First meeting

The many colors of emotions~


“Here you go.” He passed me a bottle of iced lemon tea while smiling~

“Ahh… Thank you.” You hesitated.

*awkward moment of silence*

“Meow~” Marshmallow meowed. Then jumped on top of Chanyeol’s lap, then she starts to sleep.

“Ya! Wake up you--“ You stopped shouting to Marshmallow when you noticed that Chanyeol is staring at you. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to shout. It’s just that, ahh, nevermind.” You take another sip of your iced lemon tea, lying back on the park bench. ‘Dear bench, just swallow me.’ You sighed.

“Oh. I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Chanyeol.” He smiled, showing his perfect straight teeth.

‘Great. A cute boy that can be my potential boyfriend but I ended up showing my crazy part.’ You pout and sighed, again. “I’m Eun--“

“Eunji. You’re Eunji right?” He said, happily. ‘Wait… why is he happy?’ “I always saw you at school. Laughing with your friends, having fun, smiling all the time…” He seemed desolated; his beautiful smile is gone now.

“Huh? What do you mean?” You turned to face Chanyeol. "You seemed like a nice guy, you have looks, you got that personality, and most importantly, you got that smile~” You smiled at him.

“No. It’s not about that.” He smiled, well, at least he tried. “It’s just that my uncle...” He murmured.

“Your knuckle? Huh?” You asked obliviously.

Chanyeol laughed.

"What's so funny?" You asked, but Chanyeol just kept on laughing.

"Nothing. Really, hahaha..." 

"Eunji?!" You turned around.

"Bomi? What are you doing here?"

Bomi walked toward you guys. "Well, I'm just hanging around here. Waiting for something magical showed up."

"Bomi, come on."

"Well, I'm walking home Captain Obvious." She laughed at her own joke. "Oh, you. Chanyeol. One of the Ice Prince!" Bomi is surprised.

"Wow. Everybody knows me?" He smiled. "Eh? What? Ice Prince?" He asked.

"Well. Duh. Everybody knows the 6 of you. Plus the other 6 Chinese guys. That only communicate among yourselves. But the ither 6 guys are more mysterious. Showing up only like 3 times per week at sch---" Bomi stopped talking as soon as she saw you made a please-shut-up-now face.

"Well... It's not their fault, technically." Chanyeol defended his friends.

"Well, Chanyeol. Now, me and Bomi and Marshmallow gotta go." You stood up. Taking Marshmallow from Chanyeol's lap.

"No we don't." Bomi protested. You stepped on her foot lightly. "Ouch! Yes. We gotta go." Bomi grimaced at you.

"I agree with Bomi!" Marshmallow backs Bomi up, but of course you're the only one who understands what Marshmallow just said.

"Uhh.. well, Chanyeol. Goodbye." You bowed to him and walked away. Followed by Bomi.

"Hey Eunji!" You looked back. "Annyeong chingu~" He waved.


You smiled. "Yeah, bye."

"Good job Chanyeol." A man sat next to him on the bench.

He looked at him. "Yeah. Whatever."


Q : So Chanyeol, what do you think when so many people knows you?

Chanyeol : Of course I'm very happy. I'm starting to think that I'm very popular at school. Hahaha~

Baekhyun : Emm.. You mean we?

Chanyeol : Yeah *grunts*



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feel free to correct my grammar reader!~ ^^ I'm here to learn too :D


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exo makes everyone go cray cray. xD <3
@chicken_onew : I will!~ ^^
i loveee~ update soonn!~
@TaeLovesSkye and xiyyang : updated!~ ^^

@kpop0001 : is it tooooo big :O i toned it down!~ :D
I don't get the story because of the big font that you're using but, it seems like a cute story. xD Please Update Soon~ (:
Update soon! ^^
update soon author-nim~ <3