The Sleepover

I'm Engaged to a BEAST???


Yuri’s POV

We didn’t do much that night except played board games and had a karaoke singing competition, against one another. It was sort of unfair for me because Minzy was already in a band and the others were now all training to be one, which left me the odd one out.

But, I was a good sportsperson so I joined in however shy I was to sing, and it turned out, surprisingly, that I could sing. L.Joe laughed and said that I need to debut one day.

Who knows, it might just be what I’m good at and maybe it’s my path as well, to become a singer like my brother.

Huh, one career to look into.


After the competition (with Niel and Chunji neck-to-neck with one another since they both have amazing voices, with Changjo not too far from there), we started new game of Monopoly, splitting into teams.

Chunji and Minzy were one team, obviously. Those two were attached to the hips, I tell you. Even L.Joe and I weren’t that . . . intimate. But then again, we weren’t in a relationship like they were. The both of us were just very close, best friends.

But I’ve digressed.

Anyway, so for the other teams and their members, CAP and Niel became another team (well, really, they were just the one left because the rest of us had already chosen our partners), and the maknaes wanted to be a team together, which left Sherlock and Watson together. Like L.Joe said, we came in a package deal.

We didn’t mind.

We all liked the arrangement (except CAP and Niel).

It was an intense game, conferring with our teammates, strategizing how we were going to play, which property we would buy first, negotiating with the other teams along the way, and who we want to kick out first.

CAP and Niel kept squabbling, disagreeing with each other. Chunji and Minzy bought nearly all the properties, which left them bankrupt when they had to pay their income taxes per houses. L.Joe and I went along with the flow. Only the little ones deliberated vigilantly and won the game in the end. L.Joe and I, being the other ‘sanest’ team, came second whilst Minzy and Chunji came third, which left the bickering couple in last place.

But it was actually fun, trying to trick each other as we can and such, chomping on snacks and laughing as we fooled around. When the game ended, it was already three o’clock in the morning.

Wow, it was that late already.

Then we decided it was time to head for bed since we needed to start early the next day . . . or later in the morning, I should say. This was going to be fairly difficult, seeing as there was no spare room here and the boys slept in the same room.

“Minzy can sleep in the same bed as me,” Chunji spoke up, giving his girlfriend a little flirty wink, and Minzy blushed furiously. He smiled and gave her an Eskimo kiss. She giggled and looked away with embarrassment.

L.Joe and I snickered.

In all the years I’ve known Minzy, she wasn’t the type to be so girly and flirty but I guess Chunji changed that about her.

“Noona can sleep with me!” Changjo yelled and L.Joe just walloped him on the head.

“Yah, you ert!” Sherlock reprimanded. “Don’t think such dirty thoughts.”

Changjo gave me a pitiful look but I shook my head firmly. “Nope, even I won’t agree.”

“Noona!” he whined.

Ricky patted his back compassionately. “Oh well. You will sleep tonight as a courageous man for gathering the guts to ask noona to sleep with you,” he said naively and Niel cracked up, doubling over with laughter.

Oh gosh, Ricky, he was so innocent, it was too cute to just watch and not laugh!

L.Joe shook his head and sighed. “Pabo,” he mumbled under his breath.

He blinked at us. “Waeyo?”

“Aigoo,” I fussed and reached out to pinch his cheeks. “You are so adorable, really,” I said to him and he blushed at the flattering remark. “I wonder where you get your good looks from.”

He just blinked again. He tilted his head to a side and gave me a befuddled expression. “Noona, are my cheeks that pinch-able?” he wanted to know.

I nodded. “Very,” I answered solemnly.

Chunji turned to Minzy. “How about it, huh?” he asked, going back to the original topic.

CAP glowered at him. “No way,” he said sharply.

“Come on, do you honestly think we’ll do something when you guys are in the room as well?” Chunji griped, having a point.

“Still no.”

“Well, I guess could sleep out here in the living room,” Niel proposed, waving his hand around the room.

We glanced around and saw the huge mound of clutter we had produced. The board game was still laid out on the floor, empty cans of drink were scattered all over, along with empty bags of potato chips.

None of us were that keen to clean up the mess just so we could sleep on it.

“But we’ll have to clean it up sooner or later,” Ricky pointed out.

CAP looked at the wall clock. “It’s almost three-thirty.” He gave a sigh and ran a hand through his head. “You know what; we’ll sleep in our beds tonight. The girls will crash with us too.”

Chunji hugged Minzy. “I call dibs on her!” he called as if there were others who would want her. Even there was, if they ever so dare open their mouths, they wouldn’t be able to make it alive to the holiday trip.

Changjo looked at me and beamed, spreading his arms wide. “Noona, my bed is always welcomed for you to sleep in with me!” he said with a huge grin on his face.

“Fat chance,” L.Joe retorted cruelly and enveloped his arms around my waist, towing me to him. “But Watson will sleep with Sherlock.”

Ricky creased his nose cutely and looked at him. “Dude, that sounds wrong,” he said.

Dude?” L.Joe exploded. “Yah, you want to die, is it?!”

The rest of us burst out laughing as Ricky’s eyes went wide.

“Omo, what did I say?!” Ricky knocked his own head. “I am so dumb.” He smiled sweetly at L.Joe. “I meant to call you ‘hyung’. Sorry, it slipped out from my mouth.”

L.Joe opened his mouth to snap back.

“Bbuing, bbuing!”

,” L.Joe cursed in a low voice so the younger ones wouldn’t hear (well, take a look at Ricky — he may not be that much younger, but he still look and act so innocent!) and I laughed, knowing that even he couldn’t resist falling for Ricky’s aegyo.

I looked around at the mess once more before I turned to CAP. “But who will clean this up? You know that we have to wake up early and I doubt any of us will be in the mood to clean up all this mess.”

He grinned as though he already had a plan. “That’s easy,” he said. “The maknaes are going to clean this whole mess up as a reward for winning the game. Of course, I want to sleep in my bed tonight so yeah. Have fun, guys.”

Ricky and Changjo shot him a glare while the rest of us all went to prepare to sleep. By the time we were done, they were surprisingly done too. The living room was spotless.


Once we were settled in beds, CAP turned off the lights and got in bed. Since Chunji and L.Joe originally slept on the top bunks, but since Minzy and I were here, they decided to swap places with Niel and Changjo for the night. So we took the bottom bunks while they moved up to the top. Ricky didn’t want to move.

CAP, Niel and the maknaes became dead to the world really fast. L.Joe and I could hear their light snores as they slumbered into dreamland. Somewhere near us, we could hear the low murmurs of Chunji and Minzy as they had a little conversation.

Soon the room was silent with only occasional snores and our low breathings.

I turned my position so I would be facing L.Joe. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness so I was able to see him. He was facing me too, smiling. I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me close, snaking his arms around my waist. I smiled at him, grateful to have my best friend here with me.

He kissed my forehead. “Are you excited about going to Starhill with us tomorrow?” he whispered.

I nodded. “Yeah,” I replied. “This is my first time going to some place with Teen Top.”

He smiled. “You know, I was really glad to know that you were coming,” he said. “I was thinking, ‘At least my New Year won’t be so bad with my best friend coming along.’”

“Really?” I asked.

He nodded. He smiled. “Yuri-yah, it’s late. We really need to go to sleep now.”

I nodded, feeling my eyelids getting heavier by the minute. I let out a yawn and soon he yawned as well. “Well, I guess that’s our cue to sleep.”

He nodded and snuggled up with me, tucking my head under his chin. I held onto his shirt in a fist as he put a hand around my shoulder and the other on my head. He made sure that the blanket was covering the both of us. I could feel his heartbeat thumping softly against my chest. I felt his breath on my hair and soon, I felt his lips pressing softly there as well.

“Good night,” he whispered to me. “Sweet dreams, my Watson.”

“Good night, Sherlock,” I mumbled sleepily, aware he was hugging me. “Sweet dreams to you too.”


The next morning, or rather, at seven, we woke up. Minzy and I got to use the bathroom first. Minzy, as usual, was dressed in an excessively fashionable winter clothes that’ll keep her warm.

I was wearing plain black jeans and a shirt. I would wear my winter hoodie later once we walk out of the apartment. It’s been snowing quite a lot recently, seeing as it is winter and all.

L.Joe was next and as soon as everyone was done, it was time to go. We walked out of the apartment, glad that the maknaes cleaned it up earlier, and then we lugged our luggage out of the place to load it in the van.

Once it was loaded, we turned to each other to settle on the seating arrangements. There were only three rows in the van: in the front with the driver, the first row and the second row. The third row was taken up by all our bags and extra stuff we wanted to carry.

“We’ll split, then,” CAP suggested. “One sit in front with me and then the others split into two group, which means each row will have three people.” He looked at all of us. “Is that clear?”

“I want to sit next to noona!” Changjo cried and almost at once, he had wrapped his arms around mine. “Let’s take the middle row, shall we?”

I looked at him in surprise. “Eh . . .”

L.Joe glared at him. “I guess I’m the other person who —”

“I’ll share!” Ricky cried out and ran to grab my other hand. He grinned down at me since he was taller even though I was older.

L.Joe looked depressed.

“I’m sitting in front with hyung,” Niel quickly spoke up. He looked at CAP and shrugged. “What? I would so prefer sitting next to you than being the lamppost for Chunji hyung and Minzy.”

My poor Sherlock looked even more miserable. He gave dagger looks toward the maknaes and they just childishly poked their tongues out at him.

“Mehrong!” Changjo said with glee.

Ricky beamed at me. But then he looked at L.Joe and saw the displeased expression on his face. Being the one filled with compassion, he softened. “Why don’t we switch places later, half-way throughout the journey?” he suggested to L.Joe.

I smiled and L.Joe nodded, brightening. But then he glared at Changjo. “Thanks for offering.”

Changjo, who was still clinging onto my arm, shrugged and said, “He offered.”

“Let’s go in!” CAP said, starting the engine and we all piled up into the van. “Is everyone in?” He turned to make sure before he pulled the van out of the curb and drove off.

“We’re going to paarrrtaaayy!” Ricky and Changjo sang, making me sit in between of them, even though they were the first ones to fall asleep on the ride there.

We were on our way!



Hehehe, I know, I know. You're all wondering why it's so slow. Patiences, my pretties. I've got plans for you :P hahahaha!

I'm high @@

HI! :P

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Chapter 77: Aw! All those munchkins... So cute!! :D
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Chapter 21: IM LIKE CRYING RITE NOW AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 77: Awwwww i loved the story!!! (Besides the , but iskipped over it) . Anyway, i love how you incorporated alternate endings. It would have been hard to choose! Excellent story, with excellent characters and plot. *applauds*
Chapter 67: Omo!! This story is sssooooo great so far! Minahe for not previously commenting. :) i cannot wait to read the rest. You really know how to capture an audience, or at least my attention. :)
For3ver123 #8
Chapter 28: Aww, you bumm): Why do you have to make me cryy?))))))':