Boy Meets Girl Chapter 1: Unexpected Meeting

Boy Meets Girl

+ Janine's POV +


"Aaaaaahhh!! I'm tired!"   I said shouting while I run.

"If you're tired then come with us peacefully and work at the bar for us!"   The man said chasing me.

"Naahh! Never! :P"   I said and tongues out.

*Even after school they would follow me~ aaahh! I'm tired.*   I thought.



I run as fast as I could.

Until I run off at the highway. The two men keep following me.

I cross the road running when suddenly a car came.

I was hit by the car at my hip bone.



"Aw! That hurts."   I said.

The guy whose driving came out in rush. (And that was Dongho.)


"I'm sorry,Miss. Are you okay?"   He said as he assisted me to stand up.

"Do you think I'm still okay after being hit by your car?!"   I said in a annoying tone.

"Okay. Okay. I said I'm sorry. Get in my car."   He said.

"What?! Why?!"   I said.

"I'll bring you to the hospital to check if you're hip bone is okay."   He said.

"No! Thanks. I will be fine."   I said as I rolled my eyes.

"But..."   He was unable to continue it b'coz I said directly "Ssssh! I'm okay."

"Tssk. You say so. Then,I'll be leaving. Take care."   He said smiling. And he get inside the car.


He start his car and leave me at the side of the road. He wave bye-bye to me.


*Who is that guy?! So arrogant! Hmp.*   I thought as I rolled my eyes.

*Oh and I just notice that the two men following me is gone. Maybe they got afraid b'coz I was hit.*  I thought and giggled.



My hip bone feels pain so I started walking and go to my dorm so I could rest.

When I got home at the dorm my friends and also my roommates ask me.


"Hey~ Janine. Where did you go?"  Ghean ask while hugging me.

"Ne. Janine you made us worry about you."   Mary Rose said.

"Ayyah! Don't worry too much. I'm okay and I'm here already so no need to worry,okay?"   I said.

They both nodded. (Janine,Mary Rose,Ghean,Sarah are the roommates) (Yumi,Athena,Kei,Love are the roommates)

"Janine~ Here~ A hot chocolate drink for you~"   Sarah said smiling. *aw! she's really cute* I thought.

"Thanks!"   I said smiling back and get the cup.


After I drink and rest. I go to the bathroom and take a shower.



+ Dongho's POV +


"Hyungs! I'm home!"   I said shouting.

"Where have you been? We've been waiting for you!"   Xander hyung said.

"We're really hungry you know!"   Eli hyung said.

"Ne. I'm sorry I keep you wait for me. I accidentally hit a girl. But I think she's okay."   I said.

"Bwoh?! You hit a girl?"  Soohyun hyung said in a shocking tone.

"Ne. But she's okay! Stop asking now."  I said in annoyance.

"Come on. Let's eat!"  Kibum hyung said.

"Ne."  everybody said.


We ate our dinner. After eating I rest for a while.

Then,I go to the bathroom to take a shower.

While I'm taking my shower that girl suddenly came up at my mind.


"Aaaaaaaahh! Wae?! I'm innocent. It's her fault crossing the street without looking!"  I mumbled.


After I take my shower. I jump in at my bed.


"Aahh. So tired."  I said while hugging my pillow.

"Hey Dongho! Is it that girl really okay?"  Eli hyung ask.

"Yeah.. Don't worry. If by any chance I meet her again I'll check her up if she's okay."  I said.


"Good night hyung."

"Good night."



+ Janine's POV +

After taking my shower I directly go to my bed and lay down.


"Aaahh. I'm really tired."  I said while stretching my arms.

"Janine? Are you really okay?"  Mary Rose ask.

"Hmm? Yeah. I'm really okay. I'm just tired."  I said smiling.


She smiled back and lay down in her bed.


"Good night Janine."

"Good night."



+ Janine's POV +


After a week,My hip bone is okay it doesn't hurt anymore.

I woke up early today so I've decided to cook our breakfast.

So,I started cooking.


After 30 minutes,I'm done cooking.

So I called them so we can get ready to go to school.

We ate the breakfast I made. Then we get ready for school.

.........After preparing I lock all the doors and we're gone to school.



Our class start.

"Good morning class."  our teacher said.

"Good morning seon-saeng-nim."  we stand-up and greet.


Our class go on. Until our last class.

It's now our dismissal.


"Bye everyone! Annyeong! I'll take my leave first."  I said smiling.

"Eh?! Where are you going?"  Kei ask.

"To my work,of course."  I answered.

"What?! So early!"

"No. It's not to my work."

"What time is your work starts?"  Yumi ask.


"It's now 2:35."  Love said.

"Yeah. I know. So that's why. I need to go. Bye!"


I leave running. I took a ride in a cab to go to my work faster so I won't be late.

After a minute,just exactly 3:00. I change my clothes to a saleslady clothes and start working.

I work as a saleslady at the mall from 3:00 to 7:00. And after 7:00 I go to the ground floor of the mall to work as a janitress from 7:00 to 9:00. It's really exhausting but still I'm studying when I got home. That's my life. ^_^


It's past 7:00 so I go to the ground floor to start my work as a janitress.

I go to the cleaning room tools and get a pail and a soap.

Then,I go to the restroom to start cleaning but...


"Omo! I forgot the mop. Stupid. How am I suppose to clean without the mop."  I said to myself.


So I go to the cleaning room tools to get the mop.



+ Dongho's POV +


After class we go home. We don't have any work to do.

So I try reading some magazines but I'm really bored.

That's when I decided to go to the mall. I disguise myself so that no one will recognize me.


"Hyungs, I'm going to the mall to stroll and buy something."  I said to my hyungs so they won't worry about me.

"Okay! Don't go home late."  Xander hyung said.



I go to the mall and start strolling around.

I buy some things.

Until I feel my stomach growls.


"Aahh. I'm hungry."


I search a place where to eat. When suddenly I heard someone said....


"Omo~ Is it Dongho? Omo! It's really him"  the girl said in a loud voice.


I look at her and smile. then I start running b'coz I know that they will chase me.

I run and run.. Until I go to the restroom at the ground floor.

I saw a door open.


"It's a cleaning room tools. Aahh! No choice."


I hide in there and close the door.



+ Janine's POV +


When I was about to get the mop. I suddenly felt that someone is behind me and the door is closing. 

When I look back. I saw someone and he looks at me too,at first I don't recognize him but when I look at him carefully...

I remember him.



+ Janine and Dongho's POV +


"You?!"  Janine and Dongho said.

"what are you doing here?!"  Janine and Dongho said.



+ Janine's POV +


"I'm working here! And you?!"  I said.

"I'm hiding."  He said.

"Hiding?! Why?!"

"B'coz there are fan girls outside chasing me again."

"Really?!"  I rolled my eyes as I say it.



+ Dongho's POV +


"Yeah. Why? You don't believe?"  I said.

"Yes!! I don't believe you!! And why are you hid-"


She's unable to continue it b'coz I kiss her. B'coz she's freaking noisy and the fan girls chasing me is outside.So,I don't have any choice and KISS HER.



+ Janine's POV +


I'm talking but unable to continue it b'coz this guy suddenly kiss me.


*Aarrggg! Why he's kissing me!*  I thought.


I'm struggling at his kiss but he's holding me tight and can't push him away.

Then he suddenly break the kiss.



+ Dongho's POV +


I break our kiss.

"I'm sorry for kissing you."  I said as I can't look at her.


She doesn't say anything she just glares at me.


"What?!"  I said.

"Huh! You say WHAT?! Well,you just kiss me and it's my first kiss also!"  She said in a pissed tone.

"I..It's my first kiss also!"


She didn't answer. It became quiet again. It's awkward b'coz all she does is glaring at me.


"Hey! Stop glaring at me."  I said.

"ert!!!"  She said shouting at me.

"Bwoh?! Me?! ert?!"

"Yes. YOU!! Duh! Tsk."  She said while walking out.


She goes to the female restroom. So I decided to go home b'coz I can't do something now.



+ Janine's POV +


I walk out and go to the female restroom and start cleaning.

I glance at him,he glance at me too. But maybe he's kind of pissed so he decided to go.


"Aarrgg!! That guy!!"  I said throwing the mop away.


But still I continue cleaning...

When I'm done.

I go home.



to be continued...


Chapter 2 next..

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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 12: Update more! Jebal?? :>
Eeeee! I love when people put my name in stories lol
Aww why suzy! Ugh! Good story though update soon
Yeah, it was Suzy, a new rival huh. XD and yeah he is the one who is watching them and yeah she's Dongho's fiancee :) I guess this is really a drama-bully time . :P hehehe. :) just wait for the incoming chapters :D<br />
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hehehe. :) hmmm.. maybe I can make you a one shot if I have time to make it. I'll make it for you. :D because you are the very active reader of mine :D i know there are silent readers though >.<<br />
hehehehehe :D it's not that greedy~ it's just that the story is just made for you~ :D<br />
Thank You, Thank you for your wish and I wish the same too :)
YukiMary #5
OH 5HIT! it was SUZY?! the girl who was watching Janine and Dongho?! Dongho's fiancée?! WHAT?!<br />
Aish here come another... BIT*H.. Aishh hate thiss. Ahahaha soo.. now.. Drama time? kekekek~<br />
Awww so now she don't hate him anymore huh? kekekekek~<br />
can't wait for moreee <3 <3<br />
its getting interesting. ^^ <br />
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Yup. its not. instate its veryy... interesting~! aish.. how i wish this story is a story of me and my bias (Eli).. and there's only me who's reading and commenting! Cause some of the story that my friends make one for me always has other readers and comments.. I'm kinda like.. "hey this story is mine! for me not you guys.." lol greedy Yuki XD ahahahahah~ but anyway, i wish for ya that you'll get A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS and COMMENTERS. ^^ <3 <3 kekek Good Luck~ <3 and welcome~
@YukiMary .. Really? It's not that boring? Aigoo~ :'> i am so touched~ thank you very much~ :D i'm very thankful to you that you still kept on waiting for my updates~ thanks that you're interested in my story~ :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH :*<br />
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--Yeah, poor her and Chaerin she's just jealous.<br />
hehe.. let's wait and see who's that watching them~ :D
YukiMary #7
Aww THAT IS SOOO CUTE! Aww poor herr.. <br />
But really that was.. soo.. CUTEEE! XD Ahahah Dongho~ <br />
I bet that girl who's watching them is Chaerin.. GRRR <br />
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kekekekeke Nahh its okayyy~ kekekek i wonder why isn't there subscribers and comments? *looks around* Aish don't they know this story is actually interesting? and awesomeee~ heheheh<br />
I really love this storyy! <3 <3<br />
I love your banner~ heheh well everyone is busy rightt? so i understandd~ <3 muahh love you~<br />
Hehe. Just wait for the next chapter my dear and you'll know it. :) Thanks for loving this story~ I'm so touched~ :D Yeah. They are so cute. :)<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Aw. We will long wait for it. Me too,can't wait. XD<br />
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Okay. I will update as soon as I can. :)))
YukiMary #9
OMG Did she have a bad experiences in the past?! hmm what does Dongho means? I really love tthis story!!! >.< Yoseob and the Ma rin girl is so lovely~ XD<br />
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so you watch it? Hmm well what people said that on the 18 episode he will appear... Omg i can't wait! >.<<br />
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Hehe I'll be waiting~ <br />
Update soon~ ne? :))
Hehe. Thanks~ XD Hmmm.. In the next chapters you will know where the 1 vote came from. XD Hehe. He is being weird whenever Janine is there. XD Thanks a lot~ <3<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Me too I only watch it because of them~ I don't know when will Eli appear. :))<br />
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Thanks again for waiting for the updates~