
Valentine's Day

Donghyun was about to walk off when the kid suddenly runs behind him and gives him a back hug. The redness that flashed through Donghyun’s face was incomparable; he has never experienced this feeling before. “WHY?? WHY AM I BLUSHING LIKE THIS?? IS IT THE SUN?” Donghyun wonder to himself as he tried to get away from the’ kids grip.
“What are you doing?” Donghyun asked the kid coldly. But when he saw the hurt look on the kid’s face, he softened his town. “Hey, what’s your name again?”

The boy smiled and yelled “MINWOO!” like a kid yelling “Ice cream!” at an ice cream truck.

Still blushing, Donghyun walks back towards his original spot to go pick up his leftover food. He picks up the teddy bear while still hiding his face from revealing the redness and quietly converses with the bear. “This kid... when was he so cute?”

Surprised that these words came out of his mouth, Donghyun quickly sat down and started to ignore the incident and finish his lunch.

“What is that?” Minwoo curiously asked?

“Eh?” Donghyun followed Minwoo’s gaze over to his teddy bear. “Oh that... It’s... Nothing at all, here take it!” Donghyun tossed the teddy bear to Minwoo.

Minwoo stared at it, shocked. “What the...!” he said angrily! “I thought you understood me! I don’t like these things!” Minwoo picked up the bear and threw it at Donghyun’s feet. “I hate you!” screamed Minwoo.

Donghyun stared at the teddy bear on the rooftop and then back up to Minwoo’s fading figure. “I really do dislike Valentines’ Day,” Donghyun thought as he returned to his lunch, wishing that he had asked Minwoo to stay.

The bell rung, signalling the end of the lunch period. Donghyun got up and went downstairs, throwing away his trash as he did. He took a look at his teddy bear and decided that he was better without it, and threw that away as well. Then Donghyun went to his next class.

However, unknown to Donghyun, Minwoo was thrown into that trashcan before Donghyun came! Minwoo was crying, he didn’t what to be bullied but trouble always found him. He felt a thud on top of him.

“What is this?” Minwoo peeked up and saw Donghyun’s bear. He brought it closer to him, hoping he would gain some comfort.

“This kid... when was he so cute?” a voice came out of nowhere.

Minwoo was confused. It sounded like Donghyun’s voice, but it couldn’t be! Minwoo listened again. He tried to deny it but he could easily tell it was Donghyun’s voice. Minwoo’s face redden. He thought Donghyun was insulting his manliness by giving him a teddy bear, but Minwoo figured out that Donghyun is actually a kind boy who was a little shy. Minwoo took the bear and held it close to him, never had the comment of him being cute ever affected him in such a way. He was happy.

After a couple of minutes passed, Minwoo got out of the trashcan, but tripped and fell.

“What is this?” Minwoo thought. “The ground doesn’t feel hard.”

“Ouch,” mumbled Donghyun.

Minwoo was on top of Donghyun! Minwoo quickly backed up away from Donghyun. Donghyun shyly looked down.

“I came back to get my bear...”

“Okay...” Minwoo handed the teddy bear back to Donghyun.

Donghyun stood up and dusted his gold tinted jeans off. He looked at Minwoo quickly and then looked away, unable to stand the cuteness any longer. He then turned around to leave.

“WAIT!” Minwoo yelled at him. “I... I... I really like you... Hyung! … Um... Can I call you that?”

Donghyun froze and then slowly turned around. The two stared at each other for a while, until Donghyun lifted his arm. Minwoo ducked down, scared that he would get hit, but he was surprised to find Donghyun’s arms wrapping around him!

“Yes, Mini Min. You can call me Hyung,” Donghyun whispered into Minwoo’s ear.

Minwoo was elated, “Hyung! Let’s ditch school and hang out somewhere!”

Donghyun nodded and the two of them walked outside to Donghyun’s motorcycle and rode into the sunset. For a change, Donghyun was grateful for this Valentines’ day.


A/N: THE END~ Hope you guys enjoyed it haha XD

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lol no u pabo. its just too cute though. and btw i reread this. i wonder how minwoo looks like in a chinderella dress. and i wonder how donghyun looks like in gold tinted pants..... hm. oh well.
Chapter 2: OMG ITS SO FREAKIN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! i freakin love this couple for some reason <3
so sad it doesn't have much views :(
i love dongwoo
the sad thing is
"Dongwoo" is a common name
really hard to find minwoo and donghyun fics