Hiking, And Someone Gets Hurt

It Was Supposed To Be Our Vacation!


                “Wake up!” Hoon nudged Soohyun who was sleeping soundly next to him. The sun was rising and Hoon had agreed to go hiking with Kyungsoo in the morning. Soohyun agreed to go as well, but it’s clear that he isn’t very prepared with the drool escaping from his lips.

                “SOOHYUN! Wake up!” Hoon growled as he crawled out of bed and slipped on a cotton shirt. “Hnrgh, what?” the sleepy leader muttered.

                “We agreed to go hiking with EXO today, remember? Get up, the sun is rising!” Hoon slapped Soohyun’s . Soohyun growled and used the sheets to cover his face. “Tell the sun to pause and come back within an hour.”

                “I’m going to wake the others and you had better be up or you are dead!” Hoon scolded as he quietly left the room. He got AJ and Kiseop to wake up, who were still tangled in each other’s arms. He went into Kevin and Eli’s room and got Kevin to wake up. Actually he was a little reluctant because when he grabbed Kevin’s hand it had residue of all over it (he did not want to know how that happened, but he could guess how). Kevin was in charge of getting Eli up and Hoon stormed into Dongho’s room to get him up.

                After minutes of running from room to room and lots of cajoling, he got them to wake up. Hoon went downstairs to wait for them. Just then, Kyungsoo came down.

                “Good morning,” Hoon said. Kyungsoo smiled. “Good morning to you too. Is everyone else up?”

                “I tried. Hopefully they’ll get up before I start screaming. This happens every morning?”

                “What about your boyfriend?”

                “Soohyun? He’s the worst. The rest seems to follow in his example.”

                “I know how you feel. Kai is a real in the morning. Growls and kicks every time I get him up. Baekhyun isn’t any better either, and I found him on the bed with one of Chanyeol’s wrist tied to the bed post.” Kyungsoo shivered. “I don’t wanna know how that happened.”

                “Does this happen often?”

                “Pretty much. That’s what you get for being the mum of the group.”

                “Finally! Someone who knows how I feel!” Hoon hugged Kyungsoo happily. The two “mothers” confided more in each other as they waited for the rest to come down. Chanyeol was massaging his sore wrist, which was tied the whole night to the bed post and Baekhyun was too busy rubbing his sore eyes.

                “My eyes are so sore, I wonder why?” “Maybe someone punched you in your dreams.” Kevin snapped, crossing his arms. Baekhyun glared at the skinny boy. “Have you ever had your tonsils removed? I can give a free consultation.”

                “Baekhyun, stop it! We’re going hiking today and I expect you to be on your best behavior.” Suho said. “Same goes to you Kevin Woo.” Soohyun added. The two singers nodded their heads silently. Eli glanced over at Chanyeol, who caught his eye. Chanyeol gave a sympathetic smile and Eli nodded.

                There was a hill just a mile away from the cabin. EXO and U-Kiss started climbing up the trail. Kiseop was behind Sehun and he noticed that the maknae from Exo looked even worse today than yesterday, if that was even remotely possible. Sehun kept quiet as he trailed up, face hidden behind a cap. Up the slope, Sehun lost his balance slightly but Kiseop placed a hand on his lower back to keep him steady.

                “Easy now.” Kiseop whispered. Sehun nodded and uttered “Thanks” with a little smile. That’s the first smile anyone has ever seen from Sehun since they got here.

                Suho, Soohyun, Kiseop and Sehun were leading the pack. If the front was quiet, the back sure wasn’t. Kevin and Baekhyun have been at each other again, and Dongho is trying to shoo Kai away.

                “Stop bumping into me!”

                “Well then you stop leaning into me!”

                “I’m not leaning into you!”

                “Yes you are!”

                “No I’m not!”

                Dongho was walking in front of Kai, and he felt uneasy being in front of that ert. He turned to see Kai smiling up at him. At first, he thought it was nothing, but then Kai grabbed onto his jeans pocket and Dongho yelped.

                “Ah! What the hell!” “Sorry cutie, but I lost my balanced.” Kai hoisted himself up while grapping onto his jeans pocket. He leaned in close and Dongho felt something poking him. And it probably isn’t a water bottle.

                “I’m…I’m gonna..”

                “Gonna what cutie?” Kai said, his breathe ghosting over Dongho’s ear. The object that was poking him was starting to feel bigger. Dongho flushed bright red and turned back, running to look for Hoon.

                “Hoon!!” Dongho cried as he ran back down the slope. “What’s wrong?” Hoon was walking at the end of the pack and he used his strong arm to catch the maknae.

                “Can I walk with you?” “What’s wrong with walking with Kai?” he asked, looking up at Kai. Kai smirked and yelled. “You can run but you can’t hide!”

                “He’s scary.” Dongho muttered. “I hate him! He’s trying to take advantage of me!” “Don’t be ridiculous. If it makes you feel better you can walk with me then.” Dongho nodded and walked behind Hoon.

                Eli rolled his eyes as Kevin bickered with Baekhyun next to him. Chanyeol looked like he was going to throw someone off the side of the hill. Eli mouthed, “I can’t take this anymore.” Chanyeol didn’t hesitate to agree and the two boys quickened their step until they were ahead of the pack.

                “What are you two going so fast for?” Kevin called. “Yeollie! Yeollie! Don’t leave me!” Baekhyun called, but Chanyeol took no notice and walked on. “See what you did?” Baekhyun glared at Kevin.

                “Me?! I didn’t do anything!”

                “Slow down guys! What’s wrong?” Soohyun asked. “I can’t stand their bickering. Look.” Chanyeol pointed backwards to two boys who were snapping at each other like snapping turtles.

                Kiseop, AJ and Sehun sighed. “At least they have somebody to argue with.” Sehun muttered silently again as they resumed their climb.

                Finally, they reached the top. It was physically restraining, especially on the ears, what with Baekhyun and Kevin bickering all the way up here. What amazes everyone was how anyone had the energy to climb and argue at the same time? Maybe that’s why they are so skinny.

                At least they shut up when they reached the top. Everyone settles down to enjoy the view. Kiseop was wrapped in AJ’s arms, while Sehun just looked longingly into the distance. Kiseop felt bad for the kid. He knew what it was like to miss a lover. Once, when AJ went back to his hometown, Kiseop couldn’t sleep all night because he wasn’t used to not having AJ’s presence around.

                “God, it’s so hot here.” Kai complained and without any warning, he stood up next to Dongho and took off his sweaty shirt. Dongho stared at him wide eyed, and tried not to drift down to his body. Too late.

                For a kid so young, this guy has abs. Dongho could feel the temperature increase and the Kai grabbed a water bottle and guzzled it down, with the water running down his dark tan skin, down the neck, collarbone, and those abs….

                Dongho immediately turned away and pinched himself. “Stop looking at him! He’s a ert who wants nothing more than what’s in your pants.” He tried telling himself. Little Dongho obviously isn’t listening because he’s trying to stand up. Dongho closed his eyes and tried breathing in deeply. When he opened them, he got a huge shock when he saw Kai’s face so close.

                “AH!” Dongho screamed and he fell backwards and onto the ground. Kai laughed and Dongho snapped at him. “You try falling on your and we’ll see if you find that funny !” Dongho picked himself up and pushed past him to look for Hoon. Kai simply smiled to himself. “Fiesty.” He muttered. “I like feisty.”

                “Sehun-ah, do you want some?” Kiseop asked, handing over a pack of M&M. Sehun took some of the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth. “Where’s your boyfriend?” Kiseop asked in a friendly tone, trying to make some small chat here. Baekhyun and Kevin aren’t talking to each other, which makes Chanyeol and Eli unable to talk to each other. Dongho is avoiding Kai and Kai keeps giving Dongho the sneaky eye. Things are as awkward enough as it seems, they do not need to be any worse.

                “He’s in China. He’s supposed to be back soon, but I’m still missing him.” Sehun said. “I’m not usually so depressed, it’s just that…”

                “Just that what?” Kiseop urged him to go on.

                “I confessed to Luhan up here on this hill when we were here for our last vacation. This place doesn’t look as magnificent as I had hoped it would anymore.”

                Kiseop nodded. He totally understood how Sehun felt. “I felt the same way too when I went to the amusement park where AJ first confessed to me. The amusement park wasn’t much fun when he wasn’t around.” Sehun looked at Kiseop, biting his bottom lip.

                “Hang in there, kid. He’ll be back soon.”Kiseop patted his back. Sehun nodded and looked at Kiseop appreciatively before cracking a much wider smile.

                “Alright! Let’s head back down. The clouds are coming in.” Kyungsoo looked up at the sky, watching the clouds drifting in. Big, black ones.

                The group didn’t need any convincing to start their way down. The clouds came quickly and pretty soon it was pouring with rain. It made the slopes slippery and Kiseop slipped on the slopes.

                “Ah!” Kiseop shrieked when he fell. He gripped his ankle in agony. “Kiseoppie! Are you akay?” AJ called, running after him, with the mud splashing all over his pants.

                “My ankle…it hurts…I can’t walk..” Kiseop uttered, fighting back the tears. AJ wiped the tears away and kissed him. “No worries, I’ll get you down, okay?” AJ hoisted Kiseop on his back as the boy groaned in agony.

                “Stop coming so close! You’re wet!” Kevin barked at Baekhyun. He didn’t see Kiseop take the fall, he was too preoccupied with snapping and trading insults with Baekhyun.

                “Shut up! You’re wet too!” Baekhyun growled back. Suho threw his walking stick down and turned around.

                “Stop it you two! Kiseop is injured!” Suho barked exasperatedly. Kevin looked at Kiseop who was being carried on AJ’s back. Sehun, Eli and Chanyeol dashed forward to help the boy.

                “It’s raining cats and dogs, someone is injured, we’re all tired and exhausted and you are still arguing?” Suho said, frustrated at the two of them. Both Kevin and Baekhyun lowered their head in shame.

                The group got down safe and sound. Kevin and Baekhyun stopped arguing, for now. AJ, Eli, Chanyeol, Sehun and Hoon took turns carrying Kiseop down the slope. Sehun tied his hanky around Kiseop’s ankle to cushion it.

                Everyone got changed and cleaned up. Soohyun called for a doctor to examine Kiseop’s ankle. Kai, who was usually lazy and ignorant even helped to clean Kiseop’s wet body while the doctor examines his ankle.

                “It’s a small sprain, but I suggest you lay off it for two days. You don’t wanna injure it any further.” The doctor concluded, wrapping some bandages around it. Kevin and Baekhyun both looked really sorry for their actions, but not for long because when they turned to look at each other, all you could see was the hostility in their eyes.

                “We should all get some rest. It’s been a long and hard day.” Kyungsoo suggested. AJ and Sehun helped Kiseop up the stairs. “Thank you Sehun-ah.” Kiseop said, as he laid on his bed.

                “No problem hyung. Take care and see you in the morning.” Kiseop watched the young boy leave the room. “He’s a really nice kid, isn’t he?” Kiseop said, looking at AJ, who twisted his nose.

                “I suppose.”

                “Are you jealous sweetie?” Kiseop teased his boyfriend and kissed his nose. “Relax. I’m just helping him, he’s missing his boyfriend.”

                “He’d better not miss him too much, or he’ll start looking to you for comfort.” “Ease up, Kim Jaeseop. I’m all yours now.” Kiseop kissed him again, but broke it when he heard sounds of Kevin yelling at Baekhyun going “Don’t come in here you !” and then there were some sounds of scuffle and running footsteps as Chanyeol and Eli came up to stop the fight, or so he assumes.

                “At least someone is being nice.” AJ groaned.


A/N: I don't wanna be a meanie and hurt Kiseop, but I wanted to add some action to the story..*bows to Kiseop*. Don't kill me! Oh, and I'm planning on a Hunhan later on in the fic when I introduce EXO-M. Please let me know what you guys think and keep on subscribing!

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it's another update! enjoy guys!


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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 9: The OBABF though xD
Chapter 10: This was so cute!!! I absolutely love ukiss and omg Dongho *sobs* it was also hilarious with the two divas going at it hahahaha
Uhmm... Dongho is still the maknae out of them all, he isn't the sunbae of Kai he's the dongsaeng... Nothing much, I just don't know a maknae of other groups that's younger than Dongho <3
Chapter 3: Soohyun growled and used the sheets to cover his face. “Tell the sun to pause and come back within an hour.”

I died there..!!! XD
Chapter 2: Love this ficccccc <33333
PikaKyuLove #6
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh, Kevin and Baek Hyun talking about their boyfriends was friggin' hilarious! I DIE. XD
AprilSunnday_ukiss #7