How to start the Day

A Pair of Different Soul


Your POV

Its 7.00 a.m on Monday morning, its my first day went to your new school since I already moved to Seoul last week. My parents want me to get a new school more better than my school before. How nice

“Jiji? Wake up honey”


“Yah! Wake up now! You`ll be late go to school”

“5 minutes again ommaaa”

She grabbed my hand then pulled me until I fell from my bed. “Omma!! What`re you doing?! Ahh! My .. ”

“Your pretty lame will be more pretty if you go to your bathroom. Now, go”

“Jinjja omma?? How did you know? Have you see my ? Omooo- Byuntae omma~” I iggles as she pinched my cheeks

“I`ve been ahemm saw all of yours since you was born baby My Jiji. Sooo I already saw everything. Dont be shy” She smirked as I was shocked when she said it

“Oh my- Appaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!“ 

“Aigoooo~ your appa already gone. He`s on his office now. Nah! Go take a bath now. I`ll prepare your breakfast. Hurry honey” She walked toward the door but I called her


“Duuh! What now?"

“Omma.. What do you think if I have a baby?”  I saw her eyes like this (O_O) *I think, it like DO`s eyes XD* as her eyes down, checked my stomach

“WHATTTT?!?! WHAT DID YOU SAID?????????!!!!!!!”

I laughed then go to bathroom quickly



“Here~ This`s your new school honey. Now, go out from the car. And Have a nice day.. with your baby in wonderland” She kissed My cheek then pointed her finger to my tummy before her own car gone

"Tsk!" Omma already leave before I say goodbye.. "Baby? It was just kidding" I walked around my new school..... but I didntnt find Principal`s office yet

“I think Im lost. Geez.. What should I do?”

Think.. Think Jiji..

“ Should I come home then sleep again? Nice idea, If omma not at home”


When I made my way to go home, someone grabbed my left shoulder. Make me jumped for shock “Aish! What-”

“Who`re you?” He talked to me? Is this boy more stupid than cockroachs in my house? Positive. Im a human

“You talked to me? Im a human. And you?”

“I mean, Your name young lady”

“Oh hello. Nice to meet you. Gotta go. And.. Bye” I bowed then leave him with My famous blank face. But suddenly his hand pulled me until I faced him and met his sharp glare (I always imagine it before I wanna sleep XD)

“Yah!! I ask whats your name!”

“Oh what? Ah YES! I got it. My name is .. Wait, is that important for you? Hm?”

“I just asking”

“Good, so thats not really important” I smirked as he let my hand realese from his grip. With his what-the- look, I pinch his cheek

“Pai-paii. Hope we will meet again next time”  I made my face smile brightly like this (^_^), its just FAKE. then I leave him

He just keep silent as I was gone.


Author`s POV

He looked something on his hand then grasped it, its your name tab

“Oh yeah? As your wish.. We`ll see Miss Park Min-Ji” he mumbled

*Meet again? Haha No Way*  you thought






Ahhh~ My first chapter ><

How is it? What do you think? Hohohohohohohhohoho I think, its bad -_____-

What happen on next chapter? I`ll make it as a BIG FIGHT between Jiji and Lulu

Hope you like it ^^


Who loves KAI? Hahahaha XD

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i like the update even if it short :-D
i like the update even if it short >-< :-D
f3smile #3
why r u asking? of course u have to continue, please, i really love ur story
please continue the story i m waiting....
continue the story plz i really like it
ayemwhyyyy #6
It's up to you but I think you should.
You must continuing your story I Like your story
Visua-Llove #8
if you didn't complete it then all what you wrote would be nonsense so plzzzzz complete it !!
Nazlimaral99 #9
Hi.Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Continue Ur Story.
its alittle confusing to me but other then that its great keep updating okay <_> :-D