The End of the Beginning?

Breaking the Fall Factor


“Where did you guys tell Auntie Mei you were going? I thought she told you that you weren’t allowed to go clubbing anymore?” Hanna asked Baekhyun and Kai as they go in the cab that was headed to the EXO PLANET club.

Auntie Mei was actually Baekhyun and Kai’s great-aunt. Both boys were cousins and their parents had passed away when they had been at a young age, so they hardly remembered them. Auntie Mei was the one who took them in from then on. And when Hanna’s parents had passed, Auntie Mei had been there for her, just like she had been for the boys. Auntie Mei, despite Hanna’s constant protests, had supported Hanna so that she was able to live on her own (even though Auntie tried to get her to move in with Baekhyun and Kai).

“Oh, just told her that we were going to stay at yours for a bit, maybe sleep over. I didn’t even have to lie!” Kai exclaimed.

“Yeah…but it’s just as bad as lying…” Hanna murmured.

Kai slung his arm around her. “Don’t worry about it Hanna banana! We’ll go to the club, party a little, and come back perfectly, all in one piece.”

Baekhyun pushed Kai’s arm off of her and put his own to replace it. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from all the creepy uncles okay?” Kai stuck his tongue out at Baekhyun, but then turned to look out the window, probably admiring the flashing business signs or food carts.

Baekhyun could still tell that Hanna was a little distressed. He leaned in and whispered to her; “If you stop worrying, I promise to leave as soon as Kai has drunk enough for all three of us.” Hanna looked up at Baekhyun, and her eyes widened. 

Omo, his face is so close. Ohno, my face is starting to heat up…

Hanna placed her hands on her cheeks and puffed out her cheeks. “It’s not that…I just don’t want Auntie to be mad at us. But I don’t want to be a kill joy tonight.” 

Baekhyun raised his other hand to pull down Hanna’s, then he folded her hand, hooked their pinkies together and pressed their thumbs together. “I promise that if we get in any trouble…we’ll blame Kai.”

Kai’s head whipped around, and he stared at the two with wide eyes. “YAH, YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!”


The moment Hanna, Baekhyun and Kai stepped into the club, the music surrounded them, the bass thumping in their chests. They, well…Hanna managed to slip pass the bouncer without having to show her ID, as her birthday was later in the year, so she hadn’t yet turned 18. Kai and Baekhyun did help of course, if shooting somewhat menacing looks counted.

Kai stretched out his arms and let out a long “WOO!” Even though it could barely be heard over the sounds inside the club, Hanna still laughed at his expression.

“Freedom! No more high school! No more teachers! No more annoying fangirls! JUST FREEDOM!” Kai yelled this loud enough for Hanna, Baekhyun and a few other people close by to hear.

“Aren’t you majoring in dance next year, Kai?” Baekhyun asked him. Kai just shook his head and pointed to his ears.

“Can’t hear you! Too high on my freedom~!” Kai let out another ‘WOO’ and danced into the crowd. Hanna took a step to follow him, afraid to lose him, but Baekhyun gently tugged on her arm to pull her back.

“Don’t bother, Kai will find his way back. Just dance with me here.” She bit on her lip contemplating, but Baekhyun showed off his aegyo smile, Hanna’s weak point.

Aish, this jerkface. He knows I can’t say no to that smile…

Hanna held up her hands in surrender, with a small smile. “Araso, araso…”

You started to move along with the beat of T-ara’s Lovey Dovey, but then stopped and stared at how Baekhyun was dancing.

He gave Hanna a look, and put his hands up in a way as if to say, “So what?”

Hanna just laughed, and then she started to copy him, not caring who saw her. You’re here to celebrate the ending of something and the beginning of a new life... A new life with Baekhyun and Kai right by my side.

Hanna stopped dancing after four songs, to catch her breath. Baekhyun looked at her with question in his eyes but then nodded in understanding when she pointed to the drink bar. Hanna leaned in and yelled over the music, “Just gonna grab a drink. Be back soon!”

Hanna walked over and waved her hand to catch the attention of the bartender. The guy saw her, and held up a hand to tell her that he’d be over in a moment. She turned back to look at the dance floor and saw that Baekhyun and Kai had found each other despite the large amount of people. She was about to wave when she felt a tap against her shoulder.

Expecting the bartender she turned, ready to ask for some water, but instead came face to face with an unusually pale woman. The woman’s eyes were a sort of grey-clouded over colour, and Hanna could almost see every vain through the thin skin of her face and neck. From there it cut off to a long black-sleeved shirt.

Omo, almost gave me a heart attack. What happened to the guy? Why does this lady look so…empty…?

“Uh…miss, could I have some water?” Hanna asked quickly, hoping to get away from this woman as fast as she could.

“ID please.” The woman ordered in a scratchy, low voice.

“Uhm…” Shoot…I don’t have one! “I just want water though.”

“ID.” The woman held out her hand this time, persistent to get closer to Hanna. Hanna seeing the way the woman was inching closer to get to her, backed up. Weird...forget it, I’m getting out of here.

“You know what…it’s with my friend. I’ll just go and—“ Hanna was cut off as she backed away and turned into what looked like a male version of the woman, as he too had the milky eyes and translucent skin.

Before she had a chance to even raise her hands, the man wrapped his hands around Hanna’s wrists and jerked her towards a room that said ‘staff only’. “What do you think you’re doing?! Let me go!” Hanna struggled in the man’s grip. For someone who seemed so sickly he had some surprising strength to him.

Hanna opened , about to scream for help, but the man, seeing this, moved one arm to wrap around her neck and over . The woman, moving from behind the bar walking around and started pulling Hanna farther away from the crowd.

SOMEONE! Just look this way! KAI! BAEKHYUN!

Hanna desperately tried to break free of the man’s grip, she even tried biting his hand that covered , but he didn’t react in any way at all. Who the hell am I dealing with?!

The woman stepped ahead and opened the door. The man then quickly closed the distance to the door and pushed Hanna through forcefully, making her fall to the floor of what was probably the storage room for of the club. “Must find the others…” She heard woman say to the man before the door shut.

Hanna jumped to her feet and tried to pry the handle open, but it wouldn’t budge. She leaned her head against the door, and let out a frustrated scream. I’m locked in! Well, no . UGGHHH , how am I gonna get out ?! Hanna turned around to see if there was anything in the room that could help her, but froze at what she saw.

The room had about a dozen or more of the pale people, all staring at Hanna.

“There is no place to go now, but to your end.”They all said simultaneously, as if they had been programmed to do so.

Well, that’s not such a good thing.



A/N: huu, SORRY I TOOK SO LONG ~ but second chapter is here now!

looool , was it confusing >.<? JUST IN CASE, kai & Baekhyun are cousins. All three amigos’ parents are dead. And Auntie Mei supports Hanna so that she can live on her own, b/c she dosent want to burden Auntie Mei cause she knows what trouble the boys are already XD … yeah.

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amanda13 #1
Huuuuaaaaaaa this i like ~~
very interesting !
Update the next chapter please !!
Its pretty good! Update sooN!
YAYYY ! Exo fic. This sounds really interesting, can't wait until you post your first chapter <3