Random Encounter

Valentine's Day

Donghyun woke up in the morning and gently brushed his red hair away from his face.

“Today is that day,” he said to himself. “It’s Valentines Day.”

Donghyun never saw the point in holidays like this. It just gave couples more opportunities to block the hallways at school and annoy him with their lovey-dovey ways. But today felt different than all the other years, though Donghyun couldn’t figure out what was so special about this year

It was his final year in high school and he just wanted to quickly get out so he can finally go to his dream college. There was no one special for him at his school. No best friends he can gossip with, no laid back teacher he could discuss life with, or anyone special to his heart. He was indifferent about life.

Sighing about his difficult day ahead, Donghyun slung his backpack over his shoulders and headed out to his motorcycle. It wasn’t just a motorcycle to him though. It was a present from his parents on the day he decided to live on his own. Most parents refuse to let their children leave the house, but his parents were eager to let him go off on his own. Donghyun didn’t mind. He liked being alone anyways; there was nobody that he would consider close to him. And the motorcycle was the least they could have given him, so he was content.

On his way to school, he suddenly remembered he left the sandwich he packed for himself on the counter. Frustrated with himself, he quickly pulled up to the closest HEB and ran inside to buy something before the starting bell rang. He grabbed the first thing he could find and ran to check out. As he was about to check out, something catches his eye from the other side. It was a huge sign saying “50% OFF ALL VALENTINES ITEMS!” above rows and rows of various types of teddy bears and candies. Without thinking, he quickly grabbed a candy bar and a teddy bear and ran to check out and make it to his 1st class before he was late.

It wasn’t until he went out for lunch that he realized what he had done. “WHAT DID I JUST BUY!?” Donghyun cries to himself, surprised as to why he would buy something so childish. But after awhile, he decided to quietly share his meal and candy bar while conversing with the teddy bear. It became something like a friend to him. Someone that he could share his feelings with. It was unusual that he out of all people would do something so silly, but it was comforting.

But before he could finish his lunch on the isolated rooftop, he hears a big THUD over by the back area where Donghyun has never visited during his entire time at the high school. He turns over to see what was happening and is speechless by what he sees in front of him. In front of his eyes is a boy with a small frame and short enough for Donghyun to lift up with ease.

“What are you doing back there?” Donghyun asks curiously. He’s seen this boy before. He’s the kid that can’t throw a ball into the hoop during Physical Education class and always gets made fun of because of his feminine features.
“No!! Don’t come back here! Just-- Wait right there!” the boy replies back quickly.

Donghyun takes a step back, taken aback by this small kid’s cries. “This kid who has never even whispered a word during class, much less look anyone in the eye, just yelled back at me!” Donghyun thought to himself.

After waiting a few minutes, Donghyun was about to leave when he hears the kid yell at him again. “Wait! Can you--can you help me with this??”

Donghyun cautiously stepped towards the shaded area of the roof where he has never visited before and starts cracking up the second his eyes meet the boys’. The kid was wearing a Cinderella outfit with a frustrated look on his face as he tugged at the back over and over again. Quickly, Donghyun realized this wasn’t the kids doing. Someone forced him into this outfit. Enraged that someone could do something so cruel, Donghyun aggressively took off his blazer and tossed it to the boy.

“Here. Just.. just use this.”

Looking up at his savior, the boy thanks Donghyun with teary eyes. With a jerk of his hand, Donghyun was able to pull the dress off of the kid.

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lol no u pabo. its just too cute though. and btw i reread this. i wonder how minwoo looks like in a chinderella dress. and i wonder how donghyun looks like in gold tinted pants..... hm. oh well.
Chapter 2: OMG ITS SO FREAKIN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! i freakin love this couple for some reason <3
so sad it doesn't have much views :(
i love dongwoo
the sad thing is
"Dongwoo" is a common name
really hard to find minwoo and donghyun fics