EH!?” I said looking up but he shoved my head back down in the seat.
“I said keep it down!” 
T.O.P then came speeding into the hanger and jumped off the bike letting it slide into the wall he ran into the plane.
“They’ll be here soon, Get in GD.” T.O.P said and GD did as he was told.
T.O.P then climbed in and started turning on the engine. And as the airplane revved up I saw out of the corner of my eye CL and Dara speeding onto the runway.
The plane now was moving out of the hanger and heading to the runway. Behind them I could see a bunch of K.A.O.S agents catching up and shooting. CL skidded to a stop and started shooting back, but Dara seemed more determined to catch up with us.
“What does that girl think she’s doing…” T.O.P muttered.
“I don’t know.. She’s determined to get on this plane though.” GD replied. “Step on it T.O.P we don’t have time to fool around.”
“What about CL?” I asked. “What about Dara? How can you leave those two to fight off that many men!?” 
“The others will catch up soon.. And CL is the best person with a gun and a motorcycle at the same time.. They can handle themselves.. They are elite.” GD explained with a smile and patted my head. “They’ll meet us in Taiwan you can be sure of it.”
I sighed softly as Dara was now catching up with the plane.
T.O.P though was speeding up and loosing Dara behind. And soon.. We were picking up enough speed to start flying.
Dara slowed to a stop and looked up at the now flying plane. 
Something just didn’t feel right.. And I had hoped that Dara and CL would be okay.
(Back at home)
“She’s going to.. Taiwan now? How do you know?” Amber asked.
“Well.. There were records of two planes being stolen.” Seohyun replied. “And they traced it back to the group MinYoung was with. And now, they’re using the GPS to see where the plane is.. And it’s heading to Taiwan.”
“How can you be sure?” Luna asked… 
“Because the computer in the Plane has it’s co-ordinates set on Taiwan.. This means MinYoung is getting closer to home.” Seohyun clapped.
Tiffany sighed. “That’s good to hear.. I think I can be a little at ease.”
“No we can’t.” Amber argued. “She isn’t home yet.. Doesn’t matter how far she is… the closer she’s getting the more desperate that enemy group is.”
“Mmm, Amber is right… she will probably make a detour in Taiwan and not head straight for Korea..” Sohee explained.
“Why would she do that?” Luna asked.
“Simply put… this enemy group or whatever will probably be expecting them to do that.. So they will probably create a plan to do so.. If this elite group were smart they’d take her to some random country beforehand.” Sohee explained.
“You said… Taiwan?” Onew came into the room.
“Yeah…” Tiffany replied.
“I wonder..” Onew mumbled.. “There’s someone in Taiwan that I know.” 
“Eh?” Amber asked. “There’s a lot of people in a Country Onew…” 
“So what about the others?” I asked looking out the window of the plane.
“They will meet us in Taiwan.. In a few days though… K.A.O.S will be watching them and try and fallow them to find where you are.” GD explained.
“Oh… so they’re going to sit tight until the close is clear?” I asked. “We can’t continue without them?” Not that I disliked any of them… I just wanted to go home. I was spending my summer vacation running for my life… and it can get sort of tiring.
“No… As good as T.O.P thinks he is.. And as good as we really are… we wouldn’t be able to pull this off without the others..” GD explained. “The girls won’t be coming though… too many of them.” He explained shortly. “Though CL and Dara might come by with some back up plans… But they won’t be.. ‘with’ us.”
“I see.” I mumbled. “Will this plane really take us all the way to Taiwan?” I asked.
T.O.P nodded. 
“Just sleep until we get there.” GD said.
So I did…
Which was a good idea because I have been getting a lack of that lately.
So we landed.. On some abandoned looking airstrip. The bump of when we hit the ground woke me up and the engine slowed us down to a full stop.
Piling out of the plane T.O.P grabbed a bag full of who knows what and threw it over his shoulder.
“Where’s the city?” GD asked.
“That way.” T.O.P pointed in some random direction.
“How are we getting there?” GD asked.
“Walk.” T.O.P said and led the way.
GD fallowed suit and pushed me along.
It felt like I was stuck with these two in awkward silences whenever we walked together.. Which we have only done once before this.
“We’re travelling down an empty road for how long?” I asked.
“As long as it takes us.” T.O.P replied.
“Why are you so cold?” I asked. “Can’t you be a little more… uplifting?”
T.O.P didn’t reply.
“He’s just acting cool ’cause there’s a girl around.” GD chuckled.
“MinYoung isn’t a girl.. She’s the mission.” T.O.P said bluntly.
Ouch… that hurt. “So you don’t think of me as a person?” I asked.
“Simply put… no I don’t if any feelings are wrapped up in this.. It could easily turn this mission into a failure.” T.O.P explained.
“How T.O.P? If you had more feelings into something like this.. You’d try harder wouldn’t you?” I argued.
“You don’t know anything about this job.” T.O.P snapped back.
“Calm down T.O.P… She has a point.” GD replied.
“Stop taking her side.” T.O.P said, “You know fully well what this kind of job has done.”
“If you didn’t know this mission requires taking pipsqueaks’s side. Stop hanging off of past issues you’re going to ‘fail the mission’” GD mumbled.
“Okay it’s not that big of an issue.” I said.. “As soon as I’m back.. I won’t be seeing you again so.. It doesn’t matter.”
“You shouldn’t of brought up such a silly subject.” T.O.P said.
“…” I didn’t feel the need to respond to that.
“So you won’t be seeing us ever again?” GD asked.
“No… I won’t be.” I was being sort of bitter towards T.O.P
“Nice to know I risked my life…” GD said. “You just… broke my heart.” He did a fake sniffle.
“Eh?” I blinked. “I wouldn’t of thought you cared that much.”
“Pfft after everything we’ve been through!” GD laughed. “And it still isn’t over yet!”
“Look a guy with a truck!” I said pointing at a truck tugging along the road behind us.
So… now we didn’t have to walk the rest of the way to the city.
“You guys.. .actually got a decent hotel for once.” I said sitting on the nice double bed.
“Taiwan is pretty cheap.. And we’re staying here for a couple of days anyways.. Might as well have some comfort and good food while we wait for the others.” GD explained. “So… anything you want to do?”
“Shut up GD… this isn’t a vacation.” T.O.P said. “If anything MinYoung shouldn’t leave this room.”
“You’re going to lock her in here.. For a good three days?” GD responded. “No K.A.O.S agents are anywhere near here.” 
“That doesn’t matter.. They could be watching from satellites.. Street lights.. Or somehow got a hold of where we’re going.. They could even be watching us now.. Do you really want to risk MinYoung’s life so you can have a good time?” T.O.P argued. “Grow up GD.”
GD glared for a moment.. And it was extremely awkward for me just to be sitting there.
“Pipsqueek…. Where do you want to go?” GD asked me.
“Uhhh…” Just then I had T.O.P glaring at me.. And GD giving me a welcoming smile. WTF was I going to do!? “Can I put a disguise on?” I looked at T.O.P
“Do whatever you want.” T.O.P grumbled at me.
“Oh yeah!” GD chuckled. “I knew she’d choose my idea!”
“I didn’t choose anyone’s idea.. You wanted to explore.. I want a disguise.” I said.
“So you don’t want to go around the city?” GD asked pouting…
“Maybe I do.” I shrugged.. “But if I hide… wouldn’t that mean I have a less a chance of getting shot?” I asked.
“You’ve already been shot what’s the chances of it happening again.” GD waved it off like it was nothing.
“Excuse me GD but there is a very high chance of me getting shot because people want to shoot me on this present day.” I replied.
“Okay well You’re going to wear a disguise anyways!” GD said. “No one will know you are MinYoung except me! And that guy.” He pointed to T.O.P
“Okay Okay Let’s find a good disguise then.” I mumbled.
“Alright it’s best if we turn you into a guy.” GD started and rummaged through his clothes. I sighed softly and sank into the bed as he continued doing so.
“Just wear this.” T.O.P said and passed me some baggy jeans and a large hoodie. “Tuck your hair under a hat… This way you’re hiding your curves.” He explained. “The reason you got caught so easily last time is because you were wearing GD’s clothes which are close to a females… Hiding your female figure would avoid you getting any attention.” 
“I do not wear girl clothes… they just happen to have style.” GD explained and snatched the hoodie out of my hands. “Okay… Yes this will do.” He said and handed it back. “Go get changed Pipsqueak!”So I did as I was told.
When I came out though.. GD was chuckling.
“Wow you look like a pathetic little gangsta kid.” GD continued mocking me.
“You’re not much bigger yourself.” I commented.. “The only one who can pull off a style like this is T.O.P and you know it.”
“HEY!” GD barked. “I can easily be a gangsta~”
“Mmm.. Yeah.” I replied and crossed my arms… Which intern just made GD laugh more.
“Nice.. Gangsta pose.”
“I’m not posing.” I muttered.. “Let’s just go.”
“OKAY Let’s eat first!” GD said and grabbed my arm. As soon as we left the hotel I shook it off.
“Stop grabbing and pulling me like that.. How am I supposed to look tough and gangsta like if you keep holding onto me like Im a dog?” I said.
“Right Pipsqueak.. I just don’t want to loose you.” He replied.
“I’m coming too.” T.O.P said popping up from behind us. “I have a feeling.. GD will be doing something stupid.”
“Agreed.” I whispered.
GD huffed and puffed then walked off. 
The first thing on the list. EAT
Taiwan was definitely hard to handle, the lack of knowing a language I couldn’t seem to talk to any of the restaurant servers.
I tried.. English. Japanese and Korean, they didn’t seem to understand a word until GD decided to perk up in fluent mandarin. 
Did he just enjoy to see me struggling?
SO as GD was speaking gibberish to me, T.O.P seemed to be a cold stone statue standing all tense with his cool shades on like a gangter CIA guy.
“Can you relax at all?” I asked.
“I am relaxed.” He replied in his deep voice.
“That’s not relaxed.” I replied. “Smile a little… stop being so tense.”
“I\m not here to have fun, I’m here to protect you.” I replied casually.. Whoops Forgot about that.
“Well act more in character then, you’ll give us away if you just stand there like that.” I muttered.. But he didn’t change.
As we sat down with a full meal in front of us we began to eat. And was it ever delicious!
“When were the others going to get here?” I asked.
“They’ll be here in a few days. We have to sit tight and wait.” GD explained. 
“Which means GD can’t go clubbing every night.” T.O.P snapped.
“That happened once.” GD said.
“It happened on one mission many times..” T.O.P replied. “And don’t think just because the K.A.O.S agents aren’t situated here will mean it’s a free for all party. Be more on your guard then ever.”
“T.O.P You need to relax a little.” GD mumbled.
“I’m not going to relax that kind of behaviour is what screwed it up the last time!” He said and gripped his chopsticks.
“We both know it was an accident.” GD whispered.
“It could’ve easily be prevented.”
At this moment I sensed they had a rough past. I could understand they were these elite agents or something that helped my uncle or.. Well I don’t know what they were, but they did dangerous work… so life couldn’t always be fine and dandy for them.
“Did you guys.. Choose this life?” I asked. “I mean.. You’re both really young.. How did you get involved in such a thing.”
“We were orphan’s Pipsqueak.” GD winked.
“MM??” I asked my eyes popped out.
“Your uncle adopted us and said he’d give us a chance at being heroes. And that’s what every little boy wants to be.” GD explained with a smirk.
“But… did you have a choice?” I asked.
“Do you think your uncle is that cruel?” T.O.P asked.
I shrugged, “There’s plenty of things about my uncle I could not know about I rarely see him.”
“Well he gave us the choice to be in this or not, but your uncle gave us a home and a reason for us to be here and I don’t think I would change it for anything.” GD responded. T.O.P just grunted.
“Well..” I said and thought to myself about the sbject a little longer.
At least they weren’t forced to do such a thing.
“OH! Pipsqueak!” GD said suddenly.
“Mm?” I looked up from my soup.
“The you know who isn’t around here… so you can call your uncle or something while you’re here.” 
“REALLY?!” I jumped up. “Let’s go!!!” I said and grabbed GD’S hand. “TO THE HOTEL!” I pointed to the sky and ran out of the restaurant.
“T.O.P HANDLE THE BILL!~” GD yelled.
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readingreader #1
Chapter 95: Epic story author-nim!! My favorite still would be the cool Bigbang Arch... Since I love action and such heheh ^^ I'll be going to part 2 now..
Chapter 94: OMG!!! I've read more than 100 fanfics and this is the BEST!!
Kiertje #3
Chapter 32: I know how you feel Min Young-ah... Losing someone really close to you, and is now gone forever...
HEHEH This story was so FRICKIN' EPICC!! I'm going to read it again!! ^^ but also because I didn't really know most of the people in your story except for Big Bang and Super Junior, so I educated myself on more kpop artists so hopefully this time when I read it I can have a better time understanding who is who ^^ I cant wait to read it!

Chapter 17: OMG!I remember applying for this story on winglin! I'm Micha. I didn't know you updated over here. T.T
Chapter 95: Aigooo, part one finished!!! I really like your story! There are some spelling and grammar mistakes, but I love the story itself so much I can overlook them. Sososo, onto part two! I really like the idea of the GD/TOP pairing or the one with Jonghun.
Junho still holds a special place in my heart though. Obviously the 2PM arc was my fav, followed by the Big Bang arc.
Next part! Let's a GoGo!!
(So sad that Sohee, Seohyun and Tiffany left...)
Chapter 54: The friendship with Junho and Minyoung was and still is so far, my favourite. It was so sweet, and there were no major complications... Too bad he left. I'm just hoping she'll at least HEAR from him later, even though she sad she never saw him again. -crosses fingers-

I'm really loving your fic so far!!