A little dim in here.

The Monthly Trip

It was quite funny how he landed a job as a flight attendant for such an esteemed person really, Chanyeol mused to himself when he went to grab the prepared articles and Kris's order. He never thought he'd be a flight attendant, he just came along for the interview with his good friend Myungsoo. He knew his friend had more than what it took to land this job, but nonetheless he came for the moral support. That and also to give Myungsoo a lift. In which Chanyeol was melting as he waited in his car so he decided to tag along into the expensive looking air-conditioned building. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Myungsoo wasn't on this shift though, he was rostered on the flight  back to Hong Kong. Kris seemed to have a few planes that he had for personal use, as well as a few other planes he would lend for some of his business partners to use. So sometimes they would be able to work together on the same plane.

Putting the final touches on his Americano, he placed it alongside his perfectly prepared tea and the article and made his way to where Kris sat.

That was the first time he had ever met the man himself. But he had seen him once before today. It was when he was going through his induction. The man seemed to breeze through the door while his assistants flocked him, squabbling over meeting agendas, plans, paperwork soon to be due and deadlines to meet. They were like newborn chicks chirping incessantly to their mother, fumbling over each other to get to him, at a loss without his presence otherwise.

His first sighting of the man had squandered all previous assumptions of his new employer. Chanyeol didn't think his boss would be so... young looking.

"I'll just leave this over here for you, is that okay sir?" Chanyeol said as he steadily placed them across Kris. The other had his eyes trained on Chanyeol's every move. His gaze was a little intense, it was still the same as when he first saw him.

"That is fine." Came the low smooth tone from the other. Chanyeol raised his head to meet Kris to be silently dismissed. But the other seemed to hold onto his gaze a bit longer. His lips met the hot coffee. Deeming it satisfied, he nodded slightly and placed it back down.

"Are you the one who made this?" Kris said, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

The question made Chanyeol begin to sweat. He gulped.

"Yes that would be me, is it not to your liking?" Chanyeol replied, continuing watching when Kris continued drinking.

"Good, you will be the only person to make my coffees from now on, am I clear?" Chanyeol quickly nodded at that as Kris dismissed him with another nod of his head, already focussing on his article.

As Chanyeol made his way to the front of the plane, Kris fixed his eyes onto his form until it disappeared behind the curtain.



The flight had only lasted a few hours, and most of the time Kris had spent it reviewing what he read. However, as he was having his little break away from the rest of the human populace for this small amount of time, he felt his mind wonder about other things.

Like how his coffee was particularly good, the texture and taste was on point. He would have to have this new attendant on his flights more often he thought.

"And is everything going well with you sir?"  said the attendant in his odd deep voice.  

There was a pause. Kris had the strange urge to keep the attendant talking, he had an odd desire to continue hearing the attendant's voice again.

"The lighting here is a little dim."

As soon has Kris had said this, staring at Chanyeol, he walked to the side of the plane and adjusted the window shutters to emit more light towards Kris, but not enough to hit his line of sight.

Interesting. Kris thought. The boy knew which exact window shutter and how much he needed to lift it to angle a perfect ray of sunlight towards Kris's outspread of articles. 

"Is that better?" Chanyeol had looked up from where he was standing facing the window.  Kris observed the other for a while longer and shook his head slightly.

"It is adequate enough. That will be all for now." Once again dismissing Chanyeol.

Strange guy. Chanyeol thought as he made his way back to staffroom. He would see Kris looking out the window from time to time. Once or twice he caught his eyes, but the other just returned his attention back to the window. The look in his eyes lingered in the back of his mind for the remainder of the flight.



Chanyeol left the plane. He would have to be back at the airport to meet the crew and captain early tomorrow morning. It was about late afternoon when he finally got to the hotel that Kris's company hooked them up with whenever the flight was over.

The attendants worked on a roster where there were two split groups that rotated over a quarterly time period during the year. One group was responsible for the flight to Hong Kong and the other was responsible for the return flight to Seoul. This month had Chanyeol on the flight heading to Hong Kong. Normally as he had finished his shift on the plane, he would be able to go back to their hotels and stay for a few days hanging about the city, and then he would fly back with other workers in Kris's company that needed to stay a few days later to wrap up the business dealings.

However, as he was getting off the plane, saying goodbye and wishing all the patrons well on their business trips as per usual, he had missed Kris, he had been cleaning up in the kitchen, he was held back by his manager.

Apparently he was not going to be on the second flight back to Seoul, but the one that Kris would take back immediately the next day. He wondered what that was about. Oh well, he got to work with Myungsoo he thought.

He opened his room and saw  found his friend sprawled out on his bed scrolling down on his iPad and in his pyjamas. When the other looked up from his bed at Chanyeol, he greeted the other.

"Hey Myungsoo, guess who will be on the same plane as you tomorrow!"

This got his roommate's attention. It was a well known rule of their supervisor that they would only change rosters every four months. It was still only the first month. Chanyeol must have done something to piss off one of the patrons or worse, Kris himself, Myungsoo immediately thought.

"You got carried away again didn't you? I know it was your first time being on the same plane as him, but you gotta tone down your level of insanity. Normal people may not be used to it yet." Myungsoo called out as Chanyeol went to the bathroom and changed. Chanyeol returned in his pyjamas.

"Isn't it weird, that he wants me on the first flight back with you guys?" Chanyeol ignored Myungsoo's earlier response and plopped down on his bed.

"That is really strange. But at least you get to work with me. I mean where would you be without me, not here in this lush hotel for one." The two chatted for a bit longer and then went to sleep after that.

It was the next morning. Chanyeol and Myungsoo met at the airport with the rest of the cabin crew. Myungsoo was still half asleep, hair slightly ruffled that cause for a few of their fellow crew workers to swoon a little. Chanyeol had decided to tie his hair up that day, the weather had turned quite warm over the night. 



They boarded the plane and made sure everything was in order before anyone else arrived. The aircraft they took today were one of the smaller, but nicer planes.

Another man walked alongside Kris today. He was also tall, around the same height as Chanyeol. He nudged at Myungsoo's side to awaken the other. Myungsoo was about to retaliate but saw who was quickly walking up the steps of the plane. He stood up straighter and focussed his eyes ahead.

Now that Chanyeol had a chance to see the man up close, he noticed the other man had a row of piercings in his left ear. Up close Kris and this man looked almost alike. Except Chanyeol liked Kris's eyes better for some reason, he liked his expression more he thought, apathetic almost. Kris caught Chanyeol staring which prompted him to nudge his friend again.

'Good morning sirs, enjoy your flight today.' He and Myungsoo both said as they flashed them their best smiles, eyes crinkling.

Kris rested his eyes on Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiled again.

'Sungyeol here will also be flying back with us today. Please show him the same courtesy as you would for myself. '

'Of course, right this way then.' Myungsoo said as he turned and lead them both to their seats.

The other man had stood right beside Kris in a navy blue pressed suit. A printed scarf draped along his lean sturdy shoulders. He gave them both an expressionless once over, then around the rest of the plane. 

Meanwhile, on another part of the plane, Chanyeol had just checked the other rooms and made sure all its windows were open and ready for takeoff. He turned around and saw Kris coming towards him in long strides as he was admiring housekeeping skills.

For a moment they both didn't say anything. Kris had come to stop completely in front of Chanyeol. His eyes looked straight at Chanyeol. Something in them flickered as he eyes traced Chanyeol's hair and then down to his recently shined shoes. His eyes carefully casting their spell over Chanyeol.

'I need to have a word with the Captain' Kris finally said. Still not moving. And neither did Chanyeol. Chanyeol felt he couldn't move his body at all. It was like Kris had frozen him in place and turned him to stone.

He struck out of his stupor and wordlessly stepped to the side for the other to pass through. The other did so, after looking at Chanyeol again. Chanyeol let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

That was really weird and awkward.

But now that the other had left, he had also undid the spell that was cast, and Chanyeol found himself wondering if he could ever hear the sound of his heart thumping as loud as now before.



He returned to the kitchen space and found Myungsoo opening a bottle of their bosses favourite reds. His friend had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Ok what's up with you, you have that look on your face that you get when you're about to punch someone." Chanyeol asked as he leaned on the counter, absentmindedly double checking that the glasses hanging on the holder held no smudges or residue.

Myungsoo didn't reply. Focusing on opening another bottle. He seemed to be struggling a bit so Chanyeol took the bottle from his hands and pulled the cork with a 'pop'. He raised his eyebrow at his friend who's expression hadn't changed, in fact, it had only deepened.

'Thanks' he muttered.

"Okay well we better go out there and make sure Kris and Sungyeol are comfortable and ready for lift off. You can do that right?" He knew he had to make Myungsoo put up his professional front, they couldn't really afford to slip and let other personal issues effect their job.

With that, Myungsoo exhaled, lifted his chin up and looked at Chanyeol with his usual lazy smirk.

"Please, Can I do that?" Myungsoo rhetorically asked with his usual confidence as he made his way to the seats with a wave of his hand for Chanyeol to follow. If anything Chanyeol thought, that his friend was always capable of, was being confident, albeit sometimes lining cocky. Chanyeol shook his head with a smile and followed the other.





AN: It's coming along slowly...


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Will this still be updated sometime? I would love to read more of it if it is ^_^
ars251 #2
Chapter 2: just find this story....
waaaaahhhhh please keep update this story..
Chapter 2: you need to update author-nim..i really like this story!! :D
Mr_Koala #4
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the update ^^
Chapter 2: Looovvee it >:)
Chapter 2: moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! :D /subscribes;
Eyeing Yeollie, huh? XP
this is good, esp your grammar and vocab! O.o
Sowee ^_^!!!
헤 헤 헤, 댓글?
well alright.
I shall board my ship with thoughtless abandon.