coming out

Shock of my life

He slowly trailed his hand down my chest making it hard for me to breath. His hand were all over me, I had mine just pressed on his arms not knowing what else to do. His tongue will slowly linger on my neck and make circles around it, I threw my head back to give him in pleasure of his kisses. Before I knew it he was on the floor. I had pushed him really hard when I felt his hand ping my pant. "What are you doing?" I said franticaly with lose breath. He just stared at me like i was the one seducing him. He stood thier for a few seconds and then he blurred out with a confused expression.                

                "Why did you push me so hard,? you were fine the whole time!?" how could he not see what he was doing wrong. I am not gay yukkie I thought to myself.

           "You were bout to me. I'm NOT gay eunhyuk!" I said it so harsh I felt bad afterwards.

         "Not gay!?" he laughed. "The why haven't you denied me once? I know you like me donghae and I will make you see it!. After all you lead me on almost all the time so don't act all innocent hae!." he was begining to raise his voice at the last part. He was right I did sorta led him on. And it wasn't his fault completely. OH jeshh what have I done.??

           "Look eun I'm sorry but I'm-I'm just not interested in you in that way ok?. I made a mistake and I'm sorry." He didn't respond so I was gonna make my way out of my room when he yelled at me.

              " YOUR A REAL FOOL YOU KNOW THAT.! You think you can just lead me on, make me feel like you like me and then just blank me like that?. Well your wrong hae I'm not letting go I will make you like me." he sounded angry and hurt at the same time. I couldn't think of what else to say, in a way i did want him as awkward as it felt he was so beautiful and the way he kissed me left me breathless. But I'm not gay I have never had such thoughts for a guy. "Answer me hae! Do you really feel nothing for me? cause I know no 'straught ' guy is gonnna let a gay guy touch him like that."

                 " You scared me I was frighten so I just let you do what you wanted" I said it so soft I didn't know if he heard me or not. I wanted this feeling to go away. I don't wann a be gay. It's not who I am...............So I snapped. "You know my parents were kind enough to bring you in and this is how you repay them by trying to seducing thier son..really?" It was a cheap and low shot but i wanted him to know i had no emotions for him. I regretted saying it after I saw his face. I felt so bad I just looked down.

                  "Seduce you?" his voice broke. "So your saying I make you do these things and you don't want me to.? So your just kissing me back for what, for the fun of it. Cause if you are hae I will ing seduce you, if thats what you wanna call it. Lets see how long you can put up this act of not caring..And by the way I am grateful for what your parents are doing. So don't you bring up that about me repaying them in a certain way ok hae?" He sounded hurt and furious. I wasn't afraid anymore I attacked him. I started kissing him hard and bitiing his lower. I passed my hands all over his shirt less body. If this is what you want hukkie then I'll give it to you. I didn't know what I was planning to do with hi only that I enjoyed the feeling him us kissing. He serliva tasted so good like like strawberries. I attacked his neck and he learn hii head in pleasure. I felt- felt happpy and good I wanted more. He suddenly pushed me away. I was surprised isn't this what he wanted- me ?. He looked at me dazzed and confused but with lust and craving in his eyes. he grabbeedd me by my pants buckle and pulled me into his body. He undo me and before I knew I was in front of him without a care i the world I just wanted his touch to feel his body agiasnt me. We didn't talk except we just breathed heavily holding on to eachother leaving no space between us. He slammed me to bed and was every part of my body. I groaned in pleasure I wanted him to do more. He went lower and lower until he slid his tongue slowly on my member reaching the tip and putting the whole thing in his mouth, he pumper hard harder, I could feel myself ready to explore. I let out a loud moan and he clean me with his lips and tongue. I sat up on my knees and started to kiss him. He turned me around and held on to my waist, I know what he was gonna do but I stayed quiet and waited for the pain..I felt his memeber behind me he was moving it to get me arouse as he was gonna enter I said. "Wait is it gonna hurt alot?" I was scared actually but I wanted him at the same time. 

               He turned my face and held my cheek, I admired his jawline and pink full lips. "yes love its gonna hurt." he said smiling "I promise i'll make you enjoy it. It will not be quick and it won't be soft." he whispered in my ear. Sending shivers up and down my spin. I closed my eyes and waited for him to push in. I moaned out when I felt go inside me, he wasn't kidding about not being soft. He slammed so hard into hitting my sweet spot. I almost died, the feelings were building up inside me. I felt his balls slamming harder and harder agaisnt my . My head was thrown back onto his shoulder, breathing unevenly in pleasure. I ached my back and gripped his hair when he started pumping my memeber hard. He was moving so fast I almost passed out from satisfaction.Hukkie was breathing heavy I could feel his hot breath against my shoulders and his body was over heated and sweating. I held on to his hair as he drove me rough. i cummed twice all over his hand. He started kissing my lips again leaving me breathless. We continued like this for what seemed hours until I heard someone knocking the door. I didn't want to stop i wanted him to me non stop I enjoyed his body.. His only.  

                      I was limb on the bed on able to move yet. But the person didn't stop knock. "I'll go get it." eun said while fixing himself. I just nodded still trying trying to catch my breath. I wondered who was at the door I waited for him to come back in but he didn't, So I decided to try and walk and not make it obvious that I just got nailed from behind. I was shocked when I saw my visitor. "Sungmin?" I said confused what was he doing here?. I realized hukkie staring at him. But I ignored it.

                           "hey hae whats up.? how you been? " he said with a cute smile. Sungmin was kyuhyun baby brother. He was really cute and had the sweetest smile. Any one could love him easliy. If his crazy brother did attack anyone who did.

                              " hiya minne I'm great. what are you doing here?" I tried not to be polite as possible, he was very sensitive..things you think wouldn't affect him, would.

                                 " I came over to tell you that my brother was having a party this weekend. And I was in the neighbour hood so i decided to come tell you personally." He said similing at me.

                                     " Oh well thats .great minne tell kyu I'll try to make it then...really." I really didn't like parties. Also I wouldn't know anyone cause minne and kyu went to different schools.. but not to far apart, but we've known eachother for years. I guess i could go. We haven't all hung out in a while.

                                       " Fantastic hope to see you both there." he said indicatin that eunhyuk is will be coming. I wasn't planning on bringing him, but oh well.

                             "We'll be there minne don't worry." he was smiling at sungmin, and already calling him minne?? . This was for some reason bothering me. he hasn't took his eyes off minne since he opened the door.....probably.

                          Minne stared at eun and at me and then at eun again, smiled and said. "kool It'll be fun i promise." uhg why were these two staring at eachother.?

                               We sat down to have dinner. I didn't talk about what happened I just try to talk about some else. but i didn't know what. But then eun jumped out. "Your friends are really cute especially that minne one." he was looking down at his plate while he said it, with a smirk on his face.

                            "Ya he is but stay aways from him cause you'll get hurt. His brother will kill for him." I said serious and slightly............. jealous. 

                           He looked up at me and smilied." I'm not afriad of anyone hae. Besides although he is very cute!. Your the only guy I have eyes for. After what happened between us your mine. I just gotta make you feel the same thats all." if he only knew I was blushing so hard inside when he said that.. I always wanted to be told by someone that they love me no matter what. Could it be that I'll be getting it, but from the least person I expected.?

                               While taking a shower getting ready for school, I noticed all the makes are still there from the scene. Oh no How am i gonna hide this. I laughed quiety at my thoughts. Was I gay now? is sleeping with eun makes me like guys?. i guess I'm like yesung and wookie now huh?. I never minded them but ME? I never thought....uhm relax hae it'll be fine.

                            School was boring as usaul, What was the most boring was having girls flirt with me and smile at me like i cared. I didn't want to be mean o anything but i'd just wish they'd all go away. Yuri hugged me out of my thoughts and was smiling really big. I was happy to see her smile like that after seeing all those tears. I was about to ask why so happy but she blabbered out everything that happened with her and gayoon. It wasn't so big for to be soo happy but I guess for her it really meant something. She simple told me that she and gayoon finally spoke, and that she purposely stole gayoon poom pooms so she can lend her her extras. I smiled at her at how funny and cute she was being  almost off of nothing. But she was and it was better than seing her cry.

                    I got to my second to last class early. Only to see yesung the life out of wookie at his seat. These two would kiss almost anywhere with cares in the world. I went to get my seat ignoring my close friends as they seemed oblivious to the fact that someone enteres the class. But then shingdon walked in. "Hey you two the teacher is ready to start the other class get out here." I guessed he was talkin about the other class they had and not this one. "oh heya hae." he said while smiling now seeing my presense.

                    "hey shin..thanks for taking away these two love birds they were a total distraction from me trying to do nothing." I laughed amused at my dumb comment. Yesung laughed as well and pushed me playfull to shut me up. They left. 

                       After class I was making my way to the bath room before leaving. when i felt someone behind me." oh hey heechulia you scared me."

                        "Sorry I didn't mean to." she sounded shy and embarassed. why?

               "Naw its ok I was just lost in thoughts thats all." I tried to make her feel easy. "whats up?' She didn't respond so I called her name for her to say something. She looked at me sad and told me she need to talk to me privately. i help my hand and took me to the private room where I was with yuri last time. i felt nervous, she was acting wierd for some reason. 

               HEECULIA :


   Don't talk and just listen and then you can ask me questions ok? ok!. Well i heard you got a visitor,  a guy named eunhyuk. Look hae you seem like a really nice guy, And I don't know if he is .....well......being 'nice' to you in a good way. And I know he may seem cold hearted or even really rude at times. But i swear hae he's not. He is really sweet and caring. I'm telling you this cause I know he's living with you now. And if anything is going on between you two please, be sure you know what your doing. Be sure your not gonna hurt him. He's been through alot.... so I heard.... And he deserves a good home and someone to truley love him. Please hae I don't know what sorta relationship you have with him but please be sure that you wa- .......want him.............. its the best I could say. I'm sorry. I know you may not understand but you will soon..I promise.


                         She got up and left before I could say anything at all. I was shocked. How did she know eun was this kind person? did she know him?. And I wondered what she meant by saying ' be sure i want him'? Did she know what happened??...NO its impossible for her to know. My mind was going crazy I made my way to kangin who's been waiting for a while now. "Hae" some one yelled out from behind me. I turned and saw eun he seemed worried " where were you?" I didn't know what to say. i know I hadn't been gone for long so why was he so worried..I just said i was sorry and got in the car.

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OKA !! oka I know its kinda lame but I'm just trying to make a beginning. hope ua'll read chaoo :)


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