I'll always be here...

Breaking the Fall Factor


She was walking down a dark corridor, her footsteps loud and sharp in her ears. Where am I? Why is there no light? She pulled her arms in closer to her body as if to shield away from something. Perhaps there was something with her…waiting…waiting…

“Hanna!” Baekhyun’s voice called out from behind her. “Hanna…how could you?!” He sounded like he was in pain.

“Baekhyun? What…what did I do? Where are you?!” She turned and started towards the voice but another voice called out to her from where she was facing before.

“Hanna…”  It was a man’s voice, soft and melodic. She didn’t recognize the voice, but she couldn’t turn away from it.

“Hanna! Don’t go! Don’t go that way!” Baekhyun’s voice faded away as Hanna walked towards the unknown voice.

“Who…who are you?” She whispered it, but she was sure he, whoever he was, could hear her.

“Who am I? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten again…” His voice sounded doubtful.

But I don’t know…Hanna took another step forward but the ground under her foot fell away and she was falling. She felt things brush against her and tried grabbing onto them but they would just dissolve away before her fingertips could grab onto them. Hanna was screaming for what seemed like an eternity. There was no end in this Rabbit Hole. No way out…

~Previous Day~

Someone had been knocking on Hanna’s door for the past 10 minutes. “Don’t tell me she’s still sleeping.” said Kai as he walked up beside Baekhyun who had been the one knocking. Kai shook his head at their best friend’s napping habits.

“I bet you she is. Aish, I told her to turn her phone off of silent as soon as she got home…” Baekhyun stopped knocking for the moment and tilted his head back, letting out a deep sigh. Then his mouth curved up into a half-smirk. He turned to Kai, “You up for a little team work?”

Kai chuckled, “Sure man, I just wanna get to the club before sunrise.” Together they went to the window at the end of Hanna’s apartment hallway. They pulled up the window and eyed the fire escape ladder that was a good 4ft above their heads. Kai held out his hands and said sarcastically, “After you my lord.”

Baekhyun shook his head laughing, and stood up on the window ledge. With the help of Kai he grasped the end of the ladder and pulled it down.  Dusting his hands off, they climbed up to the small walkway one by one. Carefully, they walked towards where Hanna’s room was. When they got there, the window was already halfway open. Both boys rolled their eyes.

“So she doesn’t turn on her phone but she opens the window…” Baekhyun said, pulling the window all the way open and ducked through it into Hanna’s bedroom, Kai following.

“Omona, did it grow again?” Kai said pointing at Hanna’s book collection. Her bed was a sort of cave, surrounded by her most favorite books. They were practically spilling off the shelves now, and some looked like they had actually fallen.

Baekhyun quietly walked towards the bed and sat on the edge.  A muffled voice came out from underneath the blanket. “You know Kai,” Baekhyun said in a loud voice, “I don’t think Hanna wants to go out tonight to celebrate our freedom.”

Hanna gave another muffled response, and shifted under the blankets. Kai, the brave one, ducked into Hanna’s ‘bed cave’ and laid his body on top of where she was. “It’s okay! We can just nap here instead. Aigoo, I’ve always loved this bed. SO SQUISHY AND SOFT! AND IT SMELLS NICE TOO!” Kai screamed as he snuggled further into the ‘bed’.

There was a sudden movement and both boys ended up on the floor, rubbing their butts from the impact. “YAH! I AM NOT SQUISHY KAI!” Hanna yelled at her best friends, and threw her pillow at them. She pouted at them while rubbing her eyes.

Kai threw the pillow back at Hanna’s face and then shook out his hair. He stuck his tongue out at her, “Mehrong! C’mon Hanna, don’t lie~”

Hanna hmphed at him, and threw the pillow again, but Kai just grabbed it and hugged it to his chest. Jumping off the floor he made his way out of the bedroom, doing a little dance. “Just get ready now! We gotta go PARTY!”

Baekhyun and Hanna both shook their heads and laughed under their breaths. Then Hanna flopped back onto her bed with a sigh. Moving closer, but still on the floor, Baekhyun looked up at her. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, just…I just had another dream.” Hanna had been having dreams that made her heart race and her head hurt when she woke. But she could never remember enough details to recall what they were about. Sometimes she’d remember a smell, or a few words…

“You…want to talk about it?” Baekhyun asked her, hesitantly.

She sighed again. “You know I can’t.” Giving him a small smile, she got up from her bed and went to her closet to pull out the dress she’d be wearing tonight.


She had been having dreams like these ever since her parents died 2 years ago. It had already been a difficult time, and the never-ending dreams hadn’t helped at all. But with Baekhyun and Kai by her side it had become a lighter burden to carry.

Baekhyun reached for her and drew her into his arms. Pressing a kiss to her forehead he whispered, “You know I’m here right? And that other guy is too.” He leaned back a bit to tilt his head in the direction Kai had gone.

Hanna blushed and bit and placed her head on his chest to hide it. “Yeah, I know. And the other guy too.” She let out a laugh. Pushing him out the door, she clutched the dress to her chest.

“Go wait with him before he eats all my food again!” She told him, and made a shooing motion with her hand. “I’ll be out soon, I promise!”

“PALI PALI!” Baekhyun said before going out to join Kai, who was inishing off a plate of spaghetti.

I’ll always be here, Hanna. No matter what, I’ll be here to catch you when you fall.


AN:  woohooo ~ first chapter ! like it? let me know ~

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amanda13 #1
Huuuuaaaaaaa this i like ~~
very interesting !
Update the next chapter please !!
Its pretty good! Update sooN!
YAYYY ! Exo fic. This sounds really interesting, can't wait until you post your first chapter <3