Chapter 2

Sheets of Paper


The teacher talks. Draws on the blackboard. Teaches stuff. Then goes over it again. Hands out sheets with questions about what we've learned. Tells the class to do them. What isn't finished, is homework for next time. Then the teacher walks out the door to get his coffee. In the teacher's lounge he makes himself a cup and when no one looks, he'll slip his medicine into his mug, mixing it with a spoon. He doesn't have a lot of time left. By the end of the year, he'll be in the hospital. And before graduation he'll die.

But the trees outside in the school yard won't. My trees won't die.

Enter teacher. Bell rings. The day is over. Students hurry out. Tomorrow is Friday. The sun is warm but the wind is cold.

May isn't here anymore.

People on the streets. Have to get home fast. There's a storm approaching. Thunderstorm. 2 people will get struck by lightning. One will live, one will die.
But my trees will live on. I'll take care of them.

Open the door. Go inside. Sneak past parents and sisters. Do homework. Parents call for dinner. The first strike of lightning flashes. Silence at the table. Everyone knows what will happen with the next strike of lightning. Finish, go to room. Do homework. Lightning strikes. Rest in peace little soul. Go to bed.
Wake up. Don't want to. Eat breakfast. Don't want to. Dress. Don't want to. Walk to school. Don't want to. Sit in seat. Don't want to. Look out at my trees. May. Teacher comes in. Starts teaching. Don't want to. Recess. Don't want to. Class. Don't want to. Class. Don't want to. Lunch break. Don't want to. Class. Don't want to. Class. Don't want to. Schools over. Walk out. Go through mass of happy people. Arrive at park. Walk through the little forest to the little lake. Sit down in between my trees.



Chapter 2... two... to... zwei... två... i... attack of the two's!!!! xP
I'm so happy ^^ I already have a subscriber!!! xD *breaks into celebration dance* so I couldn't help but put up chapter two, even though I said to myself I'd do it tomorrow (^_^)v

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