Boy Meets Girl Chapter 2: I Can't believe this!

Boy Meets Girl

(Author's Note:  the symbol  *....*  means their thoughts)


+ Janine's POV +

When I'm done. I go home.

When I got home. I saw Ghean is still awake.


"Ghean,why you're still awake?" I ask while I put down my bag.

"Janine! You're home at last. I've been waiting for you." Ghean said smiling.

"Eh? Why did you wait for me?"

"B'coz... I'm worrying about you" she said as she looks down at the ground.

When she said that I smiled and said "Thanks for worrying. Now,go to sleep okay?"

"Okay!" she smiled.

I smiled back.


"Oh Janine,can I copy tomorrow your homework at math?~" She said in a cute way.

"Tsss.. Okay. Okay. Just go to sleep now." I said smiling.

"Yay~ Okay~" She jump in her bed and go to sleep.


While me, I go to the bathroom and take a shower before studying and making my homework.

After taking a shower. I go downstairs to do my homework at the living room.

I start studying and making my homework so I can finish it early.


After 45 minutes.. I'm done. I look at the clock and it's past 10.

So I arrange my things quickly and go to bed.



+ Janine's POV +

The next day, I woke up late. Maybe b'coz I'm sooo tired yesterday.

So I quickly take a bath and get ready for school.

I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast b'coz I'll be late.

I quickly lock all the doors and get in the car with my friends.


"Hey Janine. What time did you sleep? Why did you wake up late?" Mary Rose ask.

"Aaahh.. I go to bed hmmm.. It's past 10."

"Oh. So you sleep late so thats why." Kei said.

"Uhh. Yeah." I said.


While we're on our way I take a nap at the car.

When we arrive at the school.

Yumi wakes me up.


"Janine wake up we're here at school now." Yumi said waking me up.

I woke up easily and get off in the car.


+ Dongho's POV +

Last night,I told to my hyungs what happen to me. And they are really shocked b'coz they can't believe that I had my first kiss to an unknown girl. And that was then my hyungs decided to transfer to safe school for us. (It's hard to study while being chase by fan girls,right?)


Xander hyung browse at the internet. After a few minutes of browsing.

"Oh! This is a great school!" Xander hyung shouts happily.


I was startled while my other hyungs stand up and go to Xander hyung.

"Omo! So there's a school like that." Kibum hyung said.


I was so curious of what my hyungs talking about so,I went to them and look at that school.

*S.A.I.S huh. Seoul Academy International School.* I thought.I read the information about that school.

My face was like 'is-there-a-school-like-that'.


"Well mannered and very well disciplined students. I hope it's really true." I mumbled.

"Yah! Dongho. Of course I think it's true. Look at the students in the pictures." Xander hyung scold.

"Okay. Okay. Let's see tomorrow." I said while sitting down at the couch.


After that,we decided to transfer there. So,that night before going to sleep we arrange the things we needed in transferring.


The Next Day (the present day),we woke up early to get ready and after that we're gone to school,the S.A.I.S.

When we arrive at the school we directly go to the Principal's Office. While,we're walking at the hallway,the students just keep on staring at us. It's like no reaction at all. The guys,just glance at us and some greeted us like we're buddies with them. While the girls,they just stare at us and they are shy. I said shy b'coz when we look back at them and smile they just turns away and giggled.


"Woah~ They are really well-disciplined." Eli hyung said in amazement.

"Yeah. See Dongho?" Xander hyung said to me.

I just look at hyung and nodded.


When we arrive at the Principal's Office the principal welcome us.

"Annyeong Hasaeyo! U-Kiss imnida." We greeted.

"Annyeong Hasaeyo. So you're the one who contact us late at night,right?" the Principal said.

"Yes,Mam." Kibum hyung answered.

"Just let me ask you guys,why did you choose this school among the others?"

"There's a certain reason for that,Mam." Xander hyung answered.

"Let me hear it."

"First of all this school is well-known b'coz,the students here is said to be well-mannered and well-disciplined. And for us,idols,we like this school b'coz we don't like being chase everytime by a fan girl. And we've heard that the education here is good. So that's why,we choose this school." Xander hyung said confidently.


The Principal glance at us and she stand up. She walk near us.

"Well.. Okay. For that,I under stand. So,tomorrow will be your first day of class here. You all will be in the same class. Here's your schedule." The Principal said smiling and handing us the schedule.

"Eh? But how about me?" I interrupted.

"What?" The Principal said with a curious look.

"I'm only 16 years old. And my hyungs is 17. Well.." I was cut off.

"Then,take this examination." The Principal said.

"Examination?" I ask.

"Yes,an examination for you to be aceelerated."

My eyes widened.

"Me? Aceelerated?"

"Yes. Don't worry I think in the class you will be in,if ever you pass,you're not the only one who is being accelerated."

"Oh. Okay. Okay."

"Maknae,we'll leave you here. See yah later~" Kevin hyung said.

"Aiisshh~ Okay!"   I pouted.


After they leave,I immediately started to answer the examination.

It took me 1 hour to answer the examination.

It was kinda hard for me.

I decided to go home b'coz I was so tired and the result of my examination will be known tomorrow.


The Next Day,we got up early again. My hyungs are really excited going to school and about my examination results.

I get ready for school fast.

After getting ready,we're gone to school.

When we arrive at the school,we go to the Principal's Office immediately to know the results.

We arrive at the Principal's Office.


The Principal gives us a heavy sigh. I got nervous about the results. I grip my fist.

"Dongho-sshi~ You've made it! You passed. You're now accelerated." The Principal said with a wide smile.


As for me,I was like "OH MY GOD!!! I can't believe this. Hyung!!!!" I said jumping in happiness.

"Omo! Maknae great job!" Kevin hyung greeted then hugs me.

"Congrats!" Kiseop hyung said.

"My brother-couple! You're great!" Soohyun Hyung said while patting me at my shoulder.


I don't know why I feel this way. But I think that my school life here will be great.



to be continued...


Chapter 3 next...


(Author's Note: Sorry for really really laaaate update. Busy with somethings at school.  >_< )

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AprilGrace12 #1
Chapter 12: Update more! Jebal?? :>
Eeeee! I love when people put my name in stories lol
Aww why suzy! Ugh! Good story though update soon
Yeah, it was Suzy, a new rival huh. XD and yeah he is the one who is watching them and yeah she's Dongho's fiancee :) I guess this is really a drama-bully time . :P hehehe. :) just wait for the incoming chapters :D<br />
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hehehe. :) hmmm.. maybe I can make you a one shot if I have time to make it. I'll make it for you. :D because you are the very active reader of mine :D i know there are silent readers though >.<<br />
hehehehehe :D it's not that greedy~ it's just that the story is just made for you~ :D<br />
Thank You, Thank you for your wish and I wish the same too :)
YukiMary #5
OH 5HIT! it was SUZY?! the girl who was watching Janine and Dongho?! Dongho's fiancée?! WHAT?!<br />
Aish here come another... BIT*H.. Aishh hate thiss. Ahahaha soo.. now.. Drama time? kekekek~<br />
Awww so now she don't hate him anymore huh? kekekekek~<br />
can't wait for moreee <3 <3<br />
its getting interesting. ^^ <br />
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Yup. its not. instate its veryy... interesting~! aish.. how i wish this story is a story of me and my bias (Eli).. and there's only me who's reading and commenting! Cause some of the story that my friends make one for me always has other readers and comments.. I'm kinda like.. "hey this story is mine! for me not you guys.." lol greedy Yuki XD ahahahahah~ but anyway, i wish for ya that you'll get A LOT OF SUBSCRIBERS and COMMENTERS. ^^ <3 <3 kekek Good Luck~ <3 and welcome~
@YukiMary .. Really? It's not that boring? Aigoo~ :'> i am so touched~ thank you very much~ :D i'm very thankful to you that you still kept on waiting for my updates~ thanks that you're interested in my story~ :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH :*<br />
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--Yeah, poor her and Chaerin she's just jealous.<br />
hehe.. let's wait and see who's that watching them~ :D
YukiMary #7
Aww THAT IS SOOO CUTE! Aww poor herr.. <br />
But really that was.. soo.. CUTEEE! XD Ahahah Dongho~ <br />
I bet that girl who's watching them is Chaerin.. GRRR <br />
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kekekekeke Nahh its okayyy~ kekekek i wonder why isn't there subscribers and comments? *looks around* Aish don't they know this story is actually interesting? and awesomeee~ heheheh<br />
I really love this storyy! <3 <3<br />
I love your banner~ heheh well everyone is busy rightt? so i understandd~ <3 muahh love you~<br />
Hehe. Just wait for the next chapter my dear and you'll know it. :) Thanks for loving this story~ I'm so touched~ :D Yeah. They are so cute. :)<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Aw. We will long wait for it. Me too,can't wait. XD<br />
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Okay. I will update as soon as I can. :)))
YukiMary #9
OMG Did she have a bad experiences in the past?! hmm what does Dongho means? I really love tthis story!!! >.< Yoseob and the Ma rin girl is so lovely~ XD<br />
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so you watch it? Hmm well what people said that on the 18 episode he will appear... Omg i can't wait! >.<<br />
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Hehe I'll be waiting~ <br />
Update soon~ ne? :))
Hehe. Thanks~ XD Hmmm.. In the next chapters you will know where the 1 vote came from. XD Hehe. He is being weird whenever Janine is there. XD Thanks a lot~ <3<br />
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Yeah. I watch it. Me too I only watch it because of them~ I don't know when will Eli appear. :))<br />
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Thanks again for waiting for the updates~