Chapter 3

Sheets of Paper


Her eyes. I saw something in them. When she removed her look from the windows and looked down on her paper, I saw something. Briefly. I might have imagined it. But. The flash of emotion in her eyes was too strong after the last four years of nothing. It can't be my imagination.

Which is why I'm following her. A bit stalkerish I know, but the emotion in her eyes wasn't exactly happy. I'm worried. More than usual. She enters one of the bigger parks in this city and after following her on a path for a while, she suddenly turns and walks through some tall shrubs. I loose sight of her as I walk through them, but when I emerge on the other side I see her walk fast jumping obstacles. I hurry after her, low branches swiping my face every now and then. She disappears behind a wall of trees standing almost unnaturally close to each other. I hurry around the wall of trees, and come to a small lake. How come I've never known of it before? Quickly I scan the place for June.

She's sitting a few meters from the edge of the lake, with her back against a tree. Almost hidden in the wall of trees. Suddenly I think to myself if I should be here. It's obviously private. But my curiosity gets better of me, and I quietly walk towards her.

I hear a sob. She's crying. My heart breaks at the sound of her sobbing that gets louder as I get closer to her.

May...” she says in between her sobs. May? “Why did you leave me May?” she continues sobbing harder. I feel like crying. The pain in her voice breaks my heart. It rips me apart. “Don't you know that without May, there is no June?” I can see all of her now. She has pulled her legs up to her body and buried her head in her arms. Slowly I walk over to her. With a loud crack a small branch breaks underneath my foot no more than two steps away from her. She looks up at me, her eyes clouded with sadness and her cheeks flooded in tears, that keep running from her green eyes. My heart is ripped out and stabbed continuously with a knife. “I miss May” she half whispers to me and continues crying while still looking at me. Within a second I take the last two steps and sit down beside her so I can wrap my arms around her. And surprisingly, she leans into me as she keeps on crying and asking why May isn't here anymore. Saying that she misses May. From all the things she has said, I'm guessing May is a person.

The sun is slowly setting behind the trees on the other side of the small lake, when June finally slows down her sobbing. And slowly her shaking shoulders stop. I'm nervous about what's going to happen next. I wonder if she'll go back to her usual blank self. Or maybe by some miracle, she'll open up to me. The sun is almost gone, when she pulls herself out of my embrace. She does it gently. As if she doesn't want to hurt me. For some reason, it makes my insides bubble slightly in happiness. For a few minutes she looks out at the lake, while I just keep staring at her beautiful face with the dried tears and puffy eyes. Then slowly she turns her head towards me. It's as if everything is going in slow motion.
And then it hits me.


chapter 3 ^^ at 5 in the morning here where I live... :D a bit short but hey... I don't think anyone died from it xP unless someone died from it? Oo raise your hand if you died! :D I think I might be tired... and hungry... I really want bacon... and eggs.... and carrots... I like carrots... and sleep... I think I'll get some sleep and then eat eggs, bacon and carrots... 'cause I like carrots (^_^)v tihi

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