To Seoul, again.

The Monthly Trip

Another business trip to Seoul as per usual. More clients Kris had to meet with, it seemed like his monthly trip was to always pick up the slack of all the other incompetent workers. It's like they had left everything up to him, always to him.

He  took another sigh and gazed out of the window. The bright lights of Hong Kong city were slowing fading away, now about the size of pinpricks, twinkling like little stars in the distance.  He remembered going on a plane for the first time, like all little kids, it too was an exciting experience for him.  Only, as soon as he stared out the window to look at the grand wings of the airplane, his mother scolded him for acting undignified. 

Kris didn't care, he still did it anyway, always did when he went flying. It made him feel as if there was so much more to the world than his clients, deals, money, clients, and more money. At times he would feel like everybody was coming too close to him, they were suffocating him, he needed an outlet. He wanted to be anonymous for a while. He didn't want to keep up a stone cold facade that he had to practice in front of his parents, peers and colleagues.

He had realised at a young age that he could not simply agree with what they had planned for him. They were both leading men and women in the business world. As a child, Kris would go to his private lesson, he would enjoy learning about music and different languages the most. But then those lessons were cut back, and taking its place was business and politics. Soon, they were fully removed from his home schooled curriculum, but thankfully his parents did appreciate the arts as much as he did, and purchased the finest of instruments for him to keep playing at his leisure.

Ever since then, he made sure to please his parents, enough to make them believe he actually wanted and liked the figure he was to become. But in all reality, Kris felt his heart was never fully into it. Aside from the thrill of sealing deals with hard pressed company CEOs and a continuous flow of money, he thought that his heart was leaking out bit by bit with each deal that was made, each ego he had to keep , each lie and scandal that was gossiped by his social group.

At times he would feel almost calm, too calm, like nothing could move him. Happiness, sadness, grief, he took them all in with nonchalance. When his beloved caretaker passed away, he felt sad yes, as she was his most prominent, and perhaps only mother figure, but he already knew that everyone would die in the end, it made no difference to when they would fall into death's hands anyway. Grieving wouldn't help it, it was a part of the natural cycle of life anyway.

However, one thing he did grieve about, was how she always taught him the values of people and life.  She always discussed the mechanics of how people went about following each other, attempting to blend in with the majority, as was standard. But she believed there was never a standard, how could there be one if everybody was just following everybody else? Like a bad round of Chinese whispers, the message, the original value became skewered.

Letting his morbid thoughts pass by, he felt like he ought to enjoy a little reprieve until he landed, whence the turmoil that was his life would continue again.

He saw that the flight attendants were out and servicing patrons, he was always glad that he opted to use the private plane his parents owned, one thing Kris hated was poor hygiene. The thought of sitting in a tiny cramped seat with people surrounding him, there would always be the off chance that one of them were sick, would cough, sneeze, send spittle into the air towards his space.  Shivering inwardly at the thought, he looked around to signal somebody over.

As he was a regular on this plane, he recognised most of the attendants, however, one caught his attention. He must have been a new face. He was tall, maybe almost as tall as himself, had light brown straight hair, framed around a grin that lit up his entire face.

Kris signaled the boy over, the boy  immediately straightened up and made his way over to Kris, grin still in place.

"I'll have a double Americano espresso and green tea to the side", Kris said looking the boy straight in the eye.

"Yep, no worries, would that be all sir?" Kris had not been expecting that. The boy's voice was deep. Very deep, and husky. He also kept his eye contact. Interesting he thought. Not many could keep it up for this long.

"No, that will be all for now", the boy nodded a low 'Yes sir', eyes never have left Kris's and walked swiftly in the opposite direction. Kris took it as his cue to look at the boy from behind. His eyes trailed over the boys defined long legs up towards his backside. Nodding his head in approval, he leaned his head back into the soft head rest.

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Will this still be updated sometime? I would love to read more of it if it is ^_^
ars251 #2
Chapter 2: just find this story....
waaaaahhhhh please keep update this story..
Chapter 2: you need to update author-nim..i really like this story!! :D
Mr_Koala #4
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the update ^^
Chapter 2: Looovvee it >:)
Chapter 2: moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! :D /subscribes;
Eyeing Yeollie, huh? XP
this is good, esp your grammar and vocab! O.o
Sowee ^_^!!!
헤 헤 헤, 댓글?
well alright.
I shall board my ship with thoughtless abandon.