Dance Competition

Can I Fall For You?

It was Saturday already and Luhan was already outside Seohyun's house to pick up her and Sehun to where the Dance Competition is. 

Seohyun: oppa, your here already?

Luhan: NAe..Can I come in?

Seohyun: Sure...

He go inside their house and saw Sehun glare at him and he just smile to him. Seohyun then went to her room to get ready leaving Sehun alone with Luhan.

Sehun: Are you hitting on my sister?

He look straight to Luhan eye and move closer to Luhan too.

Luhan: Um...........

Sehun: Answer me, can't you? Are you scare I gonna kill you if you hit on her?

Luhan: um..........You look scary right now...I'm not hitting on her..We are just friend okay...

Sehun: That good then..

Sehun became happy and smiling again.

Luhan: hoo! That was close...

Sehun: What did you say?

Luhan: Nothing...hehehe

Sehun: Okay...Sit are you going to stand the whole time waiting for my noona?

Luhan: Oh...

Luhan then sit on the sofa.

Luhan: Aren't you going to the dance competition too?

Sehun: Of course.

Luhan: Then why are you not getting ready?

Sehun: Can't you see I'm already ready to go just wait for my noona now?

Luhan: Oh....

Seohyun then went out of her room...

Seohyun: Is there something wrong? Why are you two so quiet? Why don't you two talk to each other?

Sehun: um.....nothing..We already talk and became friend already noona...Right Luhan Hyung?

Luhan: Ah nae.............

Seohyun: Should we go now? Hyo unnie will be waiting for us there already?

Sehun: Okay...

Seohyun: Sehun, what about your friend? Are they going to be there too?

Sehun: They are already there noona.

Seohyun: Oh...Then let hurry...

They all get in Luhan's car and drive to where the Dance Competition was hold at.

Sehun: You sure have a good car Luhan hyung...

Luhan: um...........Thank You.......

Seohyun: Were here....

They all get out and went to see where Hyoyeon is?

Hyunie, I'm really nervous...Hyoyeon told Seohyun.

Seohyun: It okay unnie...Just do your best with your buddy. We will give you lot of cheer, support, and love..So be confident..your always confident on what you do so don't be nervous and did your best okay...

Hyoyeon: Okay, I will go now. Take care and make sure to cheer for me...

Seohyun: Okay.....Hyo unnie fighting!

Luhan: Fighting!

Sehun: Noona Fighting! Your the best!

Baekyung: Funny Noona, Fighting!

D.O: Yeah Fighting Noona! We love you!

Do a heart shake with his hand to her.

Hyoyeon: Thank You everyone. Okay Fighting!

Hyoyeon then went to where her other dance buddy is and they all get ready and cheer on each other.

Seohyun and everyone went to join the crowd cheering for every performance there. They were in the front row.

It was now the last performance and it was Hyoyeon with her dance buddy and they all came onto the stage with nervous look but then when their performance start all the nervous in them was gone and they put on a fierce and powerful and y dance.

Everyone cheer very loud and Seohyun and other Keep shouting Hyoyeon name and cheer for her...

After a while all the group who come to compete there all came onto the stage and it was time for choosing the winner. Luhan was too focus on keep looking at Seohyun that he forgot to look and cheer for Hyoyeon the whole time. And Luhan just went back to his sense when they gonna annouce the winner.

Seohyun: They gonna annouce the winner...What!!! Could it be Hyo unnie? She and her dance buddies are really good!!!!!!

Sehun: I also think so because they did very great.

Baekyung and D.O: They are super amazing and great. Were both love their performance. We love you Hyoyeon noona!!!!

They both made heart shake with their hand to Hyoyeon on the Stage and she saw them and just smile and wink at them.

Both of them blush and Seohyun and Sehun and Luhan just laugh at them...

The Host: Okay we got the result now...We will now annouce the winner......

Everyone: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Host: Who do you think will win?

The host ask the audience.

Everyone shout different name so no one heard what they all saying because it look like just some random screaming. 

The other host: Stop teasing them already just annouce it now. They all are very excited already.

The host: Fine fine...I will annouce the winner now....And it is the Dancing Machine Team...They put on an amazing, powerful, fierce, and y dance with lot of expression. We can see the nervous in them and thought at first that they are too nervous but we all were surprise because of their performance was so great they were able to overcome the nervous and do their best and put on the best performance for today. Congradualation!!!!!!!!

Seohyun: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hyo unnie won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sehun: Noona Win!!!!!!!!!!Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

BAekyung and D.O: That our Noona who Win!!!!!!!!!!!!So happy!!!!!!!!!!!We love you Noona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They did the heart shape agin with their hand.

Luhan: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luhan just cheer along since he not really close or know very much about Hyoyeon yet.

Hyoyeon: Omo!!!!!!We win!!!!!!!!Can't Believe it!!!!!!!our hard work pay for it!!!!!!So happy!!!!!!!!

Then she and her buddy go and got their gift for winning and give their speech.

Kai: Were work so hard on this and we never expect to win but we would so happy now that I can't really express what I'm feeling now...

Hyoyeon: Thank You everyone for watching our performance and cheering loudly for us. Were really nervous at first but thank to all your loud cheering that why were able to feel at erase and do our performance perfectly. And we were really happy for winning this Dance Competition. Thank You...

They all clap and Hyoyeon hug her dance buddy...And they all bow to the audience..........They put on another performance and say goodbye to everyone after that...

Seohyun: Unnie, you did great. So happy you guy really win...

Hyoyeon: Thank You hyunie for coming and cheering for me and my buddy. It because of you guy who give me support that why we win..

Sehun: You were really great with your buddy.

Baekyung/D.O: Noona, you were great and pretty and y and everything. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyoyeon: Stop it now...Why are you two keep saying that....

Baekyung: Can we hug you too?

D.O: CAn we?

Hyoyeon: Ah sure...........

She went to the two of them and hug them. They blush and smiling after that...

Luhan: Um....You were very great performing....

Hyoyeon: But I notice that you didn't even pay attention to me performance but to someone else instead? Isn't it?

Seohyun: Why are you saying that unnie, he beside me cheering for you too!

Hyoyeon: Really Luhan? I saw you keep looking at Seohyun cheering on me instead but you didn't even pay attention to my performance and cheer for me?

Seohyun's blush at Hyoyeon statement and also Luhan too. He was embarrassed. 

Luhan: I'm sorry. But I also saw you performing some part too because I pay some attention too...

Hyoyeon: Okay....

Luhan: Should we celebrate for your win?

Hyoyeon: That sound very great. You treat us Luhan.

Luhan: Sure....

Seohyun: Unnie, is that good? Luhan you don't have to. We will treat our self my unnie just joking with you.

Luhan: it okay. I will treat you all to dinner and celebrate.

Sehun: Okay let go. You say it yourself so don't blame us if you went out of money.

Baekyung: Hyung, your the best.

D.O: I'm really hungry so let hurry and go eat.

Luhan: Um...Okay everyone...Let go....

They all went to eat in a restaurant and talk and enjoy their time there when Kris approach them.

Kris: So this is your date Seohyun?

Seohyun: Yeah.........

Seohyun then look at the girl beside Kris and she was feeling jealous but she keep quiet and just eat her food quickly.

Kris: Can I join the fun with you guy too?

Sooyoung: CAn we? Because were kinda boring just the two of us? You guy seem having fun?

Hyoyeon: Sure come and join us...

Luhan: Hyun, come and sit here...

Kris went to sit beside Luhan across from Seohyun and Sooyoung was beside Seohyun too across from Luhan.

Sooyoung: Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Choi Sooyoung Kris's step sister.

They all say hi to her...

Seohyun's mind: Good that she was just his step sister.

Kris: Why are everyone here? Is there a celebration going on?

Luhan: It because Hyoyeon win the dance competition today so I treat them here to dinner.

Kris: Oh.....

Sooyoung: Seohyun, are you and Luhan dating?

Seohyun: No...Were just friend nothing more...Why do you think like that?

Sooyoung: Oh....Because you two look cute together.

Seohyun: Oh.....

Everyone just eat and talk and enjoy their time while Kris just ignore and avoid looking at Seohyun and Luhan talking and smiling to each other because he will be hurt if he see them together laughing, smiling, and be together.

Kris: Sooyoung, let go now.

Sooyoung: Bye everyone. We can only spend this much time with you all. Thank you for treating me very nicely.

Bye hyung. Say Luhan.

Kris just smile at Luhan and glance at Seohyun for one last time and he went away with Sooyoung.

Luhan and everyone then finish their food and all head out and go home..................

Hyoyeon already went home with Baekyung and D.O. Sehun, Seohyun, and Luhan just reach their house.

Seohyun: Thank for today Luhan oppa.

Sehun: Thank for today Hyung. Your such a nice hyung. Should treat me to a lot of meal next time?

Seohyun: Sorry for my brother bad behaivor.

Luhan: it okay. He seem very funny and nice just like you.

Seohyun: Okay...Drive safe home...Byebye...

Luhan wink at her and smile to her and she laugh and smile and wave goodbye to him.

Luhan: Byebye...

They both enter their house and Luhan drive away..........

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Chapter 28: Love it. And yes the end, hahahaha! Will up vote ;)
Chapter 28: The end tho
Chapter 28: great story....
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
ano0osh #5
Chapter 28: very good story ... thank you
Chapter 28: PREVERTED Kris!!!
Chapter 23: Seo he didnt leave
Chapter 18: Yoona's change? she really need to explain to Seo wht happen
Chapter 16: Argh Seo, poor seo, let him explain first