Chapter 6: Start of bullying and Feelings that develops

Boy Meets Girl

+ Janine's POV +

I am on my way to school riding my bike. Riding on my bicycle is very relaxing for me, the wind slaps on my face (not literally 'slap'. imagine the feeling when you're riding a bike~). I close my eyes for a while and as I open my eyes slowly, a motorcycle with a high speed pass through me, i am so shocked that I stumble and got bruises in my knees.


"HEY WATCH OUT WILL YOU!!" I yelled out even though I know the motorcycle is gone. As I stood up, CRAP! my feet hurts like hell.

"Dammit. Looks like I twist my ankle now." I mumbled to myself, as I walk with my bicycle to school and I felt like crying because of the pain.



+ Chaerin's POV +

I speed up my motorcycle as I saw Janine riding on her bicycle. I pass through her and stop as I turn. I peek at her and smirk as I saw her with bruises.

"It's only the beginning Janine. You dare me so now be prepared."  I laugh at what I said and ride on my motorcycle again.



+ Dongho's POV +

As I walk to school, I saw a familiar back figure. I look at her closely and realize it was Janine, I walk to her side and tap her shoulder.


"You know, you're suppose to ride the bicycle not walk with it." I said to her without even looking at her. But all I hear is silence, she suppose to yell at me. What's wrong with her? So I look at her and my eyes widen. 

"WHAT THE?! Why are you crying? Is what I said made you cry?" I grab her wrist to stop her from walking.

"Pabo! I won't cry to that idiotic thing you said." She said with hiccups. I look at her from head to toe, then I stare at her knees.

"What happened to you? So early in the morning then you already got that bruises." I bent down to look closely at her bruises. But she covers it with handkerchief.



+ Janine's POV +

Dongho is looking at my knees with bruises. I kinda get shy and covers it with a handkerchief. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. GOSH! I am blushing! I mentally slap myself.

"Yah. Let me take a look at it. Don't tell me you're shy now?" a smirk form from his lips and that makes me even blush more. I slap his shoulder.

"No way! In your dreams! And you know I can handle myself so go away and I'm going to school now." I try hard to maintain the pissed tone.

"Aish.. Why you have to be always so stubborn??" He stop me by grabbing my wrist and get the bicycle from me and he rides on it.

"What do you think you're doing with my bicycle?" I raised an eyebrow to him.



+ Dongho's POV +

"I'm going to school with you." I smiled to her so that my intentions will look good.

"Bwoh?!" She looks shocked but I still smiles to her. And if I'm not hallucinating, she is blushing. WHAT THE! When did I start hallucinating about her.  Well... Nevermind. I look at her again.



+ Janine's POV +

I am staring at him when he suddenly looks at me, I look away.

"Come on. Hop in here." He said as he pats the seat in front of him. My eyes widen.

"WHAT THE! We will look like a couple! No!" He laughs.

"What's funny??" I said.

"Nothing. You know, if you think us that way then probably others will do think like that but if you think that it was just nothing, just friend helping you then nothing will matter, right?" He said smiling. I think over what he said and realize that he's right.

"Fine." I hop in to the seat in front of him.

"Hold on to here." He said as he grab my hands and place it to the handlebar. I swear to myself I am bushing again! *sigh* I remember someone.

"Why did you sigh? Is something bothering you?" He said that cuts my thoughts. I look at him. *OMO! OMO! So close, so close to him*

"N-Nothing. Just continue on pedalling there." I smiled to him and look away.



+ Dongho's POV +

*Did she really smile to me?? It's the first time I saw her smile and obviously she smiles to me*  I thought and smiles because of it. But then my heart feels weird, why is it thumping? Maybe because I kept on pedalling.. I'll just ignore it. This is probably nothing.



+ No One's POV +

Dongho keeps on pedalling and he broke the silence and the awkwardness between them by talking. They talk and telling each other's stories. While they are talking laughter fills in when suddenly Dongho tells jokes until then they arrive to their school.


But Janine don't know that there's someone looking and watching them.


"Who are you to get so close to my Dongho. Hmp. I'll give you last chance Kang Janine, dare to get close to Dongho again, you will feel the miserable life." a girl watching over said smirking.


to be continued...


Chapter 7 coming up next...


Author's Note:  Guys.. I AM SO VERY SORRY for the VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY LATE UPDATE. It's because I have been very busy at school. Hope you understand :)  Thanks .

Oh and sorry for the short and boring chapter >.<

And did you notice that I have my own banner now~ Yay~ XD hehe :)  hope you guys like it~

comments is highly appreciated~ :)


@YukiMary hey there dear, sorry that i updated very late ~ :)  i'll be waiting for your comment~  kekekeke :D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 12: Update more! Jebal?? :>
Eeeee! I love when people put my name in stories lol
Aww why suzy! Ugh! Good story though update soon
Yeah, it was Suzy, a new rival huh. XD and yeah he is the one who is watching them and yeah she's Dongho's fiancee :) I guess this is really a drama-bully time . :P hehehe. :) just wait for the incoming chapters :D<br />
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hehehe. :) hmmm.. maybe I can make you a one shot if I have time to make it. I'll make it for you. :D because you are the very active reader of mine :D i know there are silent readers though >.<<br />
hehehehehe :D it's not that greedy~ it's just that the story is just made for you~ :D<br />
Thank You, Thank you for your wish and I wish the same too :)
YukiMary #5
OH 5HIT! it was SUZY?! the girl who was watching Janine and Dongho?! Dongho's fiancée?! WHAT?!<br />
Aish here come another... BIT*H.. Aishh hate thiss. Ahahaha soo.. now.. Drama time? kekekek~<br />
Awww so now she don't hate him anymore huh? kekekekek~<br />
can't wait for moreee <3 <3<br />
its getting interesting. ^^ <br />
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Yup. its not. instate its veryy... interesting~! aish.. how i wish this story is a story of me and my bias (Eli).. and there's only me who's reading and commenting! Cause some of the story that my friends make one for me always has other readers and comments.. I'm kinda like.. "hey this story is mine! for me not you guys.." lol greedy Yuki XD ahahahahah~ but anyway, i wish for ya that you'll get A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS and COMMENTERS. ^^ <3 <3 kekek Good Luck~ <3 and welcome~
@YukiMary .. Really? It's not that boring? Aigoo~ :'> i am so touched~ thank you very much~ :D i'm very thankful to you that you still kept on waiting for my updates~ thanks that you're interested in my story~ :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH :*<br />
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--Yeah, poor her and Chaerin she's just jealous.<br />
hehe.. let's wait and see who's that watching them~ :D
YukiMary #7
Aww THAT IS SOOO CUTE! Aww poor herr.. <br />
But really that was.. soo.. CUTEEE! XD Ahahah Dongho~ <br />
I bet that girl who's watching them is Chaerin.. GRRR <br />
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kekekekeke Nahh its okayyy~ kekekek i wonder why isn't there subscribers and comments? *looks around* Aish don't they know this story is actually interesting? and awesomeee~ heheheh<br />
I really love this storyy! <3 <3<br />
I love your banner~ heheh well everyone is busy rightt? so i understandd~ <3 muahh love you~<br />
Hehe. Just wait for the next chapter my dear and you'll know it. :) Thanks for loving this story~ I'm so touched~ :D Yeah. They are so cute. :)<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Aw. We will long wait for it. Me too,can't wait. XD<br />
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Okay. I will update as soon as I can. :)))
YukiMary #9
OMG Did she have a bad experiences in the past?! hmm what does Dongho means? I really love tthis story!!! >.< Yoseob and the Ma rin girl is so lovely~ XD<br />
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so you watch it? Hmm well what people said that on the 18 episode he will appear... Omg i can't wait! >.<<br />
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Hehe I'll be waiting~ <br />
Update soon~ ne? :))
Hehe. Thanks~ XD Hmmm.. In the next chapters you will know where the 1 vote came from. XD Hehe. He is being weird whenever Janine is there. XD Thanks a lot~ <3<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Me too I only watch it because of them~ I don't know when will Eli appear. :))<br />
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Thanks again for waiting for the updates~