Our Little Escape

Quality Time

“Hi!” Said Yonghwa as he leisurely read the magazine in the Salon lounge. He happily greeted the girl who was just entered the room.

“Hi...” Seohyun greeted him back. She laughed a bit. There was no need a formal greeting like this actually. Yonghwa was just in a giddy silly mood.

Yonghwa was on his preparation to attend L’inoui event and Seohyun would went to Sucheon to attend some music festival with Taeyeon and Tiffany. They agreed to meet in the Salon before they went to their respective schedule.

Seohyun sat beside Yonghwa and brushed his hair. Yonghwa leaned on her in reflex. He closed his eyes, enjoying her touch on his hair like a puppy.

“You know, Oppa, your hair is too long and it looks so messy.” Seohyun ruffled his hair.

“Hmm? I like it though. It make me looks ier.” He answered playfully.

“Cham!” She poked his head playfully, “Won’t you listen to me?”

Yonghwa caught her hand and he looked at her, “Arraseo. But in one condition.”

Seohyun raised her brows, “Which is?”

“I want you style your hair based on my reference.”

“Will do.”

So Yonghwa got his hair cut in a neat and suave style that could make all his fangirls swoon. Seohyun got her hair styled by Yonghwa’s request. Yonghwa always loved a wavy style, so this was what she did. Both of them looked each other, admiring their new appearance.

Yonghwa touched her silky wavy hair, “Perfect. I love this.”

“Well, thanks. You look handsome too.” She smiled.

“Wait.” Yonghwa rummaged his pocket then got his phone, “Take a selca shall we?”

Seohyun just laughed and shook her head. What a choding boyfriend she had.




They both went to their own schedule. Seohyun was already flew to Sucheon straight from Seoul while Yonghwa attended the L’inoui event with the boys. Surprisingly, Yoona and Sunny attended the event too. What a delightful encounter with his sister-in-law.


Already reach Sucheon and get ready for TTS performance.


Seohyun sent the message to Yonghwa. Yonghwa was really appreciate this. No matter how busy Seohyun was, she still manage to text him. Yonghwa smiled at his phone. He thought for awhile then typed his reply.


Glad to know, baby. Fighting! Ah! By the way, i can manage to catch the flight to Sucheon after my schedule. I’ll pick you up then we’ll go to Busan. My parents said that they miss you so much. How?


It took several minutes to get her reply, since Seohyun had her peformance. After a long minutes, finally Yonghwa got her answer.


I’d love too. But is that possible?


Yonghwa just smiled before he typed his reply.


Everything is possible if it’s for you, baby.

Yonghwa chuckled at his own message. He could clearly portray how Seohyun would rolled her eyes when she read this.




“Hyung! But didn’t we plan to go to GD concert together?” Said Minhyuk. He actually had used to his hyung’s plan change, but he couldn’t help to nag at Yonghwa. Sometimes this kind of thing really troubled him. But since he loved his hyung, he would accept it.

“I am sorry, Minhyuk-ah....” said Yonghwa apologetically.

“You use us as a bait, Hyung.” Said Jungshin blatanly. Even though he was a maknae, he never held back his opinion. Even it was a harsh opinion.

Yonghwa just grinned at Jungshin. He was totally right. The media would give attention to these two and Yonghwa would went to Gimpo airport freely. Yes, it would be a big question why Yonghwa didn’t attend the concert too but no one would guess that he actually flew to Sucheon for the sake of meeting her girlfriend.

“And Jonghyun hyung is just the same.” Minhyuk silently shook his head.

True! Jonghyun was too hyper when he met Yoona, his ‘best friend’.  No one knew what actually happened between these two. And not to mention he also met his twin noona, Sunny. They arranged a little gathering in a nearby caffe. The hyungs would mess all around and the maknaes would take a role as a mass distraction. What a perfect arrangement isn’t it? And that pissed them off. But in the end they would do it, willing or not.

“You are so mean, you know that?” Said Jungshin with a death glare in his eyes.

“Well, yes I am. I’ll grant your wish whatever it is. Please help your beloved hyung, jebal?” Yonghwa smiled foolishly at his maknaes.

Jungshin just groaned, “Come Minhyuk, let’s finish our mission.” He linked his arm to Minhyuk then left to CNBLUE’s van.

“Thank you!!” Yonghwa said for the last time before dashed to Gimpo airport.




“Seohyun-ah, your request is too much.” Said Taeyeon.

“Unnie..” Seohyun pouted in a cute way. “I want to visit Yong Oppa’s parents in Busan.”

“You want to meet his parents or him?”

“Erm.. both actually.” She bit her lips nervously.

“Seriously! Can’t you just say no for whatever he ask from you?” Taeyeon glared at the maknae. She was the leader and she got the responsibility. Having the rebel maknae was the last thing in her mind.

“I believe in him, that’s why....” Answered Seohyun solemnly.

Taeyeon just sighed.

“Well, we will arrived in Seoul late at night actually. I think there won’t be paparazzi in airport. No one know that we aren’t with our maknae.” Said Tiffany. She was little bit loose towards Seohyun’s dating matter.

“Fanny-ah!” Said Taeyeon. “Beside, Manager Oppa won’t allow!”

“I already get his permission.” Said Seohyun.

“You, what??!!” Taeyeon snapped. She sighed in frustration, “Well, there’s nothing i can do then. How you always convince Manager Oppa will be forever a mystery for me.”

“Thank you, Eonni! I love you!” Seohyun hugged both of her eonnis.

“And strangely, i still love you too, maknae.” Said Taeyeon.




Taeyeon and Tiffany decided to went home to Seoul after Yonghwa arrived in Sucheon. Tiffany just wanted to say hi. Taeyeon wanted to punch him on the face, mentally. Taeyeon didn’t know what Seohyun would do if she really punched Yonghwa in the face. So she better didn’t do that. Sometimes the attachment between Yonghwa and Seohyun kind of frighten her. Seohyun really depended on Yonghwa and so Yonghwa did. Yongseo couple were inseparable. As if they couldn’t breath if they weren’t share the same air. This kind of relationship would be forever mystery too for Taeyeon.

“Yah! Yong Seobang! You know that i hate you when you steal our maknae like this.” Said Taeyeon as she met with Yonghwa.

“I know.” Yonghwa smiled faintly.

“But you are not sorry for that, right..”

“I am afraid, yes...”

Taeyeon just shook he head in disagreement. “Just take care of her well! You must promise me that!”

“Of course. That’s what i do after all this time.” Answered Yonghwa.

“Take care.” Said Tiffany cheerfully to change the gloomy atmosphere. She hugged Seohyun and patted Yonghwa’s shoulder.

Then they left to seperate way. Taeyeon and Tiffany heading to Seoul while Yonghwa and Seohyun caught the last express bus heading to Busan.




The trip from Sucheon from Busan took about 2 hours. Seohyun fell asleep in Yonghwa’s embrace. Yonghwa stayed awake as he tighten his hug around her petite figure. The bus was empty and he could careless. He relaxed a bit and enjoy their little escape. Far from Seoul. Far from media. Far from prying eyes of the obnoxious fans.




“Hyun-ah~ Wake up. We’ve arrived.” Yonghwa whispered to Seohyun softly.

“Hng?” Seohyun rubbed her eyes lazily.

“We’ll get a cab then you can sleep again. For now, let’s get down first.”

Seohyun just nodded sleepily as they get down from the bus. Yonghwa halted the cab then they both got in. Yonghwa told the destination to the careless old driver. The driver even didn’t noticed them. This was really good.

In about fifteen minutes, they had arrived in Jung’s residence. It was located on a fine apartment building. Jung’s family known as a wealthy familiy after all. They both got in and went to a certain floor in that building.

As the elevator stop, they went straigthly to Yonghwa’s home. He typed the passcode then enter the house. The light were still on. It means that his parents were waiting for them, since Yonghwa had informed them that Seohyun and him would come.

“Oh! You’ve arrived. Welcome home!” Said a beautiful middle aged woman as she hugged both of Yonghwa and Seohyun.

“Eomma!” Said Yonghwa.

“Anyeong haseyo, Eomma.” Said Seohyun.

“Omo~ Seohyun-ah! I really miss you!” Said Yonghwa’s mother as she held Seohyun’s hand.

“Oh! Seohyun is here?” Suddenly Yonghwa’s Appa came from his room.

“Appa! I’m here too, by the way.” Said Yonghwa.

“I’d love to see Seohyun more than you, Son.” Said Yonghwa’s appa playfully. He hugged Seohyun first and then Yonghwa.

“Have you two have dinner? Eomma will heat up the food. Wait, Okay?”

Since it was late at night, Yonghwa’s parent left them alone and got their rest first. Yonghwa’s Eomma told Seohyun that she could sleep in Yonghwa’s brother room since Yonghwa’s brother was in his study abroad. Seohyun just nodded silently. Actually it didn’t necesarry. She would sleep in Yonghwa’s room after all, but well.. Yonghwa’s parents didn’t have to know about that. She would wake up early in the morning and greeted them as if they slept in the seperate room. Sneaky, yes it was. But she couldn’t skip a night together with Yonghwa whenever they got their quality time.

“I miss this room.” Said Yonghwa as he lied himself on his bed. “Come here, Hyun-ah..” He patted the empty space beside him.

Seohyun lied next to him and hugged him tight, “And i miss you..” She said.

“Yah! Since when you become this cheessy?” He chuckled.

“Since i am with you...?” She giggled at her own answer.

“Jinjja, Seo Joohyun.” He kissed he hair.

They both fell in a comfortable silent. Yonghwa was brushing his lips on her temple in a slow pace. Seohyun’s hands began its journey to explore Yonghwa’s body. Imprinted it on her palm. She squeezed his not so toned arm, slide her finger on the length of his side body and his thigh in a delirious manner.

Yonghwa escaped a low groan and grabbed her body tighter while Seohyun continued to trail her hand to his lower part between his legs. Yonghwa growled and grabbed Seohyun’s hand. He pulled her hand to his chest. They both looked each other as Seohyun shoot him a naughty gaze.

“What a naughty girl of mine.” He commented.

“I am.” Said Seohyun then she pushed Yonghwa on his back and kissed him good. The kiss was rough and intense. They refused to lost on their battle of dominance. Seohyun tilted her head and made the kiss even deeper. On the other hand, Yonghwa grabbed her nape and gave her a slow massage. His other free hand glided to measure the length of her legs.

The kiss getting hotter and urgent. Both of them had tried to strip each other clothes off. Seohyun had succesfully made him topless while Yonghwa had find its way to her dress. He was so close to make her completely until a knock was heard on his door. They stopped from whatever they doing and sat straight to make sure that there was a knock on the door.

“Yonghwa-yah? Seohyun-ah?” Called a voice outside Yonghwa’s room. That was her mother. Holly crap!

Seohyun stood frantically, “Oppa! Zip it up! Palli!” She said in urge. Yonghwa nodded and zipped her dress and then he wore again his t-shirt. Seohyun checked herself in the mirror and brushed her hair to make it presentable while Yonghwa opened the door.

“Yes, Eomma?” Said Yonghwa.

“Oh! You two haven’t sleep yet?” Asked Yonghwa’s Eomma. She looked at Yonghwa and then Seohyun who now sat on the bed. Seohyun smiled nervously.

“Yep. We just talked back then. Well, since we rarely meet we do chat a lot.” Said Yonghwa.

“But it’s getting late... better if you two go to sleep.” Said Yonghwa’s Eomma. Somehow the glint in her eyes told that she actually knew what happen before she came. By looking how messy this couple looked, it told her a lot more than she expected.

“Yes, Eomma...” Said Seohyun then she stormed out from Yonghwa’s room to avoid further embarrassement. She entered the unused Yonghwa’s brother room then close the door.

After Seohyun went to the other bedroom, Yonghwa’s Eomma didn’t leave her spot. She still stood in front of Yonghwa’s room.

“You know my son, i don’t expect Yongseo junior born before you two officially married.” She said with a serious look.

“Wh-what do you mean, Eomma?” Asked Yonghwa. Tried to look as clueless as possible.

“Don’t pretend that you don’t understand.” She shook her head, “I am sure that you two have done that...”

“Ehm...” Yonghwa cleared . This was awkward. Talked about his life even with her own mother was beyond imagination. Never in his life would think that his mother would figure this out.

“Should i make it clear? I know you two have already have se-...”

“Yes, Eomma.. Erm, please you don’t have to mention that.” Yonghwa cut he words. His mother smiled amusingly. She really enjoyed torturing her son. “Of course, that won’t happen. Yongseo junior will born in the right time. I promise.”

“Can i trust you?” Her mother looked at him sceptically.

“I am responsible man, Eomma...” He smiled at her mother.

“Okay. I believe in you.”

“Oh, you must.”

Yonghwa’s Eomma just shook her head. She patted his shoulder and said good night then left to her bedroom. Yonghwa watched her mother went, after that Seohyun came out from her bedroom. She tiptoed to Yonghwa’s direction.

“What did Eomma said? I couldn’t catch all the conversation.” Seohyun said.

Yonghwa smiled at her. She grabbed her hand and lead them to sat on the couch. “Eomma said that we must make sure that Yongseo junior will born as soon as possible..”

“Mwo?” Seohyun gasped in surprise but in the next second her eyed squinted, “You are lying, aren’t you?”

Yonghwa chuckled then brought her to his embrace, feeling her warmth against his body. Just held Seohyun like this made his heart peaceful. He really imagined a little family which was he built together with her. Little son, little daughter or both of them would do.

“Oppa..” Seohyun called him, sensing his silence.

“Hmm?” He said as he inhaled her scent.

“What are you thinking?”

“Hmm...” He paused, “I do really want to make Yongseo baby become reality. But earlier, my mother said that they must born after we get married.”

“Oh..” She simply commented. Somehow, her heart felt so warm. Made a family with him was a fabulous idea. “I’ll be waiting for that....” She said as she tighten her embrace.

“Surely, that time will come.” Yonghwa answered. “And to wait the time comes, we better practice as often as we can.” He said naughtily on her ears.

“What practice?”

“Practice to make baby of course!” He wriggled his brows.

She slapped his chest playfully. Then Yonghwa lifted her up in bridal style, lead them to Yonghwa’s room. Since Yonghwa’s parents already asleep, this time there wouldn’t be any distraction. Tonight, their little sweet escape would end up, as usual, in bed...




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Quality time chap 4 is up!


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Chapter 34: i enjoyed reading these one shots. i hope you could add more.
hwaseo #2
Love this story so much!!!
I have keep reading it repeatedly
Chapter 34: omgggg pls update . I really love your story
pipipink #4
Chapter 34: Always wait for next...next...and next
Chapter 34: Please update i love this story so much
ranijann #6
Chapter 6: im happy both inlove..
Chapter 17: Love this story so much please update
simutniea #8
Chapter 34: Author-nim... Please update your story. Love this story so much. So happy that they engaged although secretly.
marquez #9
update pls.
marquez #10
update pls.