Chapter 1

Sheets of Paper


Her smile faded one day. Disappeared as if it had never been there in the first place. It's been so long that even I can barely remember it. But the rushing feeling and the butterflies that would fill my stomach when she did, is something that I can remember as clearly as if it was yesterday. No one knows why she suddenly stopped smiling. Not even her former friends. Now she sits alone in the classroom at her desk leaning on the wall and looks out the window with a blank look in her eyes. No emotion ever crosses her face anymore. It hurts to see her like this. But I'm too scared to go up and try to talk to her, after what happened the two times I tried.

*Flashback 1*
No reaction.
“I was wondering if you'd like to come eat with us?” she turned her head and looked at me with her empty eyes.

No.” her emotionless voice answered. Her blank eyes scared me. It was if nothing was behind those eyes that used to shine brighter than the sun.


*Flashback 2*

Hi, uhm, June-shi.”
No reaction. Again.

Would you mind me sitting here?” I asked her carefully.

No reaction. Still. Taking it as an ok, I sit down in the empty chair beside her that no one dares occupy anymore.

Are you doing anything after school?” I ask her. No reaction. “'Cause I was wondering if you maybe you would hang out with me?” She turned her head toward me.
“No.” she said, her voice and eyes as ripped of emotion as ever.

But I..”
“I said no head.” she said looking at me with her eyes and voice still blank as ever. Something pushed me out of the chair and down onto the floor. But she hadn't moved an inch. She just looked at me. My body heated and then cooled down instantly afterwards. I was freezing in the summer warm classroom. It was like being in -15°
C, while she looked at me for those few seconds. And just as she looked away, returning to her staring out the window, the warmth returned to my body.

I haven't spoken to her since. But still, after 4 years, my mind is filled with her. With June. Warmer than the sun or blank as a sheet of paper, it's her. No matter what, it's still her.


This is chapter 1... one... uno... en... ein... il... attack of the ones!!! xP (I'm sorry... studying does things to me ;)

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