Quality Time in Between

Quality Time

Seohyun stopped her car in the outskirt of Seoul. All she could saw was grass field. The sun almost set on the west and it felt insanely hot. Well, that was summer after all. She grabbed her bags then wore her shades. She opened her car’s door and felt a stinging temperature. She hissed and proceeded her way to a certain place.

In the distance, there was a crowd. Everyone was so busy. Some watching the monitor seriously, some walking around carried things like camera, clothes and other properties, some doing make up and some just watching the act while holding script. Yes, Seohyun was in filming location.

She walked confidently and everyone would take a glance at her with a frown on their forehead. “What is SNSD Seohyun doing here?” that was the question which clouded in their head. After they questioned about Seohyun’s presence then they would think, “Wow, she is surely as beautiful as seen on TV.”

Every time people took a glance at Seohyun, she would smile and bow politely. Even though the staffs little bit confused, they didn’t say anything. Seohyun walked to the place where the filming was done. She stood there then the director suddenly turned to her. He looked at Seohyun and a bit startled.

“Anyeong haseyo, Gamdok-nim.” She bowed. “I want to meet someone here. May I wait here and watch? I promise I won’t disturb.”

“Oh! Seohyun ssi, right?” Said Gamdok-nim.

“Ne. Anyeong haseyo. Seohyun ibnida.”

“Oh, Kim Byungsoo ibnida.” Kim Gamdok-nim offered his hand and Seohyun shook it. “Well, you can wait aside.”

“Thanks.” Seohyun bowed then she stood rather far from the filming location.

From her place, she still could see her oppa doing his scene. She looked intently at Park Dalhyang in action. Obviously, this so called Park Dalhyang didn’t aware that he was being watched by the certain SNSD maknae.

“Okay and CUT!!!” Kim Gamdok-nim shouted. “We’ll take a break!”

Seohyun heard that and ran towards Kim Gamdok-nim. “Kim Gamdok-nim, actually I prepare the dinner for all crews.” Seohyun pointed at the catering van. “Consider this is a support for this drama.”

“Oh?” Kim Gamdok-nim was confused but he managed a smile in the end. “Well, thanks. But, may I know why?”

“Ah…” Seohyun tucked he hair nervously. “Actually…”

“Hyun?” A familiar voice was heard behind her.

Seohyun turned around then smiled, “Oppa!”

“I thought that you have TaeTiSeo practice.” Finally this Park Dalhyang a.k.a. Jung Yonghwa came then stood beside Seohyun.

“Anyeong haseyo, Gamdok-nim.” Yonghwa bowed.

Kim Gamdok-nim looked at Yonghwa then Seohyun. His brows raised then he got the message.

“Please enjoy the dinner.” Said Seohyun.

“Thank you.” Said Kim Gamdok-nim. “Kids!! Let’s have our dinner!” he informed his crews then he left Seohyun and Yonghwa alone.

“You prepare this?” Asked Yonghwa.

Seohyun nodded.

“You don’t have to actually.”

“But I want to.”

“Arraseo.” Yonghwa ruffled Seohyun’s hair gently. “I want to have dinner too. I’m starving.”

“Wait!” Seohyun grabbed Yonghwa’s hand, “For you, I make something.” Seohyun dangled the bag that she brought.

“Ohh… my special dinner?” Yonghwa grinned excitedly.

“Ne. I make this with Eomma.” Seohyun smiled.

“Kajja! Let’s eat!” Yonghwa entwined their hands and sat on the nearest bench.

All the crews eyeing this couple. Now they knew what the reason behind Seohyun’s presence in Three Musketeers filming location. It was Jung Yonghwa. Oh well, now they knew that Yongseo Couple wasn’t a mere rumor.

Seohyun opened all the boxes neatly. She took small plastic plate, took the rice then mixed it with meet and vegetable. “Here! Aang!”

Yonghwa tilted his head, “Hyun?” He asked amusedly.

“Hm?” Seohyun smiled, “Won’t you eat?”

Yonghwa opened his mouth then ate the food that Seohyun offered. After one bite, his eyes widen and he raised his thumb.

“Is it good?” Asked Seohyun.

Yonghwa nodded happily. Seohyun took another spoon then bribed Yonghwa again.

“You haven’t answered my question.” Said Yonghwa.

“What question?” Asked Seohyun as she wiped Yonghwa’s mouth.

“Today you have practice for TaeTiSeo comeback right?”

“Yes. It’s in the morning.” Seohyun bribed Yonghwa again.

“Hmm..” Yonghwa munched his food in his mouth, “You straightly come here?”

“Yes.” Seohyun poured water on the plastic cup then offered to Yonghwa.

Yonghwa looked at her and bit his lips. His hand still holding the cup.

“Mwo?” Seohyun raised her brows.

“Thanks.” Yonghwa leaned on her and kissed her cheek, “I’m happy.”

Seohyun blushed, “Glad to know.”

“You have another schedule today?” Asked Yonghwa. He opened his mouth again, asking for another spoon.

“Yes, I have.” Seohyun fed Yonghwa with more vegetable.

“Oh..” He answered flatly, “What is it?”

“Accompany my boyfriend in filming location.” Seohyun answered with a playful smile.

“Oh?” Yonghwa grinned so wide that his cheek could fall off. “Jinjja? You will accompany me?”

“Yes, silly~” Seohyun pinched Yonghwa’s cheek.

“But.. it will last until dawn.”

“Hmm? So?” Seohyun just shrugged.

“It’s okay for you?” Yonghwa looked at Seohyun concernedly as he brushed her cheek.

“It’s okay, Oppa.” Seoyun assured him.

“But.. you will do nothing. You might bored and tired.”

“I think watching Park Dalhyang will be interesting. I won’t get bored.” Seohyun caught Yonghwa’s hand on her cheek then entwined it with hers.


A crew approached them then informed that the break time was over. Yonghwa nodded then he stood up. Seohyun packed the boxes quickly.

“Oppa, himnae! You can do it, fighting!” Seohyun hooked her hands on Yonghwa’s neck then gave him quick peck on his lips.

“Ne.” Yonghwa smiled then rushed to the filming set.

Seohyun watched him from afar. She saw Yonghwa talked to the crews attentively. He looked so fine and okay. But who knew? Behind that smile, he was dead tired. Seohyun knew that very well. She was the one whom Yonghwa ran to when he felt tired. She was the one whom Yonghwa shared the pain with. She was the one who always remind him to be strong. She was the one to endure more to cheer him up. She was the one who feel what Yonghwa feel.

When they talked earlier, she never fussed about how tired he must be, how he should has more rest or how his company should consider his tight schedule. She never said that. She knew that and that was enough. All she had to do was support him and cheer him up. She just need to take care of him as well as she could.

Seohyun understood how tight his schedule. She believed on Yonghwa and his decision. Once he said that he was capable doing some things, then he would do it. Her portion was to support him and embrace him when he needed it. Jung Yonghwa was only a human, he needed someone to rely on too. When he couldn’t bear it anymore, Seohyun would be there to comfort him. That what girlfriend was for, right?

The filming begun again. Seohyun just watched from afar. She looked at Yonghwa dreamily. She thought that he was really…..cool. This was the first time Seohyun came to Three Musketeers filming location and saw Yonghwa’s acting directly. She only saw the teaser video and heard the story when Yonghwa talked about it before. So when she saw it with her own eyes, she couldn’t help to feel amaze.

Yonghwa did the action scene without stuntman. So when Yonghwa did NG or accidentally got hit or fell over, Seohyun hissed and grimaced. She really wanted to run to him and looked for his condition. But she didn’t want her presence made the situation more hectic. She didn’t want to disturb Yonghwa when he was working.

And when the director announced the break to give time for coordi to touch up the make up, Seohyun couldn’t help to feel jealous. Most of the coordis were women. They were fanning Yonghwa then wiped his sweat. They touched his face and got close to her namja. Seohyun pouted and looked intently at him. Yonghwa felt her gaze and looked back at her.

“What?” He mouthed at her.

Seohyun shook her head and looked away. Yonghwa just chuckled and halted the coordi which wiped his sweat. He asked her to give him tissue then he wiped it by himself. Unfortunately, Seohyun didn’t see that. But well, the point was Yonghwa really understand her even when she didn’t say anything.

When it reached midnight, Kim Gamdok-nim announced another break. The catering that Seohyun prepared also provide coffee, tea and other finger foods. So the crews could have some coffee break. Seohyun took iced Americano and some snack then she approached Yonghwa.

“Here.” She said.

“Oh? You give me ice Americano by yourself? Am I dreaming?” He chuckled.

“Only this time.” She warned.

“I feel that you spoil me so much today.” Said Yonghwa as he sipped his Americano.

“Hmm.. is it?” Seohyun smiled. She pulled Yonghwa to sit on one of the chair then Seohyun stood behind him.

“What are you doing?” Asked Yonghwa.

“Stay still.” Said Seohyun. She placed both of her palm on his shoulder then he massaged him.

“Oh, that’s feel good.” Said Yonghwa and leaned his body to Seohyun.

This was the skill that Seohyun recently mastered. Massage. Yonghwa loved massage. Everyone knew it. One day, Yonghwa shamelessly asked Seohyun to massage him. At first, he complained that she wasn’t good at massage. Seohyun ended up hitting him mercilessly and mad at him for a week. A week without Seo Joohyun was enough to torture Jung Yonghwa severely. It need more or less a month to make Seohyun smiled at him again. Well, if it was for Seohyun, he would endure and struggle no matter how long. He was rewarded with Seohyun’s good massage after that.. and from then on.

“That’s enough. Thanks.” Said Yonghwa.

“Better?” Seohyun sat beside him and held his hands.

“Hmm. Thanks, Babe.” Yonghwa whispered then kissed her neck lightly.

Seohyun squealed, “Oppa!”


“People might see!”

“They already did!”


“Wae?” Yonghwa poked her chubby cheek playfully.


“Hyun~ I just thinking…”


“I want to bring you for a holiday.”

“Is that possible?”

“Hmm.. I don’t know. Well, we don’t have to go far. Go to Jeju maybe?”

“What’s with that random thought, Oppa?”

“You are so kind to me. I just want to give you something as my gratitude.”

“Silly, Oppa!” She pinched his nose, “you don’t have to think about that. We are here for each other. You do the same when I feel down. We are even, so never count it, ahrasseo?”

“Seo Joohyun… what I will be if I don’t have you?” Yonghwa brushed her hair gently.

“You will find me first then you will be Jung Yonghwa that you used to be.”

Yonghwa smiled warmly at her then kissed Seohyun’s lips lightly. That was “I love you so much.” Seohyun understood it and Yonghwa knew that she would say, “I love you too.”


It was almost four o’clock in the morning. Finally the filming for that day had ended. Everyone was tired and sleepy. It happened to Yonghwa too. He almost hit the light pole when he walked to the dressing room. Fortunately, Seohyun held his hand and pulled him so he could avoided the pole.

After Yonghwa changed his clothes, he slumped on the passenger seat in Seohyun’s car. He slept straightaway and a soft snore could be heard. Seohyun looked at Yonghwa with a sad face. In the moment like this, where Yonghwa didn’t aware. She finally release her sadness. She cried silently as he Yonghwa’s hair. She sobbed and tears streamed down her cheek. Then she leaned to kiss his forehead, his eyes, his nose, his cheek and last his lips. Seohyun hugged Yonghwa, sobbed softly on his chest.

As strong as she looked. She too didn’t have heart to see him like this. She kept reminding herself too to be strong for Yonghwa. After a minute, she stopped crying then gave a peck on Yonghwa’s lips before fasten his seatbelt and covered him with blanket. Then she the engine and drove home.




“Oppa..” Seohyun called softly. “Oppa, we’re home.”

“Hmm?” Yonghwa answered faintly.

“We’re home. Wake up for a bit? Then you will sleep on bed.”

“Ahh..” Yonghwa stirred on his seat, “Ahrasseo.”

Seohyun helped him to walk because Yonghwa wasn’t fully awake. They reached CNBLUE’s dorm then Seohyun entered the passcode. The door beeped and opened. They both walked to Yonghwa’s room.

“Oh! Finally, bed!” Yonghwa slumped on the bed.

Seohyun helped him to take off his shoes and tucked the blanket on him.

“Hyun~ come here.” He mumbled.

Seohyun joined Yonghwa on the bed then sleep beside him. Yonghwa automatically snuggled to her. Seohyun kissed his forehead then brushed his hair.

“Thank you.” He mumbled again.

“It’s nothing, Oppa.” She said, “Now sleep, you have to catch a flight in the morning to Taiwan.”

“Hmm..” Then Yonghwa went to a very deep slumber.

Seohyun looked at the man in her embrace. How vulnerable he was this time. This side of him was shown for her eyes only. Seohyun loved this man no matter what. For his goodness and for his weakness.

Yonghwa was everything that she hoped for. Yonghwa gave her everything more than she asked for. Yonghwa loved her. Yonghwa promised to be with her. So there was nothing she could do beside loving as much as Yonghwa did. As in to spend her free time to have precious quality time with him between their hectic job and gave him strength. She wouldn’t tired to be with him. Even in his lowest period.

Be there for him..

strong for him..

support him..

love him..






just some random imagination of mine hehe.

i wonder how hyun will support yong rite now. support from your beloved one can give you strength. whether it's from family, friend or lover. i'm sure all of you ever experience and feel that too ^^

being busy isn't the reason to skip quality time is it? you should find the time and make it happen. even it's just a short of time.

well, that's from me. hope you enjoy this.

see you around.

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Quality time chap 4 is up!


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Chapter 34: i enjoyed reading these one shots. i hope you could add more.
hwaseo #2
Love this story so much!!!
I have keep reading it repeatedly
Chapter 34: omgggg pls update . I really love your story
pipipink #4
Chapter 34: Always wait for next...next...and next
Chapter 34: Please update i love this story so much
ranijann #6
Chapter 6: im happy both inlove..
Chapter 17: Love this story so much please update
simutniea #8
Chapter 34: Author-nim... Please update your story. Love this story so much. So happy that they engaged although secretly.
marquez #9
update pls.
marquez #10
update pls.